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Everything posted by JET7

  1. my comparison shot side by side with the legit MP release i, impostor!
  2. just completed my Budget G1 MP's , non-legits and 4p and 3ps lols
  3. For the budget conscious.. no breaking of banks and wallets here, but still delivers and much better (with improvements) than the legits..
  4. got the other two.. now im scouting for the one you have
  5. JET7

    3P SD VF-1S

    have the earlier release under fansmaketoys.. oh my lord!.. have lots of patience with it! lots of it. better yet.. stay away. not worth the money.
  6. dont squish me..i dont have googly eyes
  7. @vlehoff, yep. Perfect effect with lots of fixes.. good thing PE supplier gave me the wobbly hands fix. custom PE prowlastator head..
  8. Perfect effect hands hinge repair fix works!
  9. agree to the argument that HasTak should finish the G1 toyline first, before doing the latest generations.. im still waiting for a Masterpiece line of JETFIRE not kronos or any third party add-ons..
  10. estimated cost each?
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