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Everything posted by JET7

  1. im hoping somebody will post a clearer pics of this baby..
  2. ohh yes!.. time to break the piggy bank again.. my collects are longing for somethin new
  3. gee.. ever wonder why is it called "HI-METAL".. wherein its supposed to be called.. HI-PLASTIC dont get me wrong.. im happy for the toyline, i just wish it was made of metal like doyusha's die-cast build..and make it transformable, now thats hi-metal. then again as i have said before, ill eat all my words if they release a VF-1S Strike of this line, regardless if its 90% plastic
  4. can anyone identify the die-cast parts? is it 80% plastic.. 20% die-cast?
  5. we share the same sentiments on the painted visor v1-rs like on my painted visor diy.. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WPuAcTeO_b8/TCGm1Z31l-I/AAAAAAAAAJ8/evDVfxh9Su0/s1600/IMG_6953.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WPuAcTeO_b8/S8qaTXEkSII/AAAAAAAAACU/Pu2kUlqAfJw/s1600/revoltech2001.jpg
  6. either the owner painted it to his liking.. i for one like the painted scheme visor rather than the albino look of the vf1j no paint visor. its a preference
  7. passed up on this guy..got the masterpiece grimlock instead, and happy i did. but when the vf1s/strike appears for this line.. i cracking the piggy bank asap!
  8. any wild guess when will they make a strike pack VF1S? Im guessing bandai will follow this scenario.. 1) release vf1j 2) release vf1j max (exclusive) 3) release vf1s 4) tweedle dum tweedle dum.... 5) sales good.. let make the strike pack 6) release strike pack separately 7) tweedle dum tweedle dum.... release the combo set, vf1j,vf1s with strike packs.. 9) milked you bwhahahaha...
  9. its really hard to justify the cost of buying this hi-metal.. when its really (really) close to the price of an average v2 1/60 yamato.
  10. noob question: why is there a need for two wing sets?
  11. these are old bandai re-issue kits.. the old descendant of hasegawas do you think im ready to take on hasegawa kits?
  12. can i share my 1/72.. old school kit
  13. i would gladly sell all my yamato v2's if bandai re-issues new models for the chunkies.. like vt1,vf1d and elintseekers
  14. agreed, it would be a seller if it came with strike parts.
  15. JET7


    cause im a cheapskate, i cant buy the yamato's mighty bloc stand.. i made one myself this one came from the stand of an external cdrom that stands vertically..color beige, then painted black and added some yellow stripes.. well you get the idea.. more pics can be viewed here.. http://jet7-toysnparts.blogspot.com tfl
  16. thanks for the reply guys, its around $30+ in my country.. ive done 2 kits already http://jet7-toysnparts.blogspot.com/2010/04/my-bandai-macross-build-kits-zen-of.html do you think with my previous builds.. i can do it? im afraid of messing things up.. im a fast buider..the heck even if i skip lunch to dinner..i just want to finish it asap. any links where i can see a completely built up of this kit?
  17. i saw one lyin in a specialty toy shop.. it can transform to 3 modes.. is this worth buying/assembling? like this one can anyone post pics fully assembled and detailed?
  18. you hit the spot.. i guess the question is.. who will be released first grimmy or hikky..
  19. im torn between Hasbro MP Grimlock or gettin these..
  20. no to sealed mint in boxed, stored in boxed chunkies!!.. play and display! let 'em out
  21. just playin around with the camera settings..
  22. soon we'll see someone posting "POST your REGULT BROKEN ANTENNA (never mind the crappy pics)"
  23. this toy (rather collectible).. is very promising. i would sell my spare yamatos for this.. bring on the 1S, 1A, 1D,.. specially the strike packs!.. must work in overtime. must work in overtime. must work in overtime. must work in overtime.
  24. agree on the threadstarters sentiments, at first it was such a cool thing to see.. specially when you came from the chunky monkey toy lines.. but as months, years goes by.. i just want to stare at it.. coz i dont want to play with it because of the @#%@#$^ crotch that simply wont cooperate. heck sometimes i wanna swap this with a MASTERPIECE GRIMLOCK
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