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Everything posted by JET7

  1. thanks, just too lazy to find me a black zip tie
  2. one lazy afternoon in the office, tried fooling around underneath the office internet switch/hub, i zip tied my custom clamp onto roy..
  3. O.T. do you guys know when the toynami will releas GBP-1S vf1js 1/100?
  4. very nice nightmare.. in bot mode..mines' in jet mode..all of em.
  5. I think the thread starter specifically specify the scale of 1/100 and not a 1/60 scale.
  6. basing from your statement.. toynami will be good on you.. coz your a caring toy owner. the crispiness is on the socket joints (leg and tail wing) just apply some glue gun on some joints to stiffen it (temporarily) youre good to go. heres some quick comparison pic as to bandai's vf 1/100 hi-metals its cheap its fun its customizable its a nice rendition of the vf valkyrie.. i dont like the bot mode..just the plane rendition only its cheap heres my toynami squadron
  7. imho, even the crispiest toynami can be durable to a careful and knowledgeable toy owner.
  8. JET7


    i still pew pew pew them.. swoosh..
  9. i believe this is their work also? cmiiw. just look at that strap mod.
  10. @takatoys, your pictures are drool worthy. really old school DIY masterpiece. im also fan of their work, this image that i got from the net five or more years ago was the awakening of my macross addiction. thumbs up to them.
  11. logos, i feel you, i have most of my toys in the office..its my stress removal area at work. whats a masterpiece starscream doin in there hehe
  12. haha ..the zen of super glue! i told ya it works wonders. just be very careful on droppin it on the swivel hinge, you might not be able to re-open the feet because of the of super glue mishap
  13. you can have it at www.greattoysonline.com they ship worldwide. arent these tamashi stands available in ebay?
  14. got mine in 4 days. its just a cheap item, but i love it coz its hard to find this gnu-do in my country, not to mention its in stop production. he'll stay in there for life. unopened.
  15. just got me a stage 5 stand this christmas..sharing again some flight pics
  16. it wasnt a big hit coz i think its darn expensive..just for stand if it will 50-70% off sale now thats a success we yamato fans would rejoice and hit the sales up im just hoping you know
  17. how i wish we can petition for a mighty block stand DYRL style to be on sale
  18. erratum: the ball joint on the feet is plastic, so its plastic to plastic connection but still is very loose, putting a very minimal amount of super glue fixes the looseness just be wary of the hazing effect, so i suggest just a itsy bitsy drop on the canal of the balljoint.
  19. no apologies, take all the time you need, reviewing and posing and taking pictures of toys takes such dedication and alotted time. Im one of your avid followers and much thankful of your site. our difference and thankful for that matter, i live in a place that i can just walk the street and buy these toys (without shipping and handling mambo jumbos), unlike in your case.. you order em online and wait for shipping.
  20. they should have opted to use plastic to plastic ball joint combination.. its a different case if its metal to metal "friction" combination. well we cant have a perfect toy if we are a perfectionist.. just the same, ill give bandai 95 score on this one..considering the size and attention to detail. just my .001 cents ill still wait for jenius to put up his review on anymoon.
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