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Everything posted by Lethalzero

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thats why i think the sheryl character is more challenging than ranka's.... ranka's char is more of a typical heroine while sheryl's a bit complicated.... death...death... who dont fear death... in manga's, we always see main char, villains do not fear death.. now this is something different...
  2. i may be not to eloquent on macross world but here's my two cents i like the the episode for sheryl, because i know this will test her personality and i know she raise up again... saying her fave line " because i am sheryl" xD
  3. you may call me a pervert but i find sheryl sexy and erotic when shes singing..... for me of course
  4. still no sub at veoh.. i hope someone is kind enough to upload it there.. or limewire.. 0.0 anyone 0.0
  5. she still have the mayan thing in her... and the necklace..hehehe i havent watched ep 18 yet... hope subs come out soon.. i agree on the pills that make my sheryl sick... i think it is grace is using it to sustain the v virus within her..
  6. i want the sheryl piece...why? because its big i mean the cake speaks ala ranka when she greeted alto on his bday in gallia 4) HAPPY BDAY, Crasis_KUN
  7. still he cant make a move with those hot chicks.. its like your staring in a very yummy banana split but cant eat it.. xD
  8. Sheryl and VF-25S would be enough to be alto-kun d@mn that bastard.. nevertheless Ozma is cool.. who wants to be bobby?
  9. i hope the sub version come out soon x_x
  10. i want a leon with ranka pose xD or a Vajra xD
  11. Lethalzero

    Latest custom.

    so this is the bad boy of the squadron xD nice sir.... what can i say, its pretty awesome
  12. VF-25S VF-25F
  13. more and more people are creating threads about MacrossF addiction.. maybe we should have some counseling here... and i might join you guys.. darn... i want the next episode asap.. (ps: with SUb , i dont understand japanese xD )
  14. yeah.. congratulations on your work...
  15. i havent watch it... ~_~ it is soo freaking sad that i am not in japan so when will sub be out?
  16. i still like sheryl... shes now showing her soft side... and her being stubborn is what i ilke best
  17. me too.. can anybody translate Thanks
  18. or a folding device like vajras....
  19. in episode 11 i think, when SMS Macross quarter was launched to rescue the remaining surviving ships from Macross Galaxy... Have you noticed mr. Bilrer's and Leon's reaction when the Vajra battleship came? Mr. Bilrer is wearing a ring with a purple gem similar to Sheryl's earings... And one more thing, the Vajra's Battleship was equipped with a new technology ( based on to Luca's reaction) a fold reactor? Is LAI people interested on the Vajra technology? hmm Mr. Bilrer, Leon, Grace Brera ..................... What relationship do these people have?
  20. she was right beside the dimension eater.. she can never survive ( i hope so )
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