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Skull 0ne

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Everything posted by Skull 0ne

  1. I don't know about you guys but this re-release of the VF-1S 1/48 has pissed me off <_< <_< Its like yamato thinks that it can release a crappy one knowing that it's every one's fav and there going to buy it, and then a couple of months later re-releassing it with all the fixes... so ever one will buy it all over agian and double there sales. I'm still in Highschool and I saved forever to get the perfect valk, which came to be the 1/48 valk. So I naturely waited for my fav, and then spent all my hard earned cash to find that the thing has more falts than the sananndreis falt!!! Sorry guys just had to get that out, Mods you can delete this if you want. Aaron
  2. I would like, one 1/48 VF-1A/S Stiker sheet Thanks, Skull B)
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