Well you know that merphies law that says what your looking for is always in the last place you look, well here in GrantsPass Oregon at the Walmart we just got a brand new shipment of about 30 MPC Primes with black guns.
Also you guys did not tell me how cool this thing is I almost hate to take it out of it's box it looks so sweet and its huge, a lot bigger than I thought. But now I'm out 60.00 buck
You know what I felt the very same way. Kind of funny, when I started watching it my brother and I would sit there and make fun of it but when Adult Swim started it over and I watched it from the beganing I realy started to like it.
I to was kind of confused about the ending. It kind of struk me as a EVA type of ending, where the robots and every thing were eye candy and the hole story is about Rodger comming to grips with who he is or his memories.
Well it's offical the RED COMET is back, and this message board was just getting it's sanity back. O well
You are Sailorjupiter, you never back down in a fight.
I'm not mad(or almost mad) about what said about about the TF's ( every one has the right to say they hate somthing) it's just what was said about TF's Fans sanity.
If I remimber right I read some where that said that fasa did not rip those mechs off they actuly asked the permission of the creator of macross to use those mech designes, but then after he sold the rights over to harmony gold they through a big fit about fasa using there designes. and yes this is what realy happend I used to have the link to the website (I will find it and post it, the page is a lot like the patition page for the issue with harmony gold and not letting us have real valks).
Wait a sec Wait sec seanse were going to get into megatrons size problems, if I remimber right wassen't there a few shows where megs also fit into human hands, soundwave did this too along with shrapnel, kickback and bombshell
Ken says "I watch queer eye for the straight guy" lol but realy can this generation of kids get any more f**ked up than they all ready are. I start to see it more and more in my little sister every day, acting just like all those other little brats. What is this world commoing to.