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Skull 0ne

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Everything posted by Skull 0ne

  1. Yeah and one snipe to seal it. Yeah my old account with alot good feedback got Neg Bombed and then highjacked. So to say the lest, it was shot....
  2. There I fixed it.... it went for 102.50 and the guy just sent me the money!
  3. First if I posted this in the wrong section forgive me, mods please move if it is.... Anyway I was selling some stuff on ebay and one of them happened to a exo squad battlepod. Well I thought normaly these things go for about 40.00 dollars or so. But I had no idea that they went for this much. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=ADME:B:EF:US:1 I bought that thing 4 years ago for about 20.00 , now I wish I haddent sold it, if I had only knowen that its value was going up that quick...........
  4. Very 4chan of you............
  5. Here are some pictures of the proto-beta........ Can some one say big chunk of plastic?
  6. Check out what is up for sale( I mean Preorder) on Ebay!!!! http://cgi.ebay.ca/Yamato-Macross-VF-1-Val...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Nerd-gasium
  8. Are you sure you diden't end up with the one I sent back........ Sounds like the one I got all over again.
  9. Oops forgot the Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Limited-Transformers-D...1QQcmdZViewItem
  10. Hey would any of you guys know if this "TRANSFORMERS 20th Anniversary boxset" is legit or a bootleg? Thanks Aaron
  11. Some one all ready posted about it........... Please mod this topic. Aaron
  12. Here are some of mine...... I diden't make them..........
  13. Well I just got me MPC alpha today.............................. MASTER PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!! is more like it I have seen bootlegs with better looking paint jobs & locking parts. I am so sending this thing back, I can't belive this thing cost me $80.00. Then I'm going to buy one of the old modal kits, build and paint it my self ( I can't paint color by numbers ) and I still have a better looking toy. PS. They spent more money detailing that stupied box( Which is realy hella nice) than the toy I'm talking like 70% 30%. PIECE OF JUNK................
  14. ....................... hhhmmmm interesting.........
  15. All I did was post some cockpit and pilot positions pics of the glaug and regult, becouse Morpheus had siad somthing about them not fitting in there, but I releazied after I posted that my pics were to big, off topic and I could not get them to resize so I gave up a edited my posts. Thats all. MECH PORN O and here is somthing for the topic at hand:
  16. Nothing to see here anymore........
  17. once again.......
  18. Off topic post......
  19. Now go buy 50 of them! CREEPY exo you avitar blinks
  20. Does anyone now where it came from? I just found the pictures on 4chan, but the link that was given with it diden't look related.
  21. Transform
  22. F-22? My mistake "edit"
  23. OMG......LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL I almost spit orange juice all over computer, when I saw that......
  24. Thanks jonwayne and guppy for the info.
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