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Skull 0ne

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Everything posted by Skull 0ne

  1. Are there two releases, a regular and a limited? Limited http://www.yesasia.com/us/macross-plus-complete-blu-ray-box-blu-ray-limited-pressing-japan-version/1032216023-0-0-0-en/info.html And a regular edition? http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Macross-Plus-CompleteParts-1-4-Blu-ray/63609/
  2. Skull 0ne


    ahh come on stop teasing
  3. Skull 0ne


    Same here!!! I'll take five.
  4. I would be willing to take 5. -Aaron
  5. .... wow.... Just wow.... That is a incredible toy!
  6. Like I said in my first post I'm not trying to take credit for any thing......... I just found the torrent...... I can ask to have the thread deleted if every one wants.
  7. I thought you guys might like this. I take no credit in it's creation though, I just found it browsing a torrent site. MACROSS_TECHNICAL_PICTURES [mininova] "torrent": http://www.mininova.org/get/960711 Rapidshare link: I'll put one up if anyone really wants it........
  8. Up date: http://www.industrialus.com/spider/
  9. [Fanboy] OMG OMG OMG EEEEEEEEEE [/fanboy] My prays have been answered.
  11. What he said, but I did saved most of them if there is a good place to upload them I will.
  12. I hope this gets the attention it needs in this section, but there is a thread going on at 4chan right now that has a lot of high rez Macross pictures being posted. I figure some of you would be interested, so here is the link: http://orz.4chan.org/hr/res/59025.html
  13. Wow, good luck with this. It would be realy somthing cool if you did an awsome job on this. Wish I had time to contribute somthing.
  14. Needs a coat of black wash bad.
  15. I would like to kmow as well?
  16. Here you go..... http://cgi.ebay.com/Srungle-Clover-Srung-C...4QQcmdZViewItem
  17. I hate to see the Robotech label on this movie but it's pretty cool, I did a search on here and haden't seen it posted before so enjoy.
  18. GAY GAY GAY I mean about them not releaseing any of the new games with anime mecha........
  19. Yeah I'm with you..... sadly....
  20. New News is Good News!
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