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Everything posted by Akilae

  1. This being Rodreguez, he'd probably film it all for $100 and a few foot of film.... Okay, I know he's a few films removed from the $5,000 "El Mariachi" days... but at least the man knows how to get films made within limits. EDIT: Grammar, spelling, etc..
  2. Second one: My biggest gripe about the figure: that annoying gap right down the middle of the two hinged chest pieces... close the gap, and the left pauldron becomes loose. Tighten the clamp on the left pauldron, and the main chest piece sticks out so much it looks funny... oh, observation as I was dismantling the figure... the thighs come completely off...
  3. Just thought I might post my Leo, seeing we only have Bronze Cloths up right now :-p Just two for now, since I still can't pose the friggin thing without fear of snapping one of the plastic tabs....
  4. Just got the Leo, very very nice... although the armor seems to have some quirks that I can't quite figure out... some pieces don't really seem to go together as well as I thought they would... so hard to decide how to pose him though... either armored figure, or on the display rack... hmm, I almost feel like getting a second one just to do both Anybody have any idea when Sagittarius is coming out? These would probably be the only two I'll be getting, lack of money, grr...
  5. First reaction: "Platformers...." Seriously, anybody also see a tie-in game coming out at around the same time, which allows you to perfectly recreate the final volcano battle?
  6. first thought would be E-Mono, essentially a nearly complete guide to Evangelion merchandise... but it's a book.
  7. whoa, thanx, THAT's the show!! man... brings back memories.... and all that cheesiness... good memories though. Thanks again!
  8. I was cleaning out the basement, so to speak, and found a battered toy that was quite undoubtedly from a tokusatsu series... was just wondering if some of the gurus on the board could help me ID the series. I think it would go under the so-called "metal heroes" genre, but the armor is much more blockier and heavier than, say, Space Sheriff. There are three main chars, three colors, Red, Green, and... Blue I think? I only found the torso and arm of the Red character, the lightest armed character. The Green dude was the heaviest armed I think. There are hinged clips on the forearms where they clipped on all sorts of heavy weaponry. I would post photos of it if it hadn't gotten accidentally thrown away with the trash The internet hasn't been of much help, since all I found were info on Space Sheriff.
  9. My god that Temjin looks awful.... I wonder if we'll end up seeing all of the mechs from Hades Project Zeromyer... wierd though, that it's such an old piece of work already.
  10. *shrug*... this is why I only have a 30 gig "Deathstar"... the thought of 120+ gigs of stuff, all riding on the fact that the HD head floats with pinpoit precision between the storage mediums is a bit unnerving... not to mention MTBF for HDs are really getting a tad bit short. A small HD would encourage one to burn more, accumulate less. Now if games would just stop ballooning in terms of install size, I wouldn't have to rotate my games in and out of the HD :-p (For a while I only installed stuff that I needed to play, then uninstalled right after... try to imagine installing HL+CS right before every single clan tourney... the uninstalling when the match was over. wow, back in the 6 gig days....) oh, for those that do CD/DVD backups... remember to rotate your medium every 1-5 years, depending on climate and storage conditions. All in all, it's not the end of the world. You can find almost anything on P2P nowadays, although I still haven't found a replacement for that uncensored Ichig... ahem... that rare footage that got wiped out when my 6 gig crashed
  11. Saitek I think? Wonder how this matches up to the Thrustmaster HOTAS set? All those flashy lights => no more fiddling for buttons in the middle of the night!! yay!
  12. about time.... *grumble about first GITS game...* I was more surprised to see the SD Gundam game....
  13. hm... closer inspection of the larger PSP pic does seem to indicate that... Look closely, the grilling covering the surface does not extend down to the sides, which would be the case in most speakers.... it DOES look more like a button of sorts. But that's one friggin short analog stick.... maybe it pops up?
  14. Just when it was getting exciting too... the entire OP of the series has started taking on darker undertones.... I wonder who will pick it up next... pity we probably won't have ANBU/A-KEEP quality though.
  15. well, I know that's pretty light... but as somebody who carries a cell, a PDA, MP3 player, and is looking into a GBASP... the volume it seems to take up in the photo seems a bit big... gonna need a man-purse pretty soon. Unless this is a case of overblown Iraqi spiders again
  16. One look a that BIGA$$ PSP and I thought: My gawd... it's a brick!!! You could hurt someone with that... PSP: entertainment and self-defence, all rolled up in one. yeah, I think Nintendo's gonna whup everybody in the portable market again.
  17. Jog my memory please, sounds familiar Had holograms in the chests. hm... each hologram being a unique animal?
  18. Flushed down the toilet by focus groups...
  19. As in... less armour?
  20. damn those lucky bastards in the ejection seats that don't have to imagine...
  21. So um... after what amounts to a "This film rocks!!!" review.... When do WE, the rest of the world, get to see this?
  22. Lots of UFO remakes in progress right now... I think the one you're referring to is "UFO: Alien Invasion", which seems to be the one closest to the original X-COM. There's even a tech demo out, featuring one tactical mission I think.
  23. Interesting... most people I've talked to thought Rocketeer, while not Academy Award material, was actually a pretty well made film. The soundtrack was awesome though, much better than what you would expect coming out of a movie like that.
  24. dunno specifically about HLJ... but most online vendors would need you to select when you want it shipped... and you'll get a final confirmation of your bill...
  25. Wow. Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now? Anyway, pictures of the models are definitely on my list. Also, be sure to check out Half Life 2 Brothers in Arms Star Wars: Battlefront Call of Duty: United Offensive precisely. oh, and check out Halo2 if it's there.. and also: Heroes of the Pacific Doom 3 PC won't make it... but maybe take a look at the Xbox version?
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