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Everything posted by Akilae
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Akilae replied to Effect's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Not really. If you've played X-Wing alliance, many of the fighters had automatic convergance on the wing mounted guns. So no matter what the range between you and it (it being whatever it may be on the buisness end of your guns), your guns were properly set for proper convergance. Now, granted X-Wing Alliance isn't exactly "official", but it was a nifty concept. except for the Z-95... you had to manually set the convergence distance on the Z-95... alright, I admit it, I've played that game far too often for my own good Speaking of which.. yeah, we should be seeing Z-95s, Y-Wings, and Victory Star Destroyers, shouldn't we? -
Alright, but when is the Spiderman Complete Movie Collection coming out? I've had enough of buying the latest "collector's" edition
Where in the World is Carmen San Diego
Akilae replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Just stopped by ebworld.com.... evidently there's a Carmen Sandiego PS2 game being released... -
Where in the World is Carmen San Diego
Akilae replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What do you mean, a game show? It was a cartoon. I used to watch it when there was nothing else on. What do you mean, a cartoon?? It was a game show, with kids as contestants!! j/k Carmen Sandiego has been captured, and escaped, in animated, game show, and computer game format... that woman sure knows how to run! man, I used to love the game show... caught it every day... actually, I used to love pretty much everything on PBS. -
http://www.download.com/Doom-3-Trent-Rezno...3-10309315.html dunno why they didn't use it, maybe somewhat related to him pulling out from Doom 3 in the middle?
I could be wrong, but obviously you haven't gotten far enough into the game to realize who or what Petruger is. By the way, I haven't seen this posted yet, so I'll go ahead and do it. It may be old news. If you would rather find out on your own, then do not read the number at the bottom of the post. go to Martian Buddy and get it yourself. This code is for the locker that this guy wins from Martian Buddy which there is no code for. Here it is... whoa... I was going crazy over that one... never thought to think outside the box and check in the real world... alright, so I'm a tad slow Could be just me, but playing on Normal, it seems as if the difficulty suddenly ramps up right at the part when you have to call in the fleet... suddenly I find myself short on ammo, armour, health, and adequate cover... the chainsaw took care of the ammo problem though Little side note: check out the Reznor sound pack. Gives most weapons and some mobs sound effects that Trent Reznor originaly made. For those of you who thought the guns sounded wimpy, Reznor makes the pistol sound like a shotgun... the shotgun sounds like a friggin' hand cannon now. I think Trent Reznor was going for the "retro" feel, since the imps now sound a whole lot more familiar to the ear with the good ol Doom growl.
I had to take breaks every now and then... every moment of the game just forces you to focus... complete and undivided attention on what's happening around you. The fact that your weapons aren't overpowered also help somewhat, lol... I just really wish they could introduce new monsters earlier... I'm getting tired of blasting away at imps... whatever happened to hoards of hell knights?!?! Then again, seeing how imps are like, maybe I don't want to see what the hell knights turned out as...
lol, that's what my date said too. Gotta agree, he works a whole lot better as a wooden killer than a wooden Navy pilot
I think I'm one of the minority that actually loves the gameplay mechanics of the flashlight. I'd never use that mod that 'tapes' the flashlight to your gun, because of what that takes away from the game. I hate to sound like a McDonald's commercial but I'm loving it. I used that mod... then promptly ripped it out after ten minutes of use.... for one, the friggin thing kept flickering and cutting in and out... made for even more annoying lighting situations than switching. Besides, there's always the old skool method: fire off a blast from the shotgun, gives off just enough light to see by in dire situations... at least I used to do that in the original Doom.
finally got a friend to Fed-Ex a copy to me.... really, really hate different release dates across the globe.... Right now I'm loving the game, the flashlight/pistol switching early on really set the atmosphere for the game. In the end I still got the duct tape mod, which doesn't really break the game much, since the radius of the light is a lot smaller and more concentrated, helps with aiming, but that's it. I still found myself hauling out the flashlight since you actually see LESS with the duct tape mod. Somehow I see a System Shock 2 TC coming...
Alright, I haven't bought the game yet (still waiting it to be released over here... and I refuse to d/l it!). But the thought of duct taping the flashlight somehow bought up rather hilarious images.... Hero walks down corridor with spiffy flashlight taped to shotgun. Hero encounters mobs. Hero decides machine gun is better option. Hero proceeds to rip off flashlight, drop shotgun, haul out machine gun, tape flashlight to machine gun, and fire away. Of course, all this is assuming that he can calmly redo all the taping while under fire. Anybody got the BFG or plasma rifle yet? How do they compare to the originals?
Hamano (seaside field) Masahiro (big hero) So... I'm the great hero at the beach... *que Japanese woodwinds and swirling sakura petals.....*
Man... we haven't even touched Nexus yet and already two more are coming out... they gotta localize them games faster! "Nine Breaker".. I wonder what this has to do with Nine Ball..
Just to add some more fuel to this blazing camp fire, what do you guys think of inverting the y-axis? For some reason it's the only way I can play using a mouse, but it drives my friends crazy...
that might have been funny if I hadn't heard somewhere that they're actually plants... but then again, hearsay is never accurate :-p
P4 3.0 1 gig Rambus GF4-4800 wonder how it'll run on my rig.
YF-23 is back! Boo-frigging-yeah!
Akilae replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Alright... any of this feel slightly Project Nova-ish to anybody? It would be kick ass if the YF-23 could come back though, even if as a bomber. But would Northrop still be able to perform adequately in this field? Thought they were getting out of the fighter business, and the YF-23, regional bomber or not, is still a fighter by blood. Personally, I don't see how a B-1 would work, larger, less stealth, etc.. but maybe larger payload. But if memory serves, isn't that how the B-2 won over the Lockheed alternative, less stealth, but made up for by a larger payload? -
nailed it!! 90-92 actually.... wow, those days were filled with one/two-season wonders. Meh, at least far better than the reality shows we're getting these days. Was Season 4 of Airwolf the one when Hawk's brother took over the entire operation? Funny how I only got up to the part where his brother boarded Airwolf for the first time, never saw any episodes after that.
I actually liked Super Force back then... but just remembering it now... whoa... Pity they cancelled the whole thing after like one season, ended with one helluva big cliffhanger... mm.... I'm suprised that with all the "Sliders" fans, not a lot of people talk about "My Secret Identity"... One 80s/early 90s series I never got the name of.... this guy and his female sidekick flying around in this futuristic flying wing, saving people, yadda yadda... the guy had a machine that could make masks, a la Mission: Impossible.... can't for the life of me find any information about it though...
lol... that's the great thing about living along the Asian Pacific Rim: everybody knows anime, it's mainstream =) But seriously, if your gf is gonna be in Taiwan for a while, have her call this number: (02)2562-8146. It's a dealer in Taipei who specializes in Japanese imports. Last time I was there I saw a Hikaru VF-1A and a couple of FAST packs. He's also got tons of stuff tucked away in the niches of his tiney store, so list out what you want and chances are either 1) He'll have it. or 2) He'll know about it and tell you where/how you might get it. But of course, SOGO also works (curses self for not picking up SOG Eva-01 when SOGO had it in stock...)
Whoa man... Super Force!!! I would kill to see it again... that show was so bad and cheesy, lol... What was the guy's name... Zack something-or-other?
oooh... should remember to use all those handy functions the MW board offers, like "search for all posts by said member"..... Anyhow... yeah, I got the HK set too, although I don't recall the english dubs... then again, I never bother to switch audio tracks :-p If memory serves, the Twin Blood segment is not subbed... in fact, none of the extras are. I'm still waiting to see if anybody knows whether or not the "Missing Link" or "Missing Ling"(?) segment was ever really a full-length feature film...
ah... more info please? :-p Is this a boot set, U.S. release, Japanese release, etc..?
They're thieves! They're thieves! They're filthy little thieves! Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us, our precious. Curse them! WE hates them! It's ours it is, and we wants it! We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Taiwanese girls. Wicked, tricksy, false! Gollum quotes work for any and all obsessions damn it, leave one for me!! Just you wait, as soon as I get back from my business trip, none of your women will stand a chance!
mmm.... now all I need is MacGyver and Airwolf, and I could have my 80s childhood back again.