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Everything posted by Akilae

  1. lol, we're gonna ignite the flames here with everybody arguing about the damage values... might be a good thing though IMHO
  2. The foward cannons and the wing cannons don't seem to mesh well with the overall lines... I'd move the forward cannons up laterally so that they sit on top of the wings... either that or move them into the nose a la modern day fighter cannons. Just IMHO of course, we all have different design philosophies =)
  3. well... the animation in The Hakkenden wasn't bad except for one or two funky episodes that seemed like they were taken straight out of a child's sketchbook. Xenosaga.. well. as somebody else already said, until they take the anime past Episode I, I'll stick to my in game cinematics... so pretty... (that and the Ep. I movie DVD coming with Ep. II )
  4. For the history buffs here, pick a copy of "JG 26", it's a fascinating read of the Abbeville Kids and their planes.
  5. Just came over from slashdot, they're running something about fansubbers (here). Somebody brought up a pretty good point. Japan gets regular anime releases on TV, ie you can sample before you buy. We, OTH, get to splurge on DVDs since most of the time we can't get it on TV (or, at least that was back in the day when I still bought DV... err.. was in the states ). Granted bootleggers are far from sampling, but at least your wallet hurts a lot less...
  6. ah! Xenogears! hmm.. guess I should have done more than just go through the first five minutes, lol... thanx! I'll stop hijacking the thread now
  7. Which is why my DVD collection sees far more anime movies than series. Dollar for dollar, Ultra Platinum Special Edition movie releases are worth what I'm paying for. 'sides, movies are best enjoyed with a projector and DTS surround. Series... eh... haven't seen a series that warranted that kind of treatment, the artwork usually suffers too much to be enjoyable on a big screen. I'd kill for a high profile anime DVD release with director's commentaries... granted it'll be in Japanese, but most of us watch it subbed anyway Some obscure series would probably never see the light of an official release (or rerelease for that matter). That seems to be changing in Asia though... I was surprised with a rerelease of Giant Robo last month. Seriously though, weren't we talking a few months ago about how anime was an industry that was losing money fast? I'd snap up my fav series if nothing more than to support the studios. Now if only Naruto would hurry up and end so I could buy the entire set at once...
  8. now that you mention it, it does look like a mass production eva... just out of curiosity Ido, where does your avatar come from? I've seen it all over the place and can't for the life of me find which anime people seem to love so much...
  9. drat, I was thinking of just ripping the music from the game files... guess I'll have to buy it now just for the symphonic renditions...
  10. I don't think Hell is a problem, after all, "End of Days", "The Nine Gate", "Constantine", etc.. I think the problem might be the overall visceral nature of Doom... after all, consider chain saw, shotgun... not to mention plasma rifles and BFGs... so much gore Movies released lately have been hacked and PC'd in order to sell to a younger audience. 'sides, if anything, Doom should send a POSITIVE images... imagine, you get to kick ass in Hell killing demons!!
  11. I'd love to help, but when do you guys need this done? Same story as everybody else, work and stuff... tax filing season can get pretty hairy... then again, I've been waiting for this mod long enough to feel the need to push things along, lol.
  12. hmm... personally, I like Jaywalk
  13. Depends on the series really... I burned through Azumanga Daiyo in one sitting. Hajime no Ippo, which really pumped me up with each fight, I could only stand to at most finish one fight per sitting.
  14. Just FYI to those complaining about Armored Core's control scheme... AC: Nexus switched over to dual analog sticks, with firing moved down to the triggers. In short, much more fluid than the old scheme. Give it a try.
  15. Well, still waiting for the PC version so I can put REAL 90s music onto the playlist
  16. Apparently the Steam servers are getting slammed... this is what happens when even single player games need to be authenticated online. Alright, who wants to bet on how long it'll take for a workaround to come out soon? Thankfully, my shipment of HL2 is coming with MGS3 and Vampire: Bloodlines... lots to do till the mad rush is over
  17. Well, for a game that got as high ratings as it did all around, ICO seems to be a relative unknown for some reason... insufficient $$$ poured into marketing maybe?
  18. oh yeah, Mozilla won't protect you from the likes of gaobot... only a firewall will. Mozilla is slower because IE is already built into windows, and it loads whenever you boot up.
  19. Three steps to succesful computer protection: 1) Mozilla/Netscape 2) Outpost Firewall 3) AVG
  20. Maybe try to figure out the arcs of fire for each turret, I can see a few that might hit your own ship if there were no built-in limiters. Also, the rear of your ship seems to be something of a blind spot for all of your turrets. Get close enough, right behind your ship, and I can fire straight into your hangers without any turrets shooting at me. Hey, might even fly into your hanger bay and drop a few heavy bombs Somehow I feel inspired to post my own designs... bah, boys and their toys :-p
  21. lol, it's even powered by From... who wants to bet it's gonna use the same engine as Armored Core?
  22. For some reason Forbidden Planet seems to have taken to clearing out their anime stuff. The racks of MG Gundam models are replaced by SF novels. Back freshman year (99-00) I remember seeing some Trigun and GitS figures. Gundam is always in supply (except for MG/PG models). To be quite honest, while the place is great for comics and SF, the anime stuff stands out because there isn't a lot of alternatives in the area. Kim's Video at St. Mark's has some "imported" anime DVD and CDs on and off, so that might be worth checking out. 6 St. Mark's Place (between Second and Third avenues) There IS this place further down on Astor, little hole in the wall that's quite impressive, although I can't remember the exact location for the life of me. Might have some luck in some of the toy stores in Chinatown... Mott St. has some selections. If you wanna go as far out as Flushing, then there's a store dedicated to anime and Tamiya supplies somewhere around Flushing Mall.
  23. Forbidden Planet, near Union Square. Not the greatest place for anime, but a must nevertheless.
  24. We all do. We all do. But it's never gonna happen We do have that... on VHS
  25. You're comparing a very limited edition release of a little known anime series to a wide release of a show about one of the most famous American comic characters ever created. Batman can be cheaper because it will sell about 100x as many copies at Zeta will. $200 in reality (which will not be what it costs to buy, hasn't everybody figured out you never pay retail yet?) is nothing. The full series of Ghost in the Shell: SAC will cost over $300. The full series of Full Metal Alchemist could well upto $400. Go look up any series, this is what anime costs. Hell, I paid $250 for 36 episodes of Macross when the first all-in-one box was released so I'm thrilled at the idea of paying $180 or so for 50 episodes of Zeta. (typo fixed thanks to Anubis' watchful eye, heh) lol, anybody wanna start guessing how much Naruto is gonna cost when it comes over?
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