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Everything posted by Akilae

  1. Also Wolf13's SDF-1:
  2. Finally found some of Wolf13's ARMD in the dusty corners of my HD... anyhow, enjoy! All credits to Wolf13.
  3. really? I was thinking it odd seeing that cat being sliced up in mid-air with not a drop of liquid splattered all over the place... then again, maybe I'm just desensitized, so I don't see the blood, lol
  4. R-rated? Huh.. for all the fighting, beheading, dismembering, and knifing done in the movie, I don't recall seeing a single drop of blood... wierd...
  5. Ahem... alright, back to the trailer if it's allowed... I can overlook the small wheels and the not-so-square Prime cabin, but my main beef is that the trailer seems to sit awfully high compared to the cabin, and the tiny wheels don't help with the effect... *obscure reference* Would be cool if one of the alternators came as a black Trans-Am though... *obscure reference*
  6. It's funny how my local dealers are all selling Ultra Magnus as a "Limited Edition WHITE Optimus Prime", lol... Any reason why Takara won't produce the trailers for Magnus and Prime?
  7. derailing this a bit. How does SHIII compare to SHII? I still have SHII installed with all the fan made graphics mods and the Das Boot SF replacement pack, a very enjoyable game, although not all my friends appreciate the joys of screaming "Alarrrrrm!" and the subsequent depth charging Oh, does SHIII still include a German sound track?
  8. huh? no localization?
  9. I always liked the G1 Prime, if only it had a better robot mode... maybe the new Transformers movie will bring in a new line of "perfect" Transformers? Any chance of a review from you guys getting the trailer when it arrives? If it's not too bad, then I'm going to be nabbing the whole Prime + Trailer set one of the local dealers is offering.
  10. Just wondering if anybody has the trailer for the 20th anniversary Prime, this one; Good? Bad? Worth it?
  11. Just out of curiosity... with 64 pages and counting, is there any possibility of ever seeing a big ass group render? Wolf13's SDF-1 is still waiting I believe... somebody needs to post a few of his ARMD shots, now that we have another ARMD model on the thread
  12. Personally I liked the manga better than the anime... the voice acting were a far departure from what I had in mind. Yeah, Luffy's voice is also annoying in the Japanese version... fits his character somewhat though. Voice acting aside, it's a great series, just a tad different from what I had in mind in terms of voice acting. Oh yeah: No romance in sight. All about comeraderie here, matey! More adventure, but a healthy dose of comedy thrown in. Quite a few movies.
  13. Nah, Berserk Japanese releases are also coming along pretty slow... about one every other season is seems for the past few volumes. Guess he's running out of ways to kill off hordes of monters, lol Speaking of which, anybody tried out the Berserk PS2 game yet? Wondering if it's worth the import... or I could just get it and let you guys know how it is
  14. Hmm.......... may be some kind of radar. Or he could be a PSP and eject UMD disks
  15. Hope this doesn't turn into another Pearl Harbor... his previous three (Armageddon, The Rock, and Bad Boys) were great in the over-the-top way, and Bad Boys II wasn't too bad. Pearl Harbor just didn't seem right, too much bonding between the characters, not enough ships being blown up and planes being shot down.
  16. Another for Media Player Classic. Light, fast, and you can install it on unsuspecting friends since it looks just like classical Media Player before all the bloat For audio, Winamp 5 has come a long way, give it a try, you might like it. For iPod funcationality, download the ml_ipod plugin.
  17. tisinc99.com Get 'em before they decide to tack another 10 bucks on top of the already outrageous price...
  18. Well, it's already on sale at consolesource. Anybody with a slim PS2 picked it up and tried it yet?
  19. whoa, nice to see how the mod is coming. Not to nitpick, and I'm sure this is all preliminary texturing... but the SDF-1 seems a tad... clean
  20. I also have that problem on my own newly acquired VF-1S Strike... ended up squeezing the legs together and hoping that the arms won't flop down as long as I don't play around with it. Maybe I'll display it in gerwalk mode...
  21. Ran a few more searches and found out his MO: Apparently the dude imports rare and hard to fine items from all over the world, doubles the price, and sells them to locals who aren't really sharp on the price. Damn I'm glad I haggled like the bad customer I am over the FPs Pointed him to tisinc and managed to get the price lowered to a more resonable level (still overpriced... bastard insisted in charging more than double for shipping costs citing "packing material" when it was only newspapers). Got called a few names, but it was worth it. lol, thanx to you MW folks for making me an informed customer, haha
  22. Get the DVD sets first if you're hard pressed on funds and want to keep a low profile DVD sets will become an impossiblity I'm sure. Fast packs... eh, I'm sure they'll be selling for $250 a few years down the line, but they'll still be there
  23. Bummer, guess it's a no go then.
  24. Anybody know the going price for one of these babies? Box: The seller is asking for roughly $320. Have a friend who's looking to buy, and since I just got some vastly overpriced FPs from the same seller, just wanted to see what you guys thought before telling my friend go/no go.
  25. Wait, they DO!! Quick! Somebody post that pic of the VF-1A head and its removeable "light saber"!
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