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condiment king

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Everything posted by condiment king

  1. yes but it still doesnt explain how the fully grown red ones that folded in were blown up so easily...
  2. I loved the episode, but just like you, this is what bothered me the most about it. I could possibly understand the small Vajra not being able to adapt and just being cannon fodder. Just a less complex life form. Its the big red ones that I think adapt and none of the others. In the past episodes the yellow ones would get blown to bits but the red ones always survived and evolved. Now I know they were mass producing some dimension eater rounds, but those would have a different effect/animation than conventional weapons right? It looked like they were just killing the red lobsters in the space battle with regular ammo. Consistency! This episode would have been perfect had they done that... Funny how the past 2 episodes took place all in one day. Parade for the memorial Aimo day celebrating escaping the Vajra, benefit concert, then interruption by a Vajra attack. So much for Ranka's holiday! ha! Also it was this same episode they were talking about making the DE rounds... don't think they would have been produced and fitted for use within hours...
  3. the whole reason why he said that is because in a previous episode he blew up a whole hive without really breaking a sweat. His gun is like a mini macross cannon when charged. Basically his piloting and craft are unmatched by the Vajra so it would negate the purpose of the experiment. Overall, this is to help the people that are not as good of a pilot/ship.
  4. My biggest question about the episode is who is flying the other 2 VF27s??? I thought that you needed to be a cyborg to handle the forces from the movement to pilot them. So are there more Brera clones or survivors from Galaxy we dont know about???
  5. I've already done exactly what youre wanting to do and did it with Nero Vision Express. Right now I have: Disk 1: Ep1 Deculture, Regular Ep1, Ep2, Ep3 Disk 2: Ep 4-7 Disk 3: Ep 8-11 All with menu's, background, and music. Just waiting for either Lunar to finish ep 15 so I can make my next disk or if Shinsen (I think has the best subs) will release 12-15 as well, but they are so far behind right now I dont know if they are... If you want the image files I can make them available, but they are around 4 GB each
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