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About Lieutenant_Hazama

  • Birthday 08/12/1982

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. An 07 as a first car, that's cool. My first car was a 79 Caprice Impala, (older then me by 5 years) and in no way economic at about 20 miles to the gallon it cost me 7 dollars a day to get to and from work. When I got my 06 TC did I get rid of the beast, no. In my opinion I don't think that you should ever get rid of your first car (if possible). In theory you don't need a tachometer, because traditionally they were just used to gauge the safe areas of engine operation and to know when to shift gear accordingly, rev-limiters made them slightly less useful and you can tell you need to shift by sound alone. ANYWAYs the Yaris probably has a rev-limiter to prevent any engine racing, however common sense is always best applied topically.
  2. I got mine during a walk in, at Wal-Mart of all places. i was just looking for a PSP game and I notice a note on the PS3 displays, "PS3 in Stock, 1 per customer" I long ago gave up on owning a PS3 and had money for some snow tires. Since there had been no snow I figured, the PS3 a wad full of cash and myself in the same place MUST be a sign, I bought one on the spot and on the way out was told my Wal-mart employees to be careful on my way to my car. I love the system, but lament spending snow tire money. Since I bought it it has snowed everyday.
  3. For the exo-squad fans out there.Click here.
  4. Is this what your looking for? http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/7977/6767hl.jpg
  5. I don't know if Kojima's angle has seen here. What Kojima thinks.....
  6. Actually I do use some game sound effects, I use the MGS codec ring for my general ringtone. I don't like using a song. I find it to be annoying and in some cases it just seems stupid. Just imagine your sitting down for a nice meal with your significant other in a quiet EXPENSIVE restaurant. You both order the chicken. Everythings going perfect, you got a new suit for this. She's wearing a dress that she looks stunning in. You quitely converse and then she grabs your hand and leans in to whisper something into your ear but before she even speaks she stops and looks away Someone in the restaurant has just recieved a phone call and all you here is... WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH ALL THAT JUNK ALL THAT JUNK IN SIDE YOUR TRUNK followed my 15 seconds or up to a minute of Black Eyed Peas because some one just loves that song and they have wait for the good part before they answer. But you aren't mad because it happen 10 minutes earlier and another 15 before that. Enawhey, before I went into my side rant. I only wanted the sounds for alerts really like Voicemail and the Inbox just a little something to change your phone from everyone elses.
  7. I would like to ask that no one berate me if they think this is too OT Just recently I finally got a new cell phone (Motorola V710) and in the process of personalizing it I thought about adding some new sounds effects. I wanted to use the communication chirp from Andromeda. In the process of sampling the sounds and shifting through several episodes of Andromeda, I found what I was looking for a "system chirp", but after sampling the soundAndromeda___Chirp.wav I found out something, I could not remove the subtle sound of what appears to be engine noise. I then went about the internet to look at other sound clips and found a repeat of the same problem everywhere I went. Almost every Scifi series I looked at for sound effects had engine noise in the the back ground. So I was wondering if anyone out there had any idea on how to remove the engine noise, perhaps know a better website, or possibly know where to get a better sample.
  8. You mean this one?
  9. Actually there is more then 10 of those Music videos that use the Top Gun Sdtk and not so many are any good, but apparently everyone feels that they can do a better job, so go for it.
  10. I wanted to go with some music no one has ever used before Macross Plus - Metal Gear Solid (The Orchestrated Theme) Macross Plus - Staind It's Been Awhile Macross Plus - Faith Hill - There You'll Be Macross Plus - Foo Fighters - All My Life Macross DYRL - Metal Gear Solid (The Orchestrated Theme) I was going to make one based on the DYRL theme to all of the macross series but I found that maybe my skills are not yet good enough.
  11. Recently I had made a few Macross Plus music videos and as I was trying to create a place to post them, I realized something, "does any one actually make these anymore?" and "Would anyone be interested in seeing them?"
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