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Everything posted by logos

  1. What I love about the VF-27 is that they finally give us what we want with the pilot figures but they do it in a Valk that does not have a see through canopy........ ...... did anyone notice that Ranka does not have any legs ......and I thought the VF-1D had a cramped back seat! Now I just have to wait for AmiAmi to process my paypal pre order..... .........
  2. If the Yamato could have a new leg and ankle system similar in someway to what they provided in the destroids and provide a figure for it, I would vote for the Yamato one in a second. As it is it makes a good/decent display piece and that's about it. Never mind the fact that in all the newer versions you have to track down a Mira figure set for it. The Bandai does look like it will be very possible though and it comes with a Khlan insert for the cockpit correct? Both of those give a big advantage over the new stock that Yamato has been selling. That being said the Bandai version is 1/100 and the Yamato is somewhere around 1/60 scale so I don't really think it is fair to make comparisons especially considering the nice detail found on the Mira Que Rau.
  3. This depresses me. 1/60 battle bod with figure would be epic! It's to bad we will probably never see it
  4. If they can keep it below $200 US (preferably $150US but who are kidding?!?!?) and it's of the same quality we have seen with the VF-22/VF-11s, I will pick one up.
  5. I agree that the differences between the two are so small is it even worth it?
  6. All white is OK I guess, but it makes it look so plain. Hopefully they put more tampo printing on then. It would be awesome if they tampo on the engine intake decals at the very least.
  7. I've got a floppy right wing. Anyone else have that problem?
  8. I agree the grey areas in the original pics add some nice contrast. The line art (from the mecha manual) shows grey so I hope that they stick with that.
  9. Tempting but I am wait and see right now. Have to wait to see some actual photos of the toy before I make any real comments.
  10. logos

    Valks Peripherals...

    Yeah if they included a Zentradi soldier with the accessories that would be awesome. I will defiantly buy one but more likely two.
  11. I pre-ordered mine on amiami as they seemed to have the cheapest prices. Also their paypal service seems to be pretty painless. I used them for my Alto DX figure and I had no problems. Oh and welcome to MW! Watch out for the haters!
  12. Niiiiice!
  13. Damn I hope these come on sale somewhere sometime. I just can't justify the current price to myself right now. Especially considering the spending spree I went on last year. The M&Ms do look great though. Anyone want to take pics of the M&M VF-22s with VF-1s? Please?
  14. Don't you think you are going a little overboard? This appears to be a problem in the factory. Obviously the factory failed at this and someone was fired for it. It's just to bad that it took so long for Yamato to find out and hopefully they will in the future be checking in on the factory more often to make sure they are making the toys properly. Yes initially there was problems and Yamato gave the factory a fix for the problem. For the toys that did break they provide free replacement parts through their warranty programs (which can be a problem if you live outside of Japan/Asia?). Yamato made a mistake but I don't think I would go so far as to call them dishonest or they don't care. If they didn't care they would just make the equivalent of Toonami 1/100s or Bandai 1/100 VF-25s... As to the VF-1J: To quote Graham "There had been no reported cases of the first run of VF-1J Hikaru’s cracking, so Yamato assumed they would be OK." They made the mistake of thinking since no one reported a problem with that scheme that it was fine. I very much doubt that they tried to sell defective toys to people on purpose. If no one was reporting problems with the VF-1J they had "some" justification in thinking that the scheme was free of the problem, which was obviously not the case. Note: My VF-1J has one shoulder with the knurled pin and one without which is strange. Also both are not cracked and work fine in the 10 months that I have owned it. As to the fix: by replacing the knurled pin and changing the assembly process the problem is supposed to have been fixed. I have some Valks with the Knurled pins that don't have cracks which leads me to assume that it's not just the pin but perhaps bad assembly process as well contributing to the breakages. The plastic seems thin but I don't have any problems with my other 1/60 valks so maybe it is sufficient. Finally I live in North America and since Yamato does not have a license to sell the toy in NA I know that getting warranty and help on a toy that is only supposed to sell in Japan/Asia will be problematic. I believe that if you live in Japan/Asia? the replacement parts for breakages are free. They are trying to work with some of the toy websites to provide us with replacement parts. It hasn't been the greatest but I will take what I can get. Think of it this way: I want an Iphone. I purchase the IPhone in the US instead of Canada. The Iphone brick's itself. Apple will not provide me warranty on the product because I purchased the product in the US and that phone is not licensed for use in Canada. So I am SOL. This is a comeone practice by many manufactures so they can keep their warranty programs safe and to keep thier country specific MSRP's. That Yamato is trying to provide my some kind of warranty program for a product that is not licensed for sale in my country is great. Now if only Overdrive could get their act together. It was working fine initially but since then it's customer service has gone down hill. ....whole S**T B*lls that was allot of typing. Sorry about that.
  15. Yeah I am getting tired of all the repaints. The destroids offered a nice change of pace....... oh well.
  16. What no picks of what's in the box? Come on guys show us some love here!
  17. I have 6 V.2 1/60 and even with the shoulder problems I still love them. Replacements can be purchased from Overdrive (eventually....) for a small handling fee and shipping so I applaud Yamato for giving us that much customer support on a Toy that they don't market or sell outside of Japan/Asia. I have yet to purchase a toy from any manufacture that did not have some kind of quirk/problem so I can live with it. As to the 1/48's I don't see anything wrong with them that would keep me from purchasing them. I just like the 1/60 scale so that is what I am sticking with.
  18. Don't worry it's fine. Like all these toys they have their quirks. The paint application isn't so great on it but otherwise it's a sturdy toy. Eventually it might get a little floppy along the hip joints but just apply some nail polish to the ball and socket joint and it will be fine. If you like the toy I would recommend checking out the 1/72 Bandai snap together model as well. More fragile but allot better detail actually.
  19. Here is from the VF-1A Hick that I just bought. Both Pins are Knurled but only the right shoulder is cracked.
  20. eugimon no Knurled pins that you can see?
  21. I got mine from AMIAMI on Monday and I would have to say that I am quite impressed. It came fairly quickly and the shipping box was twice the size of the toy box. My only problem is even though it was on for basically half price afer you add the shipping it came out t o almost the same. Still glad I got it though.
  22. I think the should have just left the knurling out. I would rather have a pin that might work itself out over time to a pin that breaks the hinge.
  23. I think it would all depend on how their part and inventory system works. In some cases it's just easier and/or cheaper to send the whole effected assembly you have in stock instead of doing new production runs and/or breaking up runs to part out fixes. Never-mind the extra overhead involved. I can just imagine the kind of havoc the Kit Valk could cause to their parts and inventory system. I have to deal with crap like that once in a while and it can drive you batty. You create the frame work for assemblies, sub-assemblies, polybags and crates and then someone tells you naw we came up with this to sell and now you need to pack and assemble it this way while maitaining the old system. Oh and then you need new manuals and parts books on top of that cause most of your previous work can be worth zip, nada, zilch.
  24. Unfortunately Yamato sends the whole arm as a replacement which means that, most likely, in their parts chain the pins or shoulders might not exist as "salable" items. I thought when I ordered replacement shoulders for my Strike Roy they would have just sent the shoulder hinge but they sent the whole arm assembly. The good news for me is that I have 2 arms for my Strike Roy sitting in little baggies for the day that those cracks become breaks. Now I just need Overdrive to get back to me on the VF-1A Hik I just bought....with cracked shoulders right out of the box (which I knew might happen). I sure hope this isn't someone at the factory trying to save money by using up old stock. I can accept it on an older model like my VF-1A as I knew what I was getting into. If I find those pins on my VT-1, VE-1 or VF-1Ds I am going to be extremely pissed.
  25. If anime like "Chu/o(?) Bra" are any indication anime is just getting more depraved. Don't get me wrong I can enjoy some fan service and just plain find some if it funny but I think it is starting to get more and more out of hand. I wouldn't show half the anime I watched last season to anyone, even some of my buddies who like anime.......they liked Macross Frontier but my "other" friends thought it was stupid although they did like the CG dogfights. As to series I use the following anime to introduce people to anime: Ghost in the Shell SAC Macross Plus or Macross Zero Spice and Wolf (fan service in there but not so bad) Samurai Champloo Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood Kimi ni Todoke - I love this show I don't care what anyone says about it. Darker than Black Eden of the East etc. Mainly I try to stay away from Fanservice/Harems and stay with story/action animes. Some comedy but there isn't many Japanesse anime comidies that aren't full of fan service. The episode of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi where they are stuck in the movies usually goes over well here. Shows like Kampfer, Queen’s Blade, Kiddy Girl from last season........ shudder.........and even I regret watching them. I have tried using Macross Frontier (because of it's great animation) to introduce people to anime but they see the J Pop being sung during the fights and the fan service and it's an instant turn off. I liked Macross Frontier but I think they have taken a step backwards from what we got with Plus and Zero. Still not as bad as Macross 7 though.....the only time I enjoyed that show was when Gamlin, Max or Mira where on the screen.
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