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Everything posted by logos

  1. Finally got my Tornado today. .... Anybody notice that the Tornado Valk has black antennae and hands now and the gun-pod is the correct purple color now? Also is it me or is it not as bright of a white than the original VF-25 DX?
  2. cool somebody moved this so hopefully somebody involved with this site knows.....
  3. Forgive me if this is not the right place to post this but I cannot find where I can report problems with the site. The couple of forums on Macross World I did find did not allow me to create new posts......... Anyway has anyone else been asked to log into animeuknews.net on some of the threads here? I get it on the odd thread in the toy forum. Did not try the others.
  4. Well since the previous thread went to the "Super Hall" I guess I'll restart this one. Did anyone give confirmation of their Tornado's shipping yet? AmiAmi asked for payment on mine (as they have it in stock now I think) on the weekend and I broke down and finally approved the paypal yesterday. Still nothing saying that it shipped. Oh and all of yous located in Asia......did you get it yet? Post pics now!
  5. You know if this is as nice are pose-able as the Macross quarter in batroid, and more importantly Gerwalk mode, I'll pick one up but where the heck is the VF-171 already? I would have thought we would see that VF before this. Oh and yes from the pics we have seen so far the monster looks awesome!
  6. I don't know. Once you have the toy in your hands and see it in person the colors are allot better. Pics make the blue look...well....blue but looking at it with my naked eye it looks more like a gray blue and I really like it. As to the cruiser mode I was a bit disappointed myself that it could not support itself in cruiser mode but you have to actually pick this beast up to realize why. ITS SO DAMN HEAVY! For a mostly plastic exterior (feet are metal) I think there is quite a bit of metal under the surface. All that weight on the end of the legs alone for those die cast feet alone precludes cruiser mode from being nothing but a floppy mess. Besides the stand is not so bad. On mine I don't even need those junky extra support arms for the end of the arms and I think it looks pretty good on the main stand. Oh and I never poked myself once on it and I have huge doughy hands. Right now it is my favorite Macross toy even with it's flaws.
  7. :lol: :lol:
  8. I don't know about that. Bandai makes Zaku and Flags so there must be some market for enemy mecha. Not as big as a market grant you. I admit though that while I would buy a Glaug and Regault, if they made them, but not in the quantities that I buy VFs. 1/100 Robotech battle pods are one thing when they cost under $30 but we are talking what would probably be a $150+ toy. At that price I don't think Yamato or Bandai can sell enough to make a profit. QueRau's probably a good example too for proof as to why they don't sell. That being said I do have one. Also I would tell anybody to stay clear of them unless they have the Mira figure or the toy came with a pilot fig. The toy pretty much sucks unless it has the pilot figure. I purchased the Mira figures (639?) for it and now I love it. Without it I was considering getting rid of it and I have not purchased another even though there is the Max Version. Which I might have purchased if it came with a Max figure now....... .
  9. Thanks guys. Found it. I really need to re-watch the series again....someday....
  10. Thanks Jenius. Oh and UNSPACY....... ....... I haven't watch the show since it first air and unlike the original Macross. Sorry I am not a big enough Macross Fan boy for you, I was just asking a simple question. Anyway that's cool and I don't remember it at all. Guess I will have to go episode hunting tonight and see if I can find it.
  11. The Diorama is cool. I totally thought that was a model set at first glance.
  12. Just got mine yesterday from the Hobby Search blowout sale. Ship mode is a floppy mess that the stand makes look ok but the battroid mode is just awesome! I'd go so far to say that I like it better than my VF-27 and Is my favorite macross toy since the purchase of my VF-11B. Can anyone tell me what this gimmick represents? When you push the "bayonet" back these pop out...
  13. I don't think the DX's where ever "officially" 1/60 scale where they? I checked my VF-27 box/manual and it dosen't state it anywhere. I don't have a VF-25 box handy but I don't remember it being there either.....anyone?
  14. Getting the Macross Quarter today from Hobby searches unbelievable sale and from HLJ I should have a Nora SV-51 (over 1/2 price off!) and MG Unicorn Gundam (full price ) by mid week.
  15. Yeah when I first checked their site over a week ago I could have sworn I saw all three sizes. Maybe they are just running out of stock. Here's hoping they get more.
  16. logos


    Swiffer when I get around to it. Otherwise I just let them collect dust as I am too lazy and it only bothers me when they have a noticeable layer of dust on them.
  17. Drone would be cool but I would still like the rocket booster pack from Plus. That would be epic!
  18. i don't know if i got a wonky one or not but the paint is good everywhere except forward of the cockpit. after that it's like they applied the purple paint apps without a primer so it's not adhering well.
  19. Yep the 27 is what he 25 should have been. (well except for the paint......... )
  20. Yeah I wish they included an "all three" sizes pack like they did on their original site. Having all three sizes gives you some great flex-ability when doing some "extreme" posing. Either way I think they are great stands and defiantly worth it for the price.
  21. Got the Following email from Lost and Found Toys last night: So for those of you who need flexi stands we still have a source to buy them! Thanyou Jeebus! Link for new site http://www.flightpose.com/
  22. Feeling a little bored today so I figured I would post some picks of my VF-27. Paint aside this is the first DX that I truly like.
  23. Hard to pass up at that price......so I didn't. Shipping was a MF though. $5400 yen. So I still ended up paying around $150US.......ARGH! That's almost as much as the toy! Oh well I will finally have it now though. This is getting to be an expensive month. First the HLJ sale where I finally ordered a Nora at around $80 (and the MG Unicorn Gundam.....mmmmm sacrilegious! )and now this. Thank god I'm getting a nice income tax check next week!
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