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Everything posted by logos

  1. Actually I was kind of going for the figure skating look..... but your right! Canadians got snow on the brain don't ya know Anyway once the Spartan comes out I was thinking of putting the defender in a some kind of lift pose! Thank god it is Friday!
  2. It's this or work on the assembly/parts manual for a new "small" 31' seeding implement that we are making for the European market. Since it's Friday and no-one is looking............
  3. Thanks to Lynx7725! I did not know the hips dropped down and that does actually add allot more range of movement. As shown here: Damn that's some fine pose-ability! I couldn't do that with my valks without some kind of support!
  4. Well that's good to know. Maybe they will have a new hinge by the time the Max comes out? Now that I have loosened the shoulder ball joints on the arms I think that will help allot with the material cracking. I didn't realize how much force I was using on the shoulders to move them around till I loosened them up a bit. I would also agree that I would rather the pin fell out than the shoulder cracked. I could come up with a solution to keep the pin in or I could jury up a replacement pin if I lost it some how. Anyways thanks Graham!
  5. logos

    Latest custom.

    :D :D :D :D :D Awesome! I really love the Minmay graphic!
  6. Oh snap those look gorgeous!
  7. I don't know about that. If you look at the last pick I posted you see them balanced on foot! I find that they are stiff enough to hold most posses. Especially the Defender. The Tomahawk is pretty top heavy though so you have to be carefully about that waist joint that could be a little stiffer. What I really love are those ankle joints. They make the bloody toy! The range of motion is perfect and stiff enough to hold a pose!
  8. I think I am going to just be happy with what I have for now. I like the destroids but I am not going to go out of my way for the weathered version for any of them. I applied some decals to the OD green Tomahawk and the Defender and they look allot better now in my opinion. Oh and I borrowed decals from both boxes to make something a bit custom.
  9. logos

    yamato's next move

    I still think we need a 1/60 Glaug and Regult. I love my valks but a collection really is incomplete without the enemy mechs to go with them. I can't see my self picking up more than 2-3 different variants of the VF-1 (especially now that my VF-1S has the shoulder problem) but if Yamato wants to milk more money out of me I will defiantly pick up a Spartan, a Gluag and the Regult. Especially if they turn out as awesome as the Tomahawk and Defender did.
  10. I'd get the Tomahawk in OD green if you can. I really like how it looks with that dark green color. Just screams for me to pull out a paint brush and add some light colored weathering to it. If they come out with a OD green Defender in the future........... Defender is cool but I am not loving the paint scheme right now. As for features on the Defender the Extra Large set of ammo pods are cool and the rotating radar array on top in movable sensor in the middle are pretty sweet too. It by no means has less features than the Tomahawk. Just less missiles. Oh and if the Spartan comes with the club I think it's going to look pretty pimp in a "rage" stance with all it's weapon hatches open. Besides in you could fit a couple of Valk gun pods in the hands that would look awesome too! Besides from the line art for the center weapons pod hatch http://www.new-un-spacy.com/sdfmacross/des...tan-details.gif it will look pretty cool I think. I keep thinking back to Battletech on these toys and it screws me up. What's sad is that I can still (after all these years) quote most of the weapon stats from all the mechs from the 3050, 3055 and 3058 tech manuals....
  11. Oh and Frankin mechs..... I think I am too bored at work today. Sorry about the quality I took these with my Blackberry.
  12. Destroids showed up today in all of their sweetness! FYI: OD green is awesome and pictures do not do it justice. Defender yellow is OK but if they offer a OD green defender I have to get one!
  13. Had the same thing happen (even though Graham warns about it in his review) when I was rotating the seat by the control panel. Leave the seat in the "up" position. Get some plastic cement (or a good quick set model glue) and lightly coat the seat on the broken sections. Lightly press and hold the control panel back on at the base (until it sets). The piece was glued originally and there are kind of tabs there to guide the control panel into the proper position. Angle is a little goofy and if you have big hands (like me) it's awkward as hell. Thats why I recommend a good quick set model glue. Let it set for a day or two. I did it with my tamiya plastic cement and it worked fine.
  14. Checked my manual today and there is no list. If it is in the transformation instructions I am SOL as I can't read Japanese. So does anyone know what the part number is?
  15. There is obviously a problem with the material used for the 1S run or it`s something to do with the shoulder being to tight (stressing the hinge while moving the shoulder). It`s the same hinge that is being used on the 1A as far as I can tell nobody has been reporting problems on the 1A which is supposed to have a looser shoulder. I just hope that once I get the replacement parts they don`t have the same problem. Does anyone who ordered replacement shoulder hinges know if they came with decent instructions for the replacement? Also does anyone know what the part numbers are for the left and right should assemblies? Overdrive says they are supposed to be in the manual but I have the manual at work (where I appreciate my 1S) and I can't check to confirm.
  16. I treat my VF-1S like a pampered princes there is no way I should have a shoulder crack....but guess what, checked my VF-1S today and cracks on BOTH shoulder hinges! Argh! Guess I am going to have to dig into my manual and find the part number for those pieces so I can order them from Overdrive tomorrow. They aren't broke yet and I thought I was treating them gingerly....... this makes me so fricken mad! Hopefully this won't cost me more than 20 bucks for parts and shipping then. FYI I love this toy but for $100+ this breakage really pisses me off! I am so waiting on the VF-11B now to see if anyone reports any problems.
  17. Anyone seen any English reviews for the VF-25? I am debating between a VF-25 and a VF-11B. I am leaning towards the VF-11B but the price.......
  18. logos

    yamato's next move

    Yeah if they are going to make an SDF-1, I want it at LEAST 2-3 times the size of my 1/60s.
  19. I'm fine with it being gray. Should match the anime (at least closely) off the start and then offer more paint schemes later if it is popular.
  20. I like the fast packs to but at that price I am going to have to seriously think about it before I buy. The same thing with the YF-21 by the way. If I can ever find it for under $160-$170 I'd buy it otherwise it's just to expensive.
  21. I wonder if they will come out with a version without the fastpacks? I like the VF-11B but at $269.4 Can (with shipping from Overdrive) I think I can live without them if it cut at least 30-40 bucks off of the price. I only spent $190 with shipping for my YF-19 last year so that's a bit steep. That or I need the Canadian dollar to start getting back at parity with the US green back again. And I don't see that happening unless we hit above $80 a barrel oil again.
  22. logos

    yamato's next move

    I imagine that if the destriods turn out well for Yamato (I just purchased the OD Tomohawk and Defender) we are going to see the enemy Zentradi mechs next. God I would love a 1/60 Glaug and the Regult in the same price range as the destroids. Anyway all I want to see from Yamato is a VF-0D.... oh and in blue if they don't mind! Now I just have to justify purchasing a VF-11B. I took me 4 months on the destroids. Lets see $187.99US + $39.20US shipping now convert to Canadian funds....$269.4 Can............Ok just got over my heart attack...........ah what the hell my niece that was just born tonight doesn't need a present..... God I suck.
  23. So tempted to order but I just ordered the OD Tomo and the Defender from Over drive last week. Maybe once I recover from what ever my credit card is going to tell me what I really paid (US to Canadian dollars) I will. I so want this one. At least it is not as expensive as a YF-21
  24. Screw exchange...bye bye Christmas bonus hello Defender and OD Green Tomohawk from Overdrive!
  25. I just ordered one from Hobbylink as well. I also noticed that Overdrive has them posted for pre-order now as well. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=930
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