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Everything posted by logos

  1. Unlike Hobby link I have never had to pay duty when I order from Over-drive so they get Props for that. In Canada your talking at least 5%-10% added to the price (5% Government Sales Tax and 0-5% Provincial Sales Tax). So not have to pay that 10+% at the post office is extremely good even if they aren't always the cheaper alternative.
  2. Overdrive says that it will take pre-orders until Feb. 2 but they don't say when it ships so you are probably right. edit: Might buy a VF-1D and a VF-1A (Max) in March or April but I am now trying to hold off to see if exchange gets better.
  3. So right now the popular picks seem to be 4, 17 & 5. Overhalf (59%) have said that you will be buying 5 or less. Now I just have to recover from buying a YF-21 and I am ordering a D. They come out at the beginning of February right?
  4. Ok I took the plunge! My wallet was making sad and disturbing faces at me on the weekend. ....and it's still not talking to me. Will post pics once I receive the bastard.
  5. Your right, I would change the poll but it's to late...no wait it's Ok now, I just put 0 in the 19th position as no-one had used that yet. My bad. Oh and for yous who wanted to vote 19.....
  6. I just voted 4. Buts that's only because I just plan on buying the VF-1A (Max), VF-1S (Roy), VF-1D (My Favorite!) and VF-1J (Max or Mira). I might change my mind and buy one more 1A in the future. If they do bring out Max and Mira VF-1Js though I might have to by both I mean it would just be wrong not to right? edit: Oh wait but then there's probably going to be an Elint sometime in the future!?!? Damn I miss voted on my own Poll!
  7. After seeing the news of the Hayao Kakisaki today, I have become aware that it looks increasingly likely that some of us could end up with a squadron (18-24fighers) of VF-1# 1/60s........ Lets see: VF-1D - 1 (Hi/Mi,VR,E) - I imagine this will hit 3 with the release of an Elint and the Virgin Road VF-1A - 5 (Hi,Ha TV/DYRL,Ma TV/DYRL) VF-1S - 3 (Ha,R,Ma) VF-1J - 1 (H,Ma,Mi) - I imagine this will hit 3 with the release of Max and Mira. FYI I am not counting the Strike or Super pack Valks as you can buy them as an add on if you just buy the Valks. Question: would they release the VT-1 'SUPER OSTRICH' as just a super pack for the 1D or do you think it will get it's own combo pack like the strikes and supers? Now if they follow the 1/48s Camo version VF-1A - 1 Low Vis Urban version VF-1A - 1 Stealth version VF-1# (this was a S right?) - 1 Angel bird VF-1A - 1 Cannon Fodder VF-1A - 1 ....this was only a 1/60 I think. Anniversary Black N/A. total 19 I know it's just speculation but even including the shoulder issue I love my VF-1S and I am very tempted to pick up many more since they only cost $90-$100 US...I think YF-21s, VF-11Bs, and Sv-51s have warped my sense of reality! . I already have my sights set on that beautiful VF-1D. A VF-1J and VF-1A (Max) look like they could be in my future as well. I won't hit squadron size but I could see myself owning 3-5 of them. I'm just glad I will be able to spread them out over a year or 2 as the YF-21 that I am thinking about buying is going to "shelve" many of my purchases for the next few months...... ......who am I kidding I'll be lucky if I hit "curb"! Note if you think I missed any post it! Edit: - FYI I modified the post to add 0 for those spoiled sports in the crowd. I had to put it in the 19th position because no one voted for 19 yet and I suck! Edit: - There are going to be TV and DYRL versions for the Max and Kakiazki so the VF-1A have been modified to 5.
  8. In the end I think it will all depend on how well all the other destroids are selling. Lets try not to speculate till someone actually hears or sees something.
  9. Let's hope. I wouldn't mind paying a little bit more considering it would probably be totally different molds for everything.
  10. Yep! It's my office flare don't cha-know. All kidding aside it gets me through the day sometimes. If I kept them at home I probably wouldn't look at them as much and I need something to decorate my 70/80s cubical. Also my boss doesn't care as long as I keep my office relatively clean and I get my work done. That and I find that if I flaunt instead of hiding my geek-dome people don't seem to care about it as much. Can't make fun of you when you openly admit it. Also I trust the guys in my office and I know where they live (for those of you thinking about vandals and theft).........that and being 6'6" and a human wreaking ball when I want to be helps allot!
  11. Is it me or is there no tinge on the canopy on this one? Otherwise cool!
  12. No Spartan would suck! That's my favorite one! Anyway I saw that Overdrive has the OD green Defender up for Pre-order now. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...c8176a2239bd167
  13. Man if you don't know the ansewr to that one....... Seriously though about how many cm/inches tall will it be? @$85 CAD it's not bad.
  14. FYI here is my collection so far. I collect some other toys besides Macross and included those to. There are the 2 Master Chiefs that I keep at work to guard my monitors and some Todd Mcfarlan Dragons that I bought at an extremely weak moment at a hobby store 2 years ago. It's not much but I only started last year. I know for sure that this year I wanted to add: VF-1D Spartan And now an OD green Defender Maybe some GN-Us as well. Especially a Reguld although I don't think it's a GNU. Up in the air are (as they are so expensive!): YF-21 VF-11B
  15. Yeah I've noticed that but some of the international sellers I pay duty and some I don't. When ordering from Overdrive or tisinc99 I have never payed duty. When ordering from Hobby Link I have payed duty.
  16. Don't cha know that all Canadians are Socialist Commies at heart that have to everything by committee!
  17. Awesome! About what I was expecting from this group. I'll decide whether or not take the plunge Thursday/Friday (with your opinions and vote heavily affecting my decision of course!). Currently working on some cost saving measures so I can avoid the guilty about it 3 months from now. What's really killing me is that $280 ($90 a piece + exchange + $45 shipping) I just paid for 2 destroids......the pain! Anyone who ordered from Angolz end up paying any duty once they received it? I haven't yet from Overdrive which is one of the main reasons I usually order from them. Oh and yes I do own a YF-19 which is why I would love to buy a YF-21 and VF-11 to go with it.
  18. The Angel on my shoulder has taken a staggering blow and the devil has risen as I see Angolz has the Yf-21 on for $175.00 US. Now with shipping ($43.32 EMS whats and extra $10 bucks to get it 1-2 weeks sooner!) that comes out to $215.90 US or $271.950 CAD. FYI $259 if I go Air Parcel. Ugh! That price looked really attractive till I worked out the Canadian conversion....Is it worth it though? There was no way I was buying it at $200+ but now I am torn. 5 months ago this would have been a no brainer......Damn you Canadian Dollar! Decide my fate! Do I buy the toy and live off carbohydrates for a month or keep that precious precious protien in my diet! Also it comes with a display stand correct?
  19. Yeah but what about those "canards" on the forward part of the the "legs"? And I would still like to see how that longer cockpit snugs in for battroid mode. I imagine it's going to be hanging low down there (not that it really matters as it's all about the fighter mode on this one for me). Anyway your probably right but I think there will have to be some changes made to the legs for sure. That and I don't know how they are going to work a larger heat shield in properly.
  20. Yeah it's not like the VF-1 where all they probably had to change was - the cockpit section - head - and maybe a few other components like the heat shield. The VF-0D would require: - new cockpit - tail fins on the leg - canards - wings - I imagine there might be a body re-sculpt change for the wings and longer cockpit. - new heat shield.) - about the only theing they could probably reuse is the arms and the head On second thought I can see exactly why Yamato is not making a VF-0D. It would probably be as expensive as the VF-11B or the YF-21... If I can't force myself to spend $200+ on a YF-21 (plus shipping ) I won't for a VF-0D, even though I really want to. Also where the hell do those wings go on the D in battroid mode? Is it some kind of fancy fold up or something?
  21. That's the best laugh I've had all day! "Someone bashes Robotech" Seriously though I am peeved about the should problems with the 1/60 v2s but I am still going to buy a couple more (not of the same model I figure an A, S & D and i'll be satisfied) now that I have a good idea of what caused it and how to avoid the problem in the future. I mean what toy dosen't have problems? Now I just have to wait for those replacement shoulders from overdrive (I they ever get back to me about them) and I will soooo be ordering the VF-1D next. Now only if Yamato made the VF-0D........... ........oh and a new 1/60 Elint.... .....looks like I'll be eating Ichiban and Kraft dinner for the next few months (damn Destroids!).
  22. Don't laugh.....actually laugh. I'll will do it just to post a photo here when the Spartan comes out! I did try to do something similar with my valks but those novelty Mcdonalds hockey jerseys are just to small for 1/60s. If I had 1/72s I think I could make something work. Tried with the 1/100 I have and it just doesn't work.
  23. Anyone find out what exactly is going to be included in the Super parts package for the D (if there is one)? I think I will hold off on ordering and order both together to save on shipping but I am wondering if it is going to be worth it or not? The D is my favorite version. I just love that head!
  24. NOOOOOOOOOOO! Does anyone know when this comes on sale? Crap and I was planning on buying a 1/60 VF-1A Max....... maybe I'll do both if the exchange rate improves...... Now what to do with me Yellow defender....... I think I am going to gay that one up and get the rest in OD green.
  25. I could have sworn it was you who posted it in the previous destroid thread....of course you probably weren't the only one to mention it. "2. Hip posability still sucks. Yes, I know about the drop down hips. It still sucks. The arms can be extended out and that's a nice touch. " Oh and pink tutus..... if I am in the dollar store and I run into a scrunchy or something I can modify that would fit I......... ..........
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