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Everything posted by logos

  1. It came! Hands down the biggest pain in the ass to transform out of all of them. But it's solid and looks awesome so that's ok!
  2. Looks cool. Personally I love the "dish soap" effect on the canopy. Looks reminiscent of contemporary canopys on jets like the F-16. Would like larger tail fins but I think I could live with it. Now I just have to recover from the YF-21 I bought that is supposed to show up today.
  3. Those are pretty huge tail fins. Maybe they run into a breakage problem or something. That or giant tail fins on the batroid mode looks ridiculous. They do look a bit smaller on the line art batroid.
  4. If the nose where bigger I think people would be bitching about the batroid mode "Hanging Low". If you compare the batroid and fighter line art there is no winning here. Yamato can't compete with anime magic.
  5. Some people have been saying a week or two but for me it took about a month. Also cost me $18US with shipping to get them ($3/part and $12 shipping EMS). The longest part was waiting for them to get back to me and tell me they had the part and could ship it. Once I gave them my credit card info. it only took a week to get it. Check out the "Overdrive now offering replacement parts for Yamato" thread at the top of the toys forum.
  6. Hey guys remember that this could all be due to camera lighting. Lets wait till someone actually has any of the production "brown" valks in their hands before we start bitching about the color being wrong. But yeah your right it does look a bit light from the photos.
  7. Just ask for the shoulder hinges from overdrive and spiecify exactly what valk you have (ie. 1/60 Vf-1S Roy F...). I just got my new "shoulder" hinges and this is what they actually send you. Note that I removed the shoulder pads so that I could loosen the screws a bit. Now I will have extra arms (minus hands) if I ever break them.
  8. Yep Macross Cannon Fodder Brown is like the Red Ensign of Star Trek and why I love Galaxy Quest........those guys should never leave the ship. Guy: I changed my mind. I wanna go back. Dane: After the fuss you made about getting left behind? Guy: Yeah, but that's when I thought I was the crewman that stays on the ship, and something is up there, and it kills me. But now I'm thinking I'm the guy who gets killed by some monster five minutes after we land on the planet. Nesmith: You're not gonna die on the planet, Guy. Guy: I'm not? Then what's my last name? Nesmith: It's, uh, uh - -I don't know. Guy: Nobody knows. Do you know why? Because my character isn't important enough for a last name, because I'm gonna die five minutes in. DeMarco: Guy, you have a last name. Guy: DO I? DO I? For all you know, I'm "Crewman Number Six"! Mommy... mommy... Dane: Are we there yet? :lol:
  9. Yeah after seeing that cool model from the VF-11B thread I have to agree that if Yamato could come out with a toy half as nice as that model it would be awesome.
  10. Yeah looks like an coloring error. No matter what happens someone is going to scream "it's not anime accurate" cause in one scene they noticed a strip or something that wasn't in any others. Lets face it cartoons from the 80s where not exactly colored or drawn well all the time so I think people need to be a little more forgiving sometimes. Edit: I know this would probably not be anime accurate but I wish that the shoulders where brown. Would look better IMO.
  11. I wouldn't worry about it that much. Most people report the problem with the VF-1S and as long as you loosen those upper arm hinges under the shoulder pads it should be allot better. Mine hasn't broken yet (just cracked) and considering what I got for my $18US to replace I am happy (both arms, minus hands, instead of just the shoulder hinges). If we lived in Japan it would have cost nothing but what can you do? Edit: Here are the pics I said I would take. Here are the 2 arms that I recieved from Overdrive when I requested the should hinge replacements. Note that they come with the shoulder plates attached but I removed them this morning so that I could loosen that ball joint up a bit.
  12. SCRATCH BUILT! That Boy's got Fu**'n skills!
  13. I have to agree. I like the fact that I have 1/60 VF-1s to go with my 1/60 YF-19, YF-21 and VF-0. Keeping it common makes it more attractive as a collector IMO. Oh and I don't think Yamato is expecting everyone to buy every single valk (just some of us ubber Otakus how have NO impluse control! ). People are going to buy the schemes they like and ignore the rest. For example I love the DYRL VF-1As and will probably pick those up over the TV VF-1As.... Demon on my shoulder: "The TV ones look so cool in batroid mode though!" Angel:"Stop it! Remember what you said about impulse control?" Anyways I think you also have to remember that at this price point ($90US)I can see why they are releasing mutilple versions. If they where priced the same as the 1/48s I would probably only see myself picking up 1 or 2. With the 1/60s I have 1 (with 2 on order) and I can see myself picking up another 2 or 3 latter this spring or in the summer. Crap I can pick up 2 or 3 VF-1s for the price I just paid for a YF-21! That's pretty fricken attractive no matter how cool the YF-21 is (VF-22 is cooler though ). I am not going to collect the whole line just what I like....if I can control myself! Besides they are just repaints, basically, so it's not like it's costing Yamato a whole bunch to produce and it keeps, some of us at least, salivating over the next one they are going to release. I personally think the CF VF-1J looks awesome! Now I just need a release date............ OH and I love those huge 1/48s but, like I said, I just don't think they would look right with my other valks.
  14. Got the replacement "hinges" from Overdrive today. Have to say I am happy as a Pig in Sh**! FYI replacement hinges included arms (minus hands) as well which I find a little bit troubling (Yamato could have just sent the hinges and I would have been happy) but I am not complaining! Oh and I see I will have to take these arms apart as well and adjust the screws a bit on that ball joint (as others have mention on this forum) for the arms is still a bit to tight. I think it could be a factor in the cracking on my existing arms.
  15. Those are all models and not toys right? I would seriously pic up a VF-4 (model or toy) after seeing that!
  16. Awesome! I think it's cool Yamato is doing all the different versions of these Valks. Not everyone likes the same ones so they catering to us all I think. Besides with all the variety they pretty much guarantee that we are all going to pick up 3+ Valks. I have a VF-1S Strike with a VF-1J and VF-1D on order. Now I seriously tempted to get this one and a DYRL Max and Kakizaki. And here I was saying to myself last summer that I'll order just one! OH and FYI those panel lines are there on the chest you just have to look closer at the pics. It's either bad lighting hiding the panel lines on the brown or maybe just an issue with the prototype.
  17. I took a month but I got my parts. What suprised me is that I didn't get the shoulder hinges I asked for but the shoulder hinges with arms (minus hands)?! Is this what everyone else has been getting? I don't understand why they just don't ship the hinges. If I have to take it apart too attach it to the fighter I don't mind having to take the arm apart as well. I'm not really complaining its just the Yamato could be saving itself some money just shipping the shoulder hinge instead of the hinge and arm. Anyway I have my new arms so when those cracks finally turn into a break where the arm falls off I'll replace them then! I'll post picks of exactly what I got tomorrow as I don't have a camera handy at the moment.
  18. Crap I didn't think the legs bent that much! My legs at the hips got the point where it was really stiff so I didn't bother to try to rotate them anymore (for fear of breakage) don't know if I have the will power to try still considering how stiff they get. Oh and those Panel lines are awesome! Definitely going to have to look into getting a Gundam Marker!
  19. Well took the plunge and orderd the VF-1D and the VF-1J today. Let's see a YF-21, 2 VF-1s, Flexi Stands and 2 replacement shoulder for my Vf-1S.....oh my god what have I done! ...at least I won't get charged for the VF-1s till they ship, which is whenever the VF-1D is actually released this month. Dear god please let it be the end of the month! I guess no Xbox 360 games for awhile....or meat.......poo.
  20. Have to agree but it's hard for some of us to talk about Detroids without immediately thinking about Battletech. I just wanted to post what the Weapons are on the Macross versions (cause people where wondering) and then got the crazy idea to post Battletech stats (as a Battletech fanboy as well). I guess I should have known this would get out of hand and start the crap about licensing in NA again. We really like to beat a dead horse here don't we?
  21. Didn't list the LAM's as I couldn't find the stats. But here they are. The Stinger LAM The Wasp LAM The Phoenix Hawk LAM I didn't think about the Longbow as I didn't think they had to reprint the TR 3058 to remove it but I do see the similarities. As to the Ostroc, Ostsol & Ostscout I see the similarities now.
  22. Just got confirmation that my shoulders shipped today! Took 1 1/2 months which isn't so good but at least I have somewhere to get replacement parts. Payment Details 2 x 1/60 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Roy Focker Version) Arm Part (Left and Right)=$6 Shipping Fees to Canada via EMS $12.5 Total Amount $18.5 Sucks that it costs 12.5 for shipping for 2 small parts. Oh well it's going air halfway across the world so I guess I can't bitch.
  23. Added some cheap $15 Noma Ext. Puck lights to my case just to try it out. Looks nice but can't really capture it with the camera. Here is one with the flash and one without. Anyone have some good tips on getting the lighting levels better? I think the correct lighting would be somewhere in between these 2. I did photo shop the darker one a little bit (adjusted the levels). Note I'll clean the wiring up latter. Don't know if I want to keep them as they are giving off this acrid odor right now which I think is just the crappy new electronics smell but really strong (I'm fairly confident I wired them right).
  24. Lets clear this up: The Defender: 4 x cannon Erlikon 78 mm liquid-cooled high-speed automatic cannon Type 966 PFG Contraves II, hence the ammo bins. The Rifleman - RFL-5M (3050): 2 x Large Lasers 2 x Medium autocannons(Ultra-AC5). There are variants that had PPCs, LBX-10 or Ultra 10 autocannons though. 2 x Medium Lasers The Tomahawk: 2 x Mauler PBG-11 liquid-cooled electrically-charged particle beam gun 2 x Ramington M-89 12.7 mm air-cooled MG 2 x Astra TZ-III gun cluster with each cluster featuring the following: 1 x laser gun, 1 x 25 mm MG, 1 x 180 mm grenade launcher, 1 x flamethrower 2 x Bifors close-in self-guided rocket launchers with 12 rockets per launcher (24 rockets total) 1 x Erlikon anti-aircraft self-guided missile option pack with 6 missiles The Warhammer - WHM-4L (3050-theres no missles in the chest in the Battletech version): 2 x ERPPCs 1 x Streak SRM-6 4 x Medium Lasers 2 x Small Lasers 2 x Machine Guns The Spartan: 1 x Astra TZ-IV gun cluster featuring the following (center chest): 1 x laser gun 1 x 32 mm MG 1 x 180 mm grenade launcher 1 x 12.7 mm MG, 1 x flamethrower 2 x Mauler RQV-10 anti-aircraft laser guns 2 x Bifors close-in self-guided rocket launcher with 12 rockets per launcher (24 rockets total) The Archer - ARC-4M (3050 - theres is no center gun cluster on the Battle Tech version, think that is where they put the "head") 2 x LRM-20s with artimies 4 x Medium Lasers Edit ah what the heck lets compare all the battletech drawing ripoffs (that I know of) to their Macross equivalent: Glaug Battle Pod 1 x long range, electron beam cannon (mounted dorsal on the main fuselage) 2 x large-bore impact cannons (mounted on front arms) 2 x small-bore impact cannons (mounted on front arms) 2 x small-bore, laser anti-personnel cannons (mounted forward ventral on the main fuselage) Marauder (3050 - MAD-2R) 2 x ERPPCs 2 x Medium Lasers 1 x Ultra Autocannon/5 VF-1A Valkyrie 1 x Fixed Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannon, firing 6,000 pulses per minute 1 x Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod with 200 rds fired at 1,200 rds/min 4 x underwing hard points for 12 x AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles (3/point) Stinger (3050 - STG-3G) 1 x Medium Laser 2 x Machine Guns VF-1S Valkyrie 4 x Fixed Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannons, firing 6,000 pulses per minute each 1 x Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod with 200 rds fired at 1,200 rds/min 4 x underwing hard points for 12 x AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles (3/point) Wasp (3050 - WSP-1D) 1 x Medium Laser 1 x SRM-2 Valkyrie (3050 - VLK-QD) 1 x LRM-10 w/artimis 1 x Medium Pulse Laser VF-1S FAST Pack "Super" Valkyrie 4 x Fixed Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannons, firing 6,000 pulses per minute each 1 x Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod with 200 rds fired at 1,200 rds/min 4 x underwing hard points for 12 x AMM-1 hybrid guided multipurpose missiles (3/point) 6 x micro-missiles in two NP-AR-01 micro-missile launcher pods (mounted rear-ward under center ventral section in Fighter mode or on lower arm sections in GERWALK/Battroid mode) estimated 24 x micro missiles in two HMMP-02 micro-missile launcher pods Phoenix Hawk (3050) 2 xER Large Laser 2 xMedium Pulse Lasers 1 x Anitmissle system VF-1J GBP-1S "Armored" Valkyrie 2 x Fixed Mauler RÖV-20 anti-aircraft laser cannons, firing 6,000 pulses per minute each 1 x Howard GU-11 55 mm three-barrel Gatling gun pod with 200 rds fired at 1,200 rds/min 56 x 28-cm-diameter Erlikon GH-32 Grenade Crusher high maneuverability micro-missiles (22 mounted in two shoulder launchers, 10 mounted in two chest launchers, 16 mounted in four side leg launchers, 8 mounted in four rear leg launchers) 18 x Erlikon GA-100 Crusher high-speed armor-penetrating projectiles (mounted in two lower arm launchers) 6 x Ramington H-22T large hand grenades (mounted on upper legs) Crusader (Starleague) 2xLRM-15s w/artimis 4xStreak SRM-2s 2xMedium Lasers 2xMachine Guns Gotta love FASA for their blatant rip off of the artwork. It's just to bad the Archer was my favorite mech in Battle tech and one of the reasons I so want that destroid! FYI: You can find all the battle tech info. here: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Technical_Readout:_3050
  25. Yeah I get giddy about all the versions even with a bad economy. The exchange sucks now for my dollar but considering the VF-1s are only $90US its not a major pain every time I think about buying one. As to Zentraidi Battle pods. I hope they could keep them under $150 (there's no transformation so we can hope!?!?!). I think one of the reasons the 1/60s are so popular is the price point. Although to finally have a Glaug and Reguld.......... Does anyone know if Yamato has the rights to make Glaugs or Regulds?
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