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Everything posted by logos

  1. Loosening the screws is actually super easy and it still keeps the ball joint more than tight enough to hold a pose. Getting that shoulder armor off is a little scary but it's just 2 small posts (you can't break these) that sit in a track. I transformed my VF-1S to fighter today and I noticed that the cracks are really showing while I am lifting and rotating the arms around that tab during transformation. I'll have to pay more attention to how I do that and be more carefull but I already got my replacements for Overdrive. Once these arms actually fall off I'll put the new ones on. I think the best way to move the shoulder during transformation is to make sure that you keep those 2 shoulder brackets at 90 while rotating the shoulder for as long as you can before folding down.
  2. I work in the Canadian Agriculture industry. I am the CAD administrator (I admin the CAD and computer software/hardware for R&D and do CAD work as well) for a Seeding and Hay equipment manufacturer. So far we have only been hit lightly by the credit crunch. Farmers still want to buy seeding equipment (especially since the fertilizer market crashed) but the only places we are running into problems are places like Russia and Kazakhstan where the Corp. farms are having trouble getting credit. You wouldn't believe what large seeding equipment costs! You could be looking at 1/2-1 million US by the time everything is said and done. I feel fairly confident about where we are (Sales are up from last year) but you never know so I put plans on buying a house on hold and consolidated all my dept to: 1 lower my monthly payments 2 to get it all paid off faster (I had gov. student loans set to pay off over a 10 year period). So far the only hit I have seen is my retirement fund which is all in stocks. Unfortunately for most our company uses an general investment plan thats all in stock "packages" that the employees have to manage themselves. Fortunately for me I kind of saw the writing on the wall in the beginning of 2008 so once I shifted my investment plan I didn't get hit too hard, but who knew bonds would start sucking to! Anyways I started collecting my Macross stuff about 1-1/2 to 2 years ago. I was always a fan of Robotech when I was a kid but hadn't discovered Macross till I went to Tech. and I saw Macross Plus for the first time when if came out in NA. This snowballed into discovering what the differance was between Robotech and Macross and I have been a Macross freak ever since. I stated with a VF-0 (when I discovered Macross Zero), saying to myself...."I'll just buy one. THAT'S IT!". Oh that was a mistake. A YF-19 quickly followed (when I found it on sale) and ever since the summer of 2008 I have started buying like 1 or 2 toys every 2 months. I'm trying to stick to Yamato 1/60s but I feel those 1/48s a calling some days. My last purchase was the hyper expensive YF-21 and I just got confirmation from Overdrive of my VF-1D and VF-1J shipping today. I think I am done for awhile though, well until the VT-1 comes out and then I'll probably finally break down and try to get a VF-25 DX (I'll finally have a Bandai!?!?!) at the same time. You never know about the economy and unless they release a Destroid Spartan there is nothing else I really want. Well, I am drooling over the Yamato SDF-1 but I'll have to wait to see what shipping will be for that monster cause that might kill it for me, even though I really want it. Oh and maybe a Bandai 1/100 VF-25, VF-27, VF-4 oh and eventually a VF-11B......OH MY GOD MAKE IT STOP! It's snowballing like my Amazon habit, which has slowed down significantly but I think that is only cause I shifted it to Macross toys. Seriously though considering the way the economy has gone I really need to look at stopping. Afterall my truck needs tires.....
  3. Mine shipped this morning from Overdrive. The pics just make me want it more.........OMG that orange is awesome! This might be the one that I buy more than 1 of.
  4. Good point. Look at the 1/60 VF-1s. They are $80-$90US a piece which I consider a very good price. I only own 1 of every other Valk I wanted but I own 3 and counting of the VF-1 1/60s. But even at $500 I'll probably still buy one. I mean it is the SDF-1 in all her elephantine glory! Anyways it comes out in 2010 so we'll see what the price comes out too then. If Canada wins it's first Olympic gold on home soil next year maybe I'll buy one of these to celebrate .....who am I kidding I am just looking for an excuse to buy one like I did the YF-21.
  5. From that video. Wouldn't it be cool if the head laser on the VF-1A was actually a laser sword!?!?! Opps sorry just had a Gundam moment...for shame! Back on topic. I'll buy this but considering the boxes Yamato uses the shipping costs having me pissing my pants already! ....still a buy though I think if you can come up with the scratch.
  6. I just love the way that the orange looks. Overdrive can't ship this to me fast enough!
  7. Personally I think this will be awesome. People have been begging for years to have a "large" Macross SDF-1 and when we finally get one people start screaming it's "TOO BIG"! Buy the Wave one if this is too big for you. Sometimes I don't think Yamato can win. If your concerned about the foot print put it in "battroid" mode. Besides at 24" inches it's only going to take up the room of 2 or 3 valks. Make some room and if you can't well I guess you don't Macross enough. Also I don't think WF or shelf space even entered their minds when they came up with this one. Personally I have a nice space beside my Plasma (opposite my xbox) that's just begging for a giant figure to be placed there and I think I have found it (previously it was occupied by the 27 volume special release of Naruto). I would have to agree that $500 is a bit steep but I just spent $200+ on a YF-21. If we can spend $200 on a YF-21 I'll probably spend $500 on a giant SDF-1. Come to the dark side where things like WF, Meat and being responsible mean nothing to that big grin you get on your face when you look at your collection! Oh and I bet the reason they went with an DYRL SDF-1 is that it's basically what we see in Frontier so they probably figure they would get better product reconignition out of it. Considering the size and cost of the thing I seriously doubt that they will bring out a TV version unless this one sells really well.
  8. logos

    yf-19 problems?

    I've had mine for about a year and I don't have that problem. Probably just bad luck.
  9. I'm betting pretty good. You can still buy most of the other Valks at Overdrive and other places. You just might have to wait a little while till they get more in stock.
  10. I guess this confirms that it comes with missles! Anyway I like the box art. It's something a bit different from what they usually do.
  11. logos

    yamato's next move

    Bump Apparently it`s a 1-2000 SDF-1 (DYRL)....................how much are kidneys going for now a days. ............ :lol:
  12. I hope it`s standing cuz it`s going to be larger in ship mode. Well I`m hoping at least. I sure hope that arm can support the weight of that Cannon!
  13. Man these are looking sweet! Sign me up for all the Frontier Valks, VF-1 Armored Parts and especially a VF-4! Just to bad that they didn't do a VF-0D.
  14. I just blew up one of the photos and it says that the SDF-1 will be 1-2000 scale that`s pretty sweet! Edit: Sorry I think someone mentioned this already.
  15. Looks like it is going to be 30cm tall or 12inches! Marked it on the photo. Now I just have to wonder what it will cost and how many organs do I need to sell to buy this and the New Yamato SDF-1!!!!!
  16. Like everyone else OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! Now $500 is a bit step but I think most of us will find a way to swing it . Maybe cut back on the VF-1 1/60 purchases! Anyway all I really have to say is CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SIZE OF THE BOX YAMATO IS GOING TO PUT THIS IN!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. I don't think so. If you check out the picks they include parts for it to be attached to the Yamato stand (look at the attachment point tabs). Note that the YF-21 only included attachment parts for it's own stand.
  18. Should work. Just say you have a defective wing, which you obviously have. In just had "cracks" in the hinge of my VF-1S shoulders and they sent replacements.
  19. Got my flexi-stands today and I have to say that I am impressed. For about 12-16 bucks a piece they are so totally worth it.
  20. I personally don't think there will be a major problem. If there is well at least we can all get replacement parts now somewhat cheap from places like Overdrive. Everything right now IS SPECULATION until someone actual gets their hands on one. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT putting this on pre-order (no matter how much I want to!). I'll wait till I hear from people on these boards who purchased them before I make my final decision. That's because I don't want to drop $180US on something I never researched. I want to wait to see what the reviews are at the very least.
  21. Damn another 1/60 I'll have to pick up! That VT looks awesome (even has the different wings!). Anybody know if there is an MSRP listed for it yet? Now the only problem is to decide which 1/60 repaint to order with it! Also need to find enough scratch somewhere to get a VF-11B.........makes it tough when, by the time I save enough money, I start thinking I could buy 2 VF-1s for the same price.
  22. I think best foot design has to go to the destroids. The range of movement and pose-ability there just rocks. Otherwise my favorite Yamato feature is the lack of need for swappable parts. With Yamato 1/60 and 1/48 Valks swappable parts are an extra feature (anime hands) not a requirement for the transformations. Also I have yet to see a Yamato toy do the Gerwalk mode wrong unlike some Bandai releases.
  23. If it was around $100-$120 and came with Max or Mira it would so be a buy for me even if it did not have much posebility. Otherwise it's kind of a pass. Would much rather have a Reguldor a Glaug even if they did not come with pilots. Maybe I'll pick one up latter this year just to have one.
  24. YF-21 also makes my YF-19 look like a piece of poo now too. YF-21 is nice and tight almost everywhere while my YF-19 has a case of the floopies. About the only thing my YF-19 has over the YF-21 is that in batroid mode the YF-21 pretty much always wants to tip over. It's a strange experience expeically when you compare it to the destoids that require a sizable push to knock over even when I have them in some extreme positions. Still like it though but at that price there is no way that I would ever buy 2.
  25. Little bit yeah.
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