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Everything posted by logos

  1. VF-0s good. I have one and do not have the exploding shoulders that some report. Beware that it gets a bit floppy after awhile. I would say the the VF-1s are a more sturdy toy though.
  2. You won't know till they get back to you. Email them again 1 or 2 more times. Give it up to a month before you get pissed though. That's how long it has taken some of us just to get a response.
  3. If your son's good with them get him a Yamato VF-1 1/60. Just avoid the VF-1S which seemed to have the most breakages (I have cracks on both my shoulders but I still love the thing). Get him the VF-1J or the VF-1D. They are probably the cheapest Macross toys you can get right now (besides the Bandai chunky). Check out this thread about ordering replacement parts from Yamato. Should give a good idea of what to do if you do get into trouble with a Yamato. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27901 I wouldn't buy him the YF-21. Very expensive and it's not exactly easy to transform but seems to be durable. Well at least as durable as I want to get with a $200 toy/figure Also look at getting your kid the new Yamato Destroids. The Defender and the Tomahawk are pretty tough in my books and I love them! Here's a link from overdrive. OD greens are the best. Defender http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1184 Tomahawk http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=990
  4. I like to pose it with the left or right foot maybe half an inch or so ahead or behind of the other, when doing that I can't get it to split to far apart. Dosen't help that my desk is slippery as hell. I would be better if it had more clicky ankle joints I think cause usually that's what goes first. I don't mind it though (nothing's perfect ) and it's not a big deal since I now have them displayed like this.
  5. Mines been sitting in BC for three days! Argh, won't be seeing it until Monday or Tuesday now. 3-4 days my ass! God I hate living in the middle of Canada somedays.... Have to say that I haven't been this excited about getting a VF since my VF-0 (which was my first).
  6. I don't get it either but I find it strangely funny.............maybe it's just that first pic.
  7. logos

    Store Questions

    Overdrive is good and I have had good experience with Angolz. Note that the only time I have ever had to pay duties was when I purchased one from HLJ. They may have "cheaper" shipping but you'll end up paying the same or more in the end depending on your countries import dues and taxes.
  8. Like Mitch said the Bandai 1/55s. While they lack detail and I think they are fugly (I know some love them) you can't deny all the metal parts in the thing. Get your son the Bandai 1/55 vf-1 (which he should have a pretty hard time destroying) and get yourself the Yamato 1/60 Vf-1. Yes this statement was brought to you by a childless selfish bastard!
  9. logos

    yamato's next move

    Are there any Vlaks from the games that they could do that would be worthwhile? I mean after a VF-4 and/or a VF-0D what could they do? If not does it finally seem like a good time to do a Glaug and/or a Reguld? They are doing the 1/2000 SDF-1 which I thought they would never do. If they did do any mecha from the games I would love if they did a VF-22 but do they have the rights to any Macross 7 Valks?
  10. logos

    yamato's next move

    Let the speculation begin! Damn it's nice. Maybe we'll see something like it out some decade. It's right up there on my list of probably never happen but really want with the VF-0D. Good news is that I can take a large SDF-1 off my list.....hopefully. Now just have to figure out how to afford it.
  11. That's cool! Imagine the spring mechanism you would need to shoot ARMDs!?!?!? Could this be one of the fabled gimicks it might have? I doubt it but I can dream. EDIT: Does it shoot or snake/reach out? From my first watch it looked like was shooting out...but after exploding it I am not sure looks like the arm kind of snaked out?
  12. logos

    Yamato stands

    $1554yen is like $20Can. That's pleny cheap enough for me. I just bought the set of 3 flexi stands for $45US so at $20Can that's perfect for me. I like the semi clear plastic as it dosen't distrack like the Yamato Chrome wonder that I have. FYI I also really like the flexi stands too.....at least I will need to buy a few more valks before I need new stands.
  13. Personally being Canadian I want the SDF-1 to come with I diorama with it hovering over the ruins of the "Onatrio Autonomous Region"! I always knew those Easterner Federalists where the real seperatists not the Quebecio! :lol: Awe the memories, that pretty much defined the moment I became a Robotech/Macross fan. FYI that must have been quite the explosion to take out a Province that is larger than many countries! Edit: Yet somehow leave the SDF-1 intact!?!?! Nah I must be wrong the explosion wasn't that big was it?
  14. Mums the word! I don't want to pay that frick'n duty either! And it's still sitting in Vancover.........................Ack! sometimes I think tracking makes the waiting worse!
  15. I know what you mean I love the head sculpt for the VF-1D. I prefer fighter mode but this one is always going to be in batroid mode. edit: Mine entered customs this morning and is just sitting there taunting me and giving me the urge to raid Customs Canada.......god I wish having a brother whose an RC could actually let you pull some strings! As it is he's just one giant nag...
  16. Yeah should have guessed.
  17. ....that's what I need capital ships to go with the Yamato SDF-1! Too bad these are probably just custom jobs.
  18. logos

    Macross Calender

    Had to go to Staples today to get warranty on a mouse. Typical crap at staples. I had to sit around while they did the return cause things where screwing up... Anyways got bored while I was there and was looking for something to do. Started thinking about how excited I was to be getting my VF-1D and VF-1J soon I made this. Only cost me like 8 bucks! And didn't take very long to do using their marginally ok web-software. Edit: I receive it tomorrow. There is a 6 hour wait for some reason even though I saw they guys in the copier center sitting there twiddling there thumbs.........did I mention I hate Staples! test.pdf
  19. Ah crap I put it in the wrong thread sorry guys. I was going to put it in the 2 seater thread but I'll give it it's own.
  20. Got bored today at Staples and I started thinking about that VT-1 pic so I made a calender at staples. Here is the pdf to check out. Now I have something else to hang in my office and it only cost me like 8 bucks! test.pdf
  21. Like VFTF1 said you are totally forgetting about economies of scale and other factors. You can't compare a TV or and Ipod touch to a toy that's like comparing Apples to Oranges. I work for a farm machinery company that makes seeders haying equipment and aircarts. Our smallest models cost $30,000 and our largest costs $$150,000+. We sell maybe a 200-400 machines of all types a year. Am I going to say this unbelievably cheap because a 70' Airseeder only costs $180,000? NO, it does not makes sense. Believe me toys (or anything that sells at a low volume compared to say an Ipod) can cost allot more than you think. Molds are really expensive and if you aren't selling hundreds of thousands of units it really creeps into the cost of your item. Is $500 allot? Sure it is. But Yamato is factoring in Production costs and demand of the product when they set prices. Go to a parts vendor. See what they charge you if you order 1 part versus 1000 or 10,000 parts. You will be crapping your pants when you see the difference VOLUME makes to the bottom line. Now Yamato has the right to make a profit just like everyone else and they know if they overcharge they are going to loose sales. Would they have sold allot more 1/3000-1/5000 SDF-1s at $200 or less, maybe, but REMEMBER THAT YAMATO HAS NOT OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED A PRICE YET! I am sure that once they get a handle on how many of these they will sell they'll announce one and if it's allot it might be cheaper than what's been speculated. Crap if they find out that they will only sell a couple of hundred of these they might not release it at all or we could be looking at a toy coming close to $800 or $1000. Besides this is not the first $500+ toy I've seen and for me this doesn't really fall into the toy category. This is more like buying a totally awesome display piece. You know like those Darth Vader and Marvel Statues that sell for like $1200-$3000. If they really wanted to make a toy they probably would have stuck to 1/3000 or smaller. If you want that go buy the Wave simple as that. If $500 is too expensive for well theres nothing else to say. We all don't have the budget for something like this.
  22. Found this awesome pick for the VT on www.stumbleupon.com. They should put something like this on the cover of the VT box. Or better yet the rez is good enough on this I should get an 11x17 made and framed to go with the VT when I get it.
  23. With the 1/4 I imagine because it's a prototype that's the reason you won't be seeing it posed for a while. Materials used for initial prototyping (especially in the case of rapid prototyping) are notorious for being weak and are only for test fitting and display purposes only (which probably explains the hot glue there). As to the screw breakages and Yamato's shoulder problems. Everyone has brought up valid points. People who think CAD will solve all the problems of the past are living in a dream world. As a CAD manager for the company I work for I could go on forever about what programs like AutoCAD (the classic!), ProEngineer, Solidworks, Inventor, Solidedge etc. can't do for you (or they advertise that it can and it will but only after hours of frustration or sorry you need to buy this $10,000 software option to do this! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:). A design is only as good as the designer AND the guy you have running the machine making the parts. You wouldn't believe how many problems I have run into because some jerk "forced" a jig or didn't check the mold after making a few hundred parts or in the rare case you got bum batch of material that got past the QC in the factory. Sure the Yamato shoulder might have been a bad design decision, inexperience on an assembly line for a product, or a material problem. We will never know because Manufactures don't like talking about screw ups. They just sneak fixes into the next production run and fix the problem ones under their warranty programs. Yamato had some bad shoulders on the intial 1/60s (VF-1S and some others) and Bandai looks like it may have some defective screws. That's whats warrantee is for people. The fact Yamato recongnized the problem and finally made it fairly simple for me to order replacement parts from Overdrive makes me happy with the customer service on a Toy that I purhcased from another country. If we all could read and speak Japanesse we could probably call or use their website to complain about the problems but since some of us live in countries where Yamato and Bandai don't have license to sell their toys to us we are kind of SOL. Also note that I have an initial run VF-O and no problems with the shoulders but I have a VF-1S with cracks in both shoulders. Still didn't stop me from buying 2 more VF-1s yesterday and I'll still buy a VF-25 later on. There is still allot of people like Graham that don't have problems with their toys too. It's not the end of the world people but I guess that will never stop us from bitching will it! And so ends my stupid rant. Well at least I feel better.
  24. That damned inconsiderate Hikaru! Doesn't he know to move the seat up for a lady! I bet Roy would never had made that mistake!
  25. It looks like the VT-1 might be the same color of orange too (if those previous pics mean anything) which is awesome. I haven't felt this giddy about getting a Macross toy (VF-1D) since I ordered my VF-0!
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