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Everything posted by logos

  1. Ask and you shall receive.
  2. I don't know. It's going to be bigger than you think. If you look at the body of the plane it is almost as big as the YF-21 or YF-19. I has allot shorter cockpit/nose but that's it. It's going to be bigger than a VF-1 1/60.
  3. I've done it once but that was with a credit card. Took about a week I think.
  4. I've been hating the Maple Leafs lately so my 1/100 toniami with a Leafs jersey took the brunt of it. 41 years without the cup......could be worse I could be a Montreal Canadians fan.
  5. I don't know the gray base adds some contrast IMO. Could be either it wouldn't really bother me. Yamato probably wanted to save a little money by using the same neck mechanism on them all I guess. Also I am a fan of the white. It so niece and harsh like a Storm trooper or something. It's like Hikaru is daring somebody to shoot him. Maybe the Cannon fodders with thier subdud tones could learn something from this! Anyway, if you don't like it try weathering it, I bet it'll come out nice. I got both this and my D today. At first it was like Ack! Is that ever white! But I found myself fiddling with this one the most today for some reason. Also putting it next to my VF-1S makes it look gray not white.
  6. Being in an agricultural R&D shop where you aren't only manufacturing and testing equipment but storing your testing seed and fertilizer sucks some days. But getting to work with giant pieces of machinery can't be passed up either. Nothing makes you grin like watching an 60 or 84 foot wide tool bar curl up into something you can transport on a highway ......did I mention I love big machines?
  7. Yeah the mice that are lurking up there tempted by the probably 30 traps in the ceiling. Note shop doors being left open in the winter is a BAD idea. Live with the diesel fumes you'll feel less squeamish later when you don't have to empty the traps.
  8. Personally I like the bright white of the 1J just seems right for that one. Anyway this is a thread for the 1D and in ansewr to Agent-GHQ's question. I think that the chest on the 1d is larger because of the larger heat shield and slightly larger cockpit. 1 thing I have noticed is that no camera seems to capture the orange on the 1D properly. It's not as dark as that and a couple more pics.
  9. Awesomeness! They finally showed up today!
  10. Good point. Oh and it's 1/2000 scale I think not 1/20000. All I know is I can't wait to see the final version and then I will make my decision.
  11. Ugh the beer emails! That must be the 12th version of it I have seen in a couple of months! If all I did was drink beer I'd be an out of shape alchy that was always broke cause he spent all his money on booze. Wait how is that differant from now......oh that's right because of Macross toys I can't afford alcohol!
  12. Give Yamato a chance I am sure they have the "Blue heat shield" Max in the works! What is the version count on the 1/60s currently anyway? 13?
  13. I think some of us are forgetting that in Macross Plus the SDF-1 looks like the DYRL version. I mean if the ARMDs had not got blown up early in the show these are the arms the SDF-1 should have had. It's still cannon. I know we all have fond memories of the original version but that's not the version Yamato went with. Considering that this is the version that shows up in 2 series of Macross and a movie (I know I am including Frontier when I probably shouldn't) it is probably the more popular version. So some of will cry and scream "curse you Yamato for not being old school" and some of us will be pleased and think it's the cooler version anyway. I personally like the original version better in some ways, but I watched this show when it first came out as a kid so I'm a stuck in my ways "old fart" (shoot me now! ). This does not mean that I am not drooling over this monstrosity. I think the only thing that should matter is that their making a 1/2000 scale SDF-1! It's going to be 2' of beautiful plastic (and most likely some diecast) that will sit proudly on my self, once Yamato releases a price so I can determine if I can afford it or not. If I can't I'll go into my corner and cry/wimper then hate myself for not buying one when I had a chance. Edit: You have to admit that we will all envy the people who buy this and secretly hate them at the same time!
  14. I don't see the toy market really going tits up. The trading card and comic market where killed by the glut of stuff out there. Kids (and allot of parents) where buying because "I'll collect this and 20 years from now it will be worth 10 times as much! Look at what the card is selling on EBAY! or in this magazine!", well there was such a demand that they overproduced (4 different covers for 1 issue of a comic? Really?!?!) and all of it is worth next to nothing today so the Pseudo collectors stopped buying. Now it's mainly back to normal and people are buying comics because they like to read comics and people are buying cards cause they like to play card games or they like sports...mostly. I still see some-guys in the hobby stores buying whole boxes of cards to sort and sell on ebay.......well as long as their making money I guess. Anyway be honest. Are any of us collecting a $100-$200 toy we think is going to be worth $500-$1000 20 years from now? I like to say I'm not but that growing pile of boxes I am not throwing out tends to make me a bit of a hypocrite...moving on! Allot of us have been Macross/Robotech fans for what 10-20 years? I don't think we will stop being Macross fans at this point of the game. I buy Valks 'cause I like to look at them on my self and think about some scene in one of the series (or make up my own scene in my head). I also like the feel of them in my hands and to transform and pose them (and yes to Swoosh! with them once in a while). I think their sales will suffer because their clients can't buy what they used too but I don't think most of us are just going to stop collecting. As long as they keep bring stuff out that we drool over I think allot of us will keep trying to buy. ....1/2000 SDF-1.....mmmmmmmmm........large scale SDF-1....... $500???? ....mmmmm 1/2000 SDF-1 Sorry where was I? So could this happen with toys and collectable figures? Sure nothing is impossible. The industry might shrink a bit in the next couple of years but once some of us lose the or get back on our feet we will be right back to collecting again. Unless Yamato is still doing repaints of 1/60 VF-1s 4 years from now. Edit: That or the Wife/significant other sees the size your collection has become and lays down the law. .....
  15. Uhh... have you been paying attention to this site? All we do is bitch about how we have to have this or that but it's sooooo expensive.....maybe I'll only get two. Or lately, "They are all too expensive how do they think we can afford these?!?!": Personally I love my VFs and i don't regret any of them....well except for my YF-21 somedays.:lol Now you need to buy a Max VF-1S or a Max VF-1A (DYRL) and a Kakizaki VF-1A(DYRL) to go with them. Then you'll have to buy the TV VF-1J, VF-1A Max & VF-1A Kakizaki. Crap while your at it pick up a VF-1D and a VF-1S Roy right now! Oh and maybe a couple of destoids....... Seriously though if your looking for your next purchase I can't recommend a VF-0. Mines gotten a bit floppy and some bitch about exploding shoulders but the design is awesome! I also love my YF-21 but the price....
  16. It's a bit top heavy and the Zentraid batroid design makes it a little hard to pose (all those curves) but is solid and it looks awesome. Transformation is a little bit fidely but I don't think anyone has report allot of breakages on this one. It has all the bells and whistles and comes with a stand and the fast packs. It is my favorite if most expensive valk. If it wheren't for the shoulders cracking on my 1/60 VF-1S it would be a tie between the 2.
  17. Wizartar comes through with a niece video review again.
  18. Yeah it sounds like maybe you've accidentally warped something or something's come off track in the mechanism. I say if it is getting worse it's time for the tools to come out or just request a new leg from Overdrive. It will cost you a little bit but it's better than being stuck with a broken VF. Honestly the only problem I've had with the V.2 1/60s is the hip bar during transformation as well. Like schmungbeen said it's a bit of an art-form. Check out the video in the above link to see if you are doing anything wrong.
  19. I wonder what the Phalanx's gimmick is going to be? The Defender had the Moveable optic sensor and extra ammo drums. The Tomahawk had the missile bays and the extra articulation in the waist. I imagine that if the Spartan ever came out it would have the pop out weapons pod in the middle but what about the Phalanx? Have to admit I am not familiar enough with it.
  20. Yes! Now all I need is a Spartan and a 1/60 Cannon Fodder Valk and my Line of the "Red Shirts" will be complete! Seriously though I hope the flap for the missile cover doesn't have the giant "M" on it (just a decal on the sticker sheet). That was the only reason I did not like this Destroid in the first place. Edit: Oh and how many months afterwards do you think the OD green will come out? 3 or 4? I can remember the what the release date difference where on the Toma and the Defender. It's got to match my OD Tomahawk if I get one.
  21. It's finicky the lip of the bar that connects to the hip crossbar has to come in at the right angle for it to slip into place. Once you figure it out its fine but until then it's frustrating. Check out this video (around the 5:28 an 8:12 marks): Pay particular attention to the placement of the legs during the transformation and the "spine" lip.
  22. logos

    Store Questions

  23. I don't have one Yamato Valk that didn't require a small tool (i find paper clips the best) during transformation. Just the nature of the beast I guess but then again I have huge hands.
  24. logos

    Welcome back;

    I don't know about any lists but you can try these links Here's what Overdrive has available: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/default.php?cPath=49_125 http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/default.php?cPath=49_231 HLJ http://www.hlj.com Just search macross. This should give you some idea where to start i hope FYI look into the Yamato Destroids and the Yamato VF-1s v.2 (post the Vf-1S Roy, avoid that one for shoulder problems right now). They are awesome if not as durable as the Bandai chunkies.
  25. Yeah they are a bit finicky. Don't try to force it to much or you will break the bars on the ammo packs or in my case cause them to sperate in half (just re-glued the seams and it was fine.). They kind of rotate and clip in from the back down and slide back at the same time? Don't have it in front of me right now so I can't be sure. They will get in there firm and tight and once you figure out how to do it it will be fine. I really got to get around to weathering mine by the way. Ack!
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