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Everything posted by logos

  1. logos

    1/60 Regults anyone?

    Yep good point. But as long as a Regult doesn't cost as much as a Mospeada Ridearmor I would be ok with some balance issues and or modifications to the design to make it balance better, but then people would be bitching that it wouldn't be anime accurate.... Anyway I am buying my Q-Rau just to have one and I would buy a Regult just to have one. I wouldn't be a toy but a display piece anyways just like all my valks, despite my illusions that it is otherwise. Also I accept that the Q-Rau has balance and articulation issues so you won't see me complaining as much (thanks for your review by the way) as I did when I ran into troubles with the Battroid mode on my YF-21 ($100 vs. $200....just a little disappointed there but considering the art design it couldn't really be helped.). I wonder if that's why they included a display stand just like the company that did the Ridearmor? Anyway I love your reviews Wizartar! And again, thanks for ruining the VF-1D for me by pointing out that seem line! :lol: :lol:
  2. They where made space worthy after the first FTL jump. If they can move and build a whole city inside of the Macross and create ARMS for the ship, they can make the Daedalus and Proemtheus space/pressure worthy. I am sure that the hanger bays where not though, thats a big space with allot of air you would lose everytime you lifted a valk out to launch it. If you think about it a boats hull is designed to try to be air tight so you would only have to add more pressure doors and locks and modify the existing HVAC system. Sure it would not be as simple as I am saying here but like I said anyone who could move a whole city inside of a ship (WITH BUILDINGS!) wouldn't have hard time converting them. And no I don't think naval ships where eqiuped with anitgav engines, why would you? The only reason I think those ships float in Zero was because of the artifact.
  3. It's is a 1/60 so it should be close to the correct size relative to the YFs. If the packaging is smaller maybe Yamato is finally learning that we don't want GIANT FREAKIN BOXES! Also DarkReaper I imagine that since they wouldn't be selling VF-11Bs at even close to the volumes they sell 1/60 and 1/48 VF-1s we get stuck with a larger price tag. Just the way it is and yeah it sucks. I'm still going to buy one and only one (like many) so you see where Yamato is not going to have the volume compared to VF-1s and all the repaints of those we buy. Sales is all about the volume and the VF-11 is not going to have volume. As to the hands issue. I love the articulated hands on all the Yamato stuff except the 1/48 (just too small). Some of use don't like having to swap hands and keep track of them. All my anime hands stay with the boxes as it's just one giant paint in the ass to keep track of all those parts, like the giant armory of missles that is growing on my desk. Besides I find hands with some articulation THAT CAN BE STORED AWAY, IN THE VALK, DURING TRANSFORMATION cool. I think it's also cool that Yamato caters to people on the otherside of the fence as well.
  4. logos

    1/60 Regults anyone?

    I see Cyclone Trooper's point. We all own multiple Valks but would we really buy 5-10-15 enemy mecha? No we would only probably buy one of each and some of us might buy a repaint that's it. It just doesn't have the appeal of the other mecha. I don't think Q-rau's did bad in sales and if the destoids are selling well that may hopefully convince Yamato and/or Bandai that this should be done. I realized today that I should buy a Q-rau so I did. I think $99 on HLJ is a bit of a steal. Sure it wont have the articulation of my Destroids but it's a 1/60 Q-rau! It's allot bigger than a Destroid! Besides nobody can argue with the sculpt. It looks great! And for those detractors out there, lets face it the artwork does NOT lend it's self to posability. That large organic design with the giant pack on the back just limits what the hell Yamato could do with it. I imagine if Revoltech did a Q-rau we might see something more posable but that's only because of Revoltech joints and it wouldn't be as large as the Yamato one anyway. If I had any complaint about the Q-rau is that it doesn't come with the figure anymore. That sucks. It would be worth $120-$130 with a POSABLE pilot. I am sure that must of pissed off allot of people that they couldn't pose a fig outside of the cockpit. They need to sell the Enemy mecha with poseable pilots or offer them as a seperate purchase if they want to keep the price down. Anyway if Yamato does do enemy mecha I think people need to respect the fact that we are going to have to pay somewhere between $150-$200, IF we want a posable figure with it. Without one I hope that it could be close to the price of the destroids but we are looking at larger figures here so it won't. I would hope that they could keep it in the $100 to $120 range without. Anyway lets face it, Yamato just isn't going to have the volume like they would with the VF-1s. We are going to have to pay for it like we would for a YF-22 or a VF-11B. I for one am in, but I hold no illusions about these being cheap figures or that I am going to buy allot of them. But I will definitely buy!
  5. Definately the Battle Pods! Man someone needs to do 1/48 or 1/60 Battle pods. My collection just won't be complete without them.
  6. You're goin' down. Chainsaw! The only thing you need is a Boom Stick in the other hand and he'll be good to go. Groovy!
  7. Try changing your grip on the leg. I noticed now that my VF-1D is a bit stiff on that leg too. I grab that leg by the upper "calf" and hold it on the back/front of the leg instead of the sides. I think holding it on the sides of the calf causes some binding adding to your problems. Oh and yeah another great review by Wizatar. Have to admit I never noticed the seem line until he pointed it out. Thanks for ruining it for me!
  8. Isn't a VF-1A Kakizaki TV basically a VF-1A TV CF? If it isn't you would think that it would be close enough that yamy wouldn't bother. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1198
  9. I ordered the VF-1J at the same time and for 2 valks they charged me $50.90 EMS.
  10. Never mind f*&k that I retract my previous statement. If you look at the prototype on the first page the gap in the legs more resembles the TV version than the DYRL line art. Also the spacing for the arms on the prototype toy doesn't look soo bad as the lineart does. And here I was doubting myself!
  11. Hasn't been a problem on my VF-1D or J. It was mostly just the the initial S models I think (yes my S has cracks). I would agree that Yamato makes more "Display" pieces than toys. I still love them though.
  12. Now that I see that I agree. Going by the 2 pics that Mechinyun post you really couldn't tell because they weren't from the same perspective.
  13. It's Friday and I'm bored so I post a pic.... .....same thing just different angles. Edit: Touched up the 2nd and last pic in photoshop a little bit. The flash and white VF-1J don't mix.
  14. Over drive posted this today: Mar 06 Notice regarding Yamato Replacement Parts: March 6, 2009 Filed under (Info) by admin @ 07:10 pm First we are sorry but due to the changes in the exchange market the shipping fees for the Macross replacment parts will be raised. To check out the new shipping fee list plese click on the link provided below. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/macross_parts/ Next most of the parts for the requsts sent from January 20 to February 17 have arrived. We will start contacting the people who sent in requests during that period starting on Monday. A few people who have been contacted are still pending but those should arive soon. If you are not contacted by Tuesday please contact us after first checking your spam box . Please note this excludes the people that have been contacted with the information that their requests that have been turned down
  15. That's more just because it's at slightly different perspectives and the DYRL version shows more detail in the line at at that view distance. I very much doubt the gap in the legs between the 2 will be much different. Also you will still have a gap in the TV version arms but not as large as the one would be with the DYRL version.
  16. It's never been a problem and it never crossed my mind about somebody from work stealing it. Nobody in my office would do that. Maybe it's because I'm from Canada (eh!), I dunno. Anyway their probably safer at work tucked behind the security of the building. The only problem I have is the threats of the old fart tossing them off the side of the building to see if they really fly. He's a WWII plane junkie so we get along great. He has some really cool P47 Thunderbolt models. Anyway did a slight variation of it I'll post tomorrow. Had to give the VF-1D back it's gun.
  17. All I can say is that when I look at the VF-1D and especially the VF-1J in batroid mode it just looks and feels right to me. I'm not a big fan of the transformation but I do enjoy doing it sometimes. It's like a puzzle, a sometimes painful and scary puzzle.
  18. Nope we're all a nice close nit group here. Being an R&D facility there is only about 20 of use here including the shop guys. Besides I know where they all live!
  19. As promised here is a pic of the breakage. Couldn't get a better camera so this is the best that I can do.
  20. I think the biggest problem, with the hip bar transformation, is that at first I was trying to push it in. It's more of a push in and pull down kind of thing. It's tricky but it's solid. FYI the cover shipped broken so right now I am just calling it a fluke. If it had broken during a transformation I would be concerned. Otherwise I have not had a hip cover breakage on my VF-1J or my VF-1S. Here's hoping for my last breakage on a 1/60 VF-1!
  21. Here's my meager collection. Little grainy cause the Light in our office sucks for pictures. The snow outside causes intense glares from the windows and the florescent lights suck. There are always too many of them or not enough for the shot. Trying to think of a good caption for this one but it escapes me right now........thoughts? This is the view from the seat at my desk. Who's going around the corner first? Hint I doubt it's the guy in white!
  22. SHHHH! That's what I am secrectly hoping for! Just got an email from OD and they said that they would look into getting the replacement part. If it's like the replacement shoulders where you got arms I might be in luck! Still a little peeved that it shipped broke but considering the good service I got from OD on the 1S shoulders i'm not complaining too much.
  23. I was thinking about doing a crouching look over the shoulder but I only had a few minutes. Besides you know the detroids are going to get it anyway.
  24. What ever you do just buy a valk with the super packs that you want and put them on the D. The price for the super packs by themselves are a bit of a rip off IMO. But if the only vf-1d 1/60 you want is this one go ahead and buy them separately then. Oh and that little gap on the hip compartment on the nose?......... the joint is broken on the hip cover. Plastic is broken at the joint. It came like that and I just noticed that the broken joint was causing the problem today...................ugh at least my J is a work of art. Well off to Overdrive I go. Edit: I'll try to take a pic tomorrow with a camera that has a good macro lens.
  25. Got a little bored and just set this one up for fun.
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