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Everything posted by logos

  1. Yeah I bought it. I have to admit that despite the touchy transformation getting it back to fighter mode I find the thing flawless. This is how a transforming toy should look. You can't really tell at all that the jet can turn into a robot. Also it makes my 1/60 YF-19 look like crap. I think I am ready for a V2 of the 1/60 YF-19. If they can make it as tight and solid as the YF-21 or the new 1/60 VF-1s . Now I just have to find the cash somewhere to get the VF-11B......or new tires for my truck..............who am I kidding I'll probably go for the toy!
  2. Here you go. These are extremely helpful. I almost would recommend checking out these videos before trying to do it the first time. Fighter to Batroid Batroid to Fighter Edit: I closed the poll for this thread considering I have it now.
  3. Yeah just lift the sides a little bit and pull. It will be a little tricky to do on your first one but after that it will be easy. I heard the glue snapping on my VF-1S Roy when I did it the first time and it was still fine. Even if the glue breaks you can fix it easily with some model glue. Do it just to give yourself some piece of mind if anything.
  4. Ack! I just watched the YF-21 review. Props for doing it but I usually expect allot better from Collection dx. Granted the fast packs are hard to put on and take off but if you spend sometime with it and look at the pics you'll figure it out. Severely disappointed, but maybe I've been spoiled by the great reviews wizatar and some others usually give.
  5. And cheap compared to the other ones. My advice, pic up a VF-1S Hik super or a VF-1D. They are very nice.
  6. Yeah but making it out of diecast would cause other problems. Like I said my J and D appear to be fine compared to my S (well here's hoping) which where supposed to have some fixes. Still doesn't mean I don't baby them but I am happy with my purchases none the less.
  7. Yeah but he says this. That's why my post was a question as it was a bit ambiguous. My J and D seem fine right now (except for my D shipping with a broken hip/nose cover ) but Overdrive has gotten back to me and they will be shipping a new part. Shipping the whole Valk back from Canada to Japan is a bad idea financially and I can replace the part myself.
  8. It's 3 bases with 3-2" inch, 3-4", and 3-6" rods. Don't tighten them to tight or you'll crack the acrylic like I did. Personally I like the 2" and 4" stand. 6" just isn't tight enough to hold some of the heavy valks to my taste. Here is a pic of how I am using my 3 pack that I got.
  9. logos

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    If you go by the standard infantry definition your looking at about about 500-1400?? personnel. If you go by the Battletech definition or tank definition (which isn't used anymore I believe, switching to battlegroups which is a mixture of mech/infantry) then you are looking at something like 12 to make a company and 36-48 to make a battalion. You could form a Squadron which is about 12-24 Aircraft. 3 of these would make and Air Regiment/Wing. Either way that's a crap load of valks with armor you have already. You definitely have a company anyways.
  10. So you got a crack on your D? Man that sucks. Means I'll probably/eventually be having to order shoulders of my D and my J....... ........ ....here's hoping I don't!
  11. I know to some it's a big fopaux having the orange logo but I kind of like it. I know gray is anime accurate but orange/red matches all the other valks so I can see where they made the mistake and why I would like it. Oh well wish I could afford this right now but I think I just burst my bank buying 2 Vf-1s and Q-Rau.
  12. There is an earlier pic that shows some of the parts that come with the VF-11B that show stand pieces that would fit the standard Yamato stand. I think we are SOL on that one.
  13. If there going to do these why not do Zentradi figs and less known valks and enemy mecha? People here would be gobbling them up if they just hadn't spent small fortunes on VF-1 1/60s and/or 1/48s.
  14. Ok here is some. I captioned them in the Strike a Pose V.3 thread.
  15. The hardest one to do was the kick to the junk. I had to hold the bottom of the foot of the D off camera and shoot the pic at the same time and it shows with the blurry pic.
  16. Sorry should have add a to the .But yeah now that I look at it I should have moved the books.
  17. Did it in my office so
  18. I got bored at work today for a few minutes (well Ok for a little more than a few) so while I was waiting for something to render.....Please be gentle! I know there are errors, inconsistency and this is pretty slipshod but I was pressed to get it done while I was waiting.
  19. Don't tell me you got rid of them all! You must of at least kept 1 or 2 didn't you?
  20. Exactly. And yes I fooked up coping and pasting the length. I call bullshit on this one. CAD designs can increase your quality control and allow you to do virtual test fitting as well as puke out the models you need to make your molds faster. It saves you development time with the number of prototypes you don't have to do anymore and helps you figure out clearances and tolerances a million times faster. It also allows you to create something called "drawings" that allow you to remake parts and molds decades after you tossed all your molds and jigs out cause you don't make it anymore. I could list a dozen other things too. I have worked in the CAD field for a while and I'm talking from experience here. The only way it adds to cost and development time is if you don't get the software modules and computer/printer hardware you need from the start and if you have guys who are inexperienced using CAD. All the old farts in my building bitch about how long it used to take to design machines before CAD. Now we design stuff using less people and it's quicker. Argh! Marketing bullshit strikes again! When it comes to design and engineering Marketing should keep their big mouths shut. They barely understand it so all you get is bullshit from them usually........man do I sound jaded..... ......also never let them see something your working on before it's finished and priced. Next thing you know you've only just started testing your prototype and their trying to sell the bloody thing....even before you have a good idea as to what it will cost......did I mention that I'm jaded? Edit: What added to their development time? Going to ABS over PVC for one. If that required a bunch of extra parts because you can't mold it the same (probably true but I've never work with PVC we only use ABS for our stuff), well of course that is going to add to development time. More parts means more drawings and more molds to make. Drawings and molds that now have to be maintained and updated to keep data integrity. This allows you to keep records of all your changes so if you need to you can go into a designs past and see if something you changed at an earlier date caused your fook up go into its parameters and quickly/easily make your change. But that's good, it gives you more quality control and record keeping. It's just good engineering. Here's and example of how using CAD saved them time. There is no way they could make their "universal skeleton" they are using without CAD. Once you have the skeletons parameters set and the model made all you have to do is plunk it into an assembly model and start designing and adding your "surface" parts to it until your done. It causes some extra time in initial development but saves you loads of time later on the other models you are going to be making because half of it's made already! Also as time goes on and your database of parts increases you have "existing" parts that you can use or modify to save you time. Of course I could be blowing sh*t up everybody's asses as I don't work for Yamato and I don't know how they do things in their office but if their using CAD they have to be following at least some of the practices we use at work so.................. Anyway....oh yeah this is a VF-11 thread...............it looks cool and i'll buy one just not right away, like I've said before I have to recover from my recent VF-1 purchases and Q-Rau purchase first.
  21. Yeah but Manufactures do that all the time. They'll change products from 1 year to the next just to add an option they thought nobody would want or additions so that they can support new products or fix problems that crop up. If I have learned anything working in the Manufacturing sector is to avoid at all costs buying the "first ofs" if possible. You usually end up being their genie pig.
  22. Just checked a clip out on Youtube and your right about the hangers. Totally forgot about that my bad.
  23. A Glaug too!? Damn I really am jealous. If someone just reproduced these I would be happy....
  24. According to the Macross Mecha Manual the VF-11B is 12.92 meters and the VF-1 is 12.68 meters in battroid modes so in actuality they are quite close to the same height. In fighter mode the VF-11B is 15.51m and the VF-1 is 14.23m. So this won't be to much bigger than a VF-1 1/60 in fighter mode either. Wow I always thought it was bigger than that. At least fighter mode will be somewhat bigger. FYI YF-21 - Fighter - 18.62 meters; Batroid -15.48 meters (without cannon) YF-19 - Fighter - 19.62 meters; Batroid - estimated height 15.5 meters Either way I just bought a Q-Rau this morning so I'm going to have to hold off on this one. I just hope it hangs around a while like the YF-21.
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