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Everything posted by logos

  1. Yeah check the website anymoon (like jenius mentioned) and checkout overdrive.com to see the latest releases. Definately sounds like you purchased the old v1 not the v2 releases. Also check out a sampling of the threads here: VF-1J dedicated http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28832 VF-1 2 seaters http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=0&start=0 VF-1 Max TV http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28803 VF-1J Cannon Foder http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29102 They should give a better idea of what you are looking for.
  2. Yeah and the only problem I have had with my Destroids is that the ankles get a little loose overtime. I think 1 or 2 people here have reported a breakage there but that's it. I cant' recommend the Destroids enough. My Q-Rau on the other hand. Well it's worth just to have one but that's it. Especially since it doesn't come with the fig anymore and now that I have it I really wish it did. That cockpit looks really lonely without it.
  3. Noticed in the pick from the review that the super packs come with a stand (bottom of the packaging). That's makes the price tag look alot better! Think I will finally have to order a 25 during the rerelease in the coming months.
  4. Why does every version seem to have to come with a warped gun? I can handle the parts forming but Bannan guns? Really? For that price that's fricken ridiculous. Edit: Nevermind I don't see why they have to include 2. Seems to me that the transformation mech on the gun is simple enough to include in a 1/100......
  5. I think the real question is that, Is a a certified helmet (I'm guessing no.)? And who is going to be the first one with the sack to use it on a bike, quad, sled, skateboarding or skying/snowborading? If you do post picks! FYI it won't be a purchase for me as I doubt a helmet made in Japan would fit a 6'+ plus Caucasian with a giant mellon. Not any fun if I can't at least try it on.
  6. Hey Hey no disin' the Storm Trooper now! The Yamato weathering sucks but the gleaming eye shattering white is awesome IMO.
  7. Meh.. If you want weathering do it yourself. It's not to difficult and it'll look better than what Yamato is doing.
  8. I bit the bullet and pre-ordered it today......$280Can with shipping from Overdrive...........future prospects of protein rich food look slim.
  9. July!?! Just in time for my birthday! Oh when will the preorders start? Awesomeness!
  10. If you look at the bottom back of the Flight Deck and the Gun it looks like they have extra attachment points that connect to the fore arms so this toy looks like it was meant to be able to hold them posed in the air. That or the hands can't hold the weight at all. Stability wise I think your always going to have to have one of these on the ground to keep it balanced (unless they provide a stand) as it's just going to put the center of gravity to far off. Definitely going on my must have list.
  11. The VF-11 had rocket boosters top and bottom. It doesn't look there are attachment points for the fold booster. Besides I don't think it will fit between those FAST packs. The rocket boosters would be cool though. I would take those over the fast packs.
  12. Damn I was hoping it would be a bit larger than the DX VF-25s then it is....... Oh well it's still cool.
  13. Awesome! Urg to pre-order has increased!
  14. Hey do any of those reviews mention whether that stand comes with them?
  15. Yamato VF-1J 1/60 V.2 Hik Yamato VF-1S 1/60 V.2 Roy with Strike parts Yamato VF-1D 1/60 V.2 Yamato VF-0D 1/60 Yamato YF-19 1/60 Yamtoo YF-21 1/60 Yamato Tomahawk 1/60 Yamato Defender 1/60 Yamato Q-Rau 1/60 Revoltech: Regult Edit Oh and I forgot a couple of VF-1 1/100 Toynamis, an A and J. Next Purchases will probably be a V.2 1/60 Ostrich, Elint and a Phalanx as well as a VF-11B if the exchange rate improves a bit.
  16. The best Yamato VF-1 1/60 v.2 ever. It repairs it's self!
  17. So it'll probably be almost twice as tall as the Quarter. OHHHHHHH YES! Now if I can just afford both.
  18. All I want to know is when and actual price. As long as it's not some stupid web exclusive I'm hoping the price won't be too bad. This and a 1/2000 Macross are going to be awesome when they come out.
  19. Yeah I know I have run into that before with them. Makes me real hesitant to order anything from them. I know when my Q-Rau I just ordered comes in I am going to be taking it in the butt but I had to have it. So far from all the places I have ordered I haven't had to pay duty from Overdrive and Angloz. I haven't had to pay from tisinc99.com but their service is spotty at best.
  20. Nice review. Also just so I can be a dick like everyone else. Noticed that you didn't have the backpacks fully forward in batriod mode. The "airbrake" cover clicks forward. Like I said though nice review especially with the comparison shots. FYI it doesn't matter if you give a score. People already have formed their own opionions and you'd just get more flak if you did.
  21. Cheap computer kit special!
  22. They are soft metal screws so that will happen. Are you using the appropriate sized phillips like I mentioned? Edit: Added a pic for reference.
  23. What do you mean by heavy wear of the fasteners? Do you mean that the heads of the screws are starting to strip? If so then yes they tightened the screws way to much on yours as I find that the screws don't have to be tightened much at all. As soon as I feel resistance (or quarter/half turn past that) in the screw driver I stop. I find that is usually more than enough torque to keep the shoulders loose and still be able to hold a pose. Note: I find that a Philips 1 or 1-1? screw driver works the best.
  24. Yeah I found it on HLJ for 18,800yen/$191US. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00114 Not using EMS shipping I think I could get for around $260/$270 CAD.
  25. Where have you seen the VF-11B for sale online? So far the only one I can find (I admit I haven't looked to hard) is: Overdrive: - $187.99 http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1132 Thinking I will break down and by one but considering shipping from OD is going to be like $40 want to see if I can find somewhere cheaper. I would like to pay less than the $175US (+$40US shipping) I paid for my YF-21 at Angolz. A grand spanking total of $288.21 CAD is a bit steep for me right now. If I could get it for around $250/240 CAD or $200 US with shipping I think I could work it.
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