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Everything posted by logos

  1. logos

    Yamato Toy TV

    I don't know which I want more the VF-22 or the Patlabor AV-98! It's to bad the AV-98 26,600 yen about 273.86 USD...... And I thought Macross Plus 1/60s where expensive!
  2. You have to get the D. How can you pass up adding a 2 seater to your collection? You can get the cannon fodders later.
  3. plus too attachments that in jet mode will look like covered gun pods apparently (or just differant bellplates to relfect this with no attachment I'm not sure). A little lame but I'll take it. At least it won't be as expensive as a YF-21.
  4. Cool! Overdrive said that they where processing my order today. It's not shipped but at least I know they are working on it now! Starting to feel giddy with anticipation.
  5. Sweet I can't wait for my VF-25 to show up!
  6. Yeah I know I'm just ranting but that's all you see on TV and hear on the radio lately and then I come here and now we are talking about it.......you know I was only going to write like 2 sentences and then it turned into that. FYI that Globe and Mail article mentions what Egypt did as well. It is very informative.
  7. Holy crap guys don't be as bad as the press and "spread the fear". You would think you where talking about a broken toy! Is Swine flu a problem? Yes. Is it the next 1918 Pandemic? Probably not. I'll agree that allot of people might get sick but medical science has advanced allot since 1918. Never mind that most of us lived very comfortably in climate control homes that make it that much easier to get over illness. Very few of the cases outside of Mexico have been fatal. From the Globe and mail: Crap read this article. It will make you more informed: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...RT2241/TPStory/ I know they have reported allot of deaths in Mexico but I would like to think that most of us come from countries that have Health systems far superior to Mexico. The world health organization is working on it don't stress your lives over it. The only thing you can do is what you should always be doing. WASH YOUR HANDS! AND SNEEZE/COUGH INTO YOUR FOREARM! And dear god you are not going to get it from your recently shipped toys. The odds of that are fricken astronomical. It's about as stupid as people saying "If it eat pork can I get swine flu?"........... and now some governments have banned imports of pork. As to Tamiflu. In my country they are telling us not to bother with it as there is no proof that it will protect you from this flu. Quoted from the Ottawa Citizen I sorry I know I am ranting but come on people! The WHO knows what it's doing so have a little trust.
  8. Yeah he should have known what he was getting into and maybe he should have held off on his review when he was obviously so sick. Needless to say it's his review so if that's how he feels about it and you don't like it do your own. Personally I agree with some of his points (especially considering the price) but that's why I buy the 1/60 toys and not some parts former I am going to lose all the parts for eventually. My space is cluttered enough with Yamato missles and stand attachments!
  9. It won't break right away (mine still haven't) go to Overdrive and order new arms. Technically it's free except for the shipping and handling charges... Check out the thread on ordering replacement parts from overdrive here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27901
  10. Hey if it's simple and it works who cares!?!? If they had used a spring that probably would have eventually worn out and broken. At least with the foam you can replace if you lose it or if you manage to transform it enough to wear it out you can easily replace it. Sometimes the best Engineering solutions are the cheapest.
  11. logos

    V2 List?

    So the real question now is what and how many did you buy?
  12. logos

    V2 List?

    Overdrive has a sale on everything released before the D right now ($16 off for $73.99). They also have stand alone super/strike packs on sale and Destroids. Here are the links: VF-1A http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=569 VF-1J http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1013 VF-1S - Hik http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1133 VF-1S - Roy http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=457 Tomohawk http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=531 Defender http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=930
  13. Overdrive hasn't shipped mine yet either. I imagine with the move they are backed up right now. I'll wait till next week before I am to concerned. On the other hand Hobby Search sent me my VF-25 on Monday when they came out.
  14. logos

    yamato's next move

    Considering the Price for a VF-22 I think Gamlin, Max, Mira and maybe a demonstrator type repaint will be enough.
  15. Sucks about the heat shield but I still can't wait to get it.
  16. I had the credit card company flag me today on all my purchases from Japan! I think I need to stop for a while and maybe this will be the one I stop on.
  17. It's work. I know our cleaning lady and she's good people so I don't worry about it. Like I've told other's here the only person I worry about in my office is the resident "old fart". He threatens to throw them off the side of the building to see if they really fly. Then I tell them how much they cost and he shuts up. I have to admit though that my collection is starting to get to big for my office. I would take them home but then where would I put all my books? Besides when I feel like I am going to rage or get bored at work I just look at my Valks and go to my "happy place". Works a hell of a lot better than "Calm blue ocean". I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop and my boss to tell me to take them home but right now they are my office flare. Oh and nice pics!
  18. The YF-21 does so it's a good bet that the VF-22 will too. I bet they just forgot to point if forwards.
  19. Angolz has the VF-22 up for PreOrder. $196 US http://www.angolz.com/home/productDetails....75&catId=32
  20. Redid my poses last week, but it's a work in progress.
  21. They where supposed to change it to grey (there are some display pics with it now being grey).....I guess we wait a day or 2 more to find out.
  22. If they have the license they are probably trying to decide what will be profitable and what won't. The VF-22 Gam and YF-19 repaints are probably just to wet the appetite and test the waters. If anything happens it will probably be announced in the fall or next year after they see how these sell. Same thing with the VF-11B and variants. Still I can't help but be excited.
  23. Broke down and preordered a VT-1 today as well as a VF-25F......my wallet hates me.....Hobby Search loves me.....to bad they didn't cancel each other out. My only consolation is that I found a Mira 639 on ebay this weekend. Now I think I can say "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love my Q-Rau!"
  24. At the price the VF-22 and VF-11 are selling for I don't know if I can afford repaints. A tighter and more durable V/YF-19 would be on my list though. Think I will break out the modeling glue and fix all those seams that are coming apart on my 19 this week.
  25. I just paid 11,400 yen (117.37 USD) on Hobby Search. Shipping was 3,200yen (32.94USD).
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