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Everything posted by logos

  1. I agree with all points but they need to include a Zentradi (it doesn't even have to be removable) as well. I don't care how articulated it is the Rau is now. I was really hating it until I got my 639 now it ranks as one of my favs. It just gives it that wow factor. Oh and one negative to the 639 figs is that the face is "too cute". I always think of Mira with a more sinister face not that of one of those PVC "wack" dolls. Not that I have anything against them but it's just not my to my taste at all.
  2. I bought all mine on hobby search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10088025 They are also available on Hobby Link http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT34700
  3. Actually they are pretty stable. Also I live smack dab in the middle of the continent so the only disasters we ever have are fire.
  4. What I hate about the 19 is that it's all flop and it just never seems to fit back together properly in fighter mode. The shoulders never seem to seat properly and the wings are always poping back out. I can forgive the seems, the bicep problems and the crooked gunpod in fighter mode but the floopy mess that it turns into afterwords is just disappointing. It will take more than a simple color scheme change to make me buy another one. If they did a skull squadron on or redid the molds to tighten up the toy so it wasn't so floppy it would be a must buy (it still looks awesome). Unlike the Yf-21/VF-22 I think it's just a missed opportunity to offer something better.
  5. I got my Myria 639 this week so I had to show it off. Forgive the camera work, its an old Powershot G5 with a Giant Flash on the top and I'm not used to the weight. Also couldn't get the flash to work properly all the time.
  6. Yeah I started with some Master Cheifs and Mcfarlan dragons and when nobody said anything. Then the VF-0 caught my eye and I was finished. So long as my boss dosen't say anything I'll just keep building it. Nothing makes me feel better about having a shitting day at work than staring at my valks for a few minutes.
  7. logos

    Yamato stands

    Got my Yamato stands this week and I have to say that I rather like them actually. They do have those problems at the swivel points, but they aren't too bad. I think I can gunk them up enough with nail polish or something to make them stiffer. For the price it's not bad considering they come with attachments for any Yamato toy. They aren't as flexiable as the flexistands (or as cheap after shipping) in someways but as you see in the pics below they have some other advantages like connecting them together. I think I will buy 2 more latter on just so I can finish off the Hexagon. I don't know how I will fit more valks in it but I'll find a way I think.
  8. Well now that they have a neck and head laser "fix" I guess I am preordering the Armored VF-25S then.....that was pushed back to August right?
  9. Try Overdrive http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/default.php Hobby Search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/
  10. Got some of the new Yamato Stands so I had to resetup my collection again.
  11. Once Yamato let on that you need to rotate the legs to get it in and out I have never had a problem with the hatch. I think this more a problem of poor instructions and documentation than a bad mechanism. I really hated it until I saw that video on Yamato's website and now it's easy as......well not pie but..... Anyway I could care less that they change the transformation mechanism and I haven't had a VF-1 with bad shoulders since the first VF-1S Roy so I am not really bothered by that either. You have to at least give Yamato kudos for the part replacement they offer through Overdrive. My company would never offer warranty parts through a vendor on trust (remember we don't have to return broken parts) or to people in other countries where our items are not officially sold.
  12. Or 1/60 VF-1 armor would be cool. That has to be coming down the pipes this year or next year.
  13. Well we have the VT-1 and the VF-22 in the next couple of months. Then in the fall we will have the VE-1 and the Phalanx destroid. Not to mention the GNUs. Frankly my wallet could take a break for a while (or I need a new infusion of cash either or ). Still would love to get a VF-4 and a VF-0D and I imagine we will see some more announcements in June after the VF-22 Gamlin comes out IMO.
  14. logos

    1/60 SV-51

    Damn I'm torn. I paid off my credit card again this morning and if I get this I am going to be either carrying a balance on my credit card again or dipping into my overdraft........I am going to have to think about this one.
  15. Thank God it comes out in September. I think after the VF-22 and VT-1 I need to take a break for a couple of months from the spending spree that 2009 has been for me and Macross toys........
  16. Pretty Good!
  17. Man I would by one if I didn't have to pay for a VT-1 and a VF-22 in the next couple of months. I am literally taped and struggling to decide whether I should get a SV-51 Nora that is on sale right now.
  18. logos

    1/60 SV-51

    I believe they all come with stands.
  19. Well if Hobby Search can't work something out for you returning it just leave the fast packs on. It sucks but don't let some fool talk you into selling it for half of what you paid. That or see if you can work out a replacement leg through Overdrive.
  20. logos

    1/60 SV-51

    So i guess the Nora then. I think I would have preferred the CF but the red really doesn't bother me and the CF ain't on sale.
  21. logos

    1/60 SV-51

    I see Overdrive has SV-51s on sale for $124. Which one of these is less likely to have the floppy wings? I have to finally get one now at this price. 1/60 SV-51 Ivanov Type http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=504 1/60 SV-51 Nora Type http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=505
  22. Even with some of the videos on Youtube? I admit it is probably the hardest to transform of the bunch and I had to check out a video to figure it out but I had to with my first Yamato as well.
  23. I don't hate my YF-19 but it's not standing up to the test of time at all. Other than a few minor grips here and there my VF-11 and YF-21 feel solid and feel like they are going to be solid for a long time. My YF-19 and VF-0S where a bit floppy out of the box and now they are fighter mode queens (or maybe I should be saying "fighter queens"?) as I can't get them to hold any kind of a pose decently in batroid mode. I really can't wait for my VF-22 to show up. My YF-21 has been a fighter queen for a while now (I love the fighter mode to much I think) and this will give me an excuse to put it in another mode.
  24. As long as you remember to put the gimicks away it's great.
  25. I cut down on Eating out (the biggest culprit) video games, books (kind of.....), expensive meat and cheese. Thank god the JRPG market is in a glut or I would be in trouble. Now I just have to finish overpriced Fallout 3 DLC..... Oh steak I remember you fondly, but ever since I started buying Macross toys I forget how you taste. Now it's whatever I can make from cheap ground beef, bargain bin pork-chops and chicken "parts".......speaking of which the snows off the ground finally maybe I should buy some steaks for the weekend........... screw it I'll make an exception, it's finally Spring!
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