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Everything posted by logos

  1. What really sucks is that the stand attachment pieces that they included are for the YF-21 stand!!!! Check pics here at Hobby Search: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10090119 If your not going to include a stand please do not include stand attachments for a stand that is proprietary to the YF-21/SV-51! I was going to put this on my silver Yamato stand or possibly one of the new cheap Yamato stands that I fixed up. Good luck with that happening now! @$#@$@#$@%@%$^()$&_($^&@$_^(&^&@_^$&$_^&_$@^@&_$@&^_&^_($&^_@$!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: All that money I spent on Yamato stands and they do this........... I see they have gone purple nurple on the box art again. Oh well as long as the box is small that's all that really matters to me anyway. I suppose I will have to shift things around now and free up a flexi.
  2. FYI for all of you that pre-ordered the VF-22. Overdrive announced today that Yamato announced the VF-22 would be released July 1st.
  3. Not to mention that everything on the Q-Rau needs to be scaled and proportioned properly this time. Pilot fig of the original is to small. I would also sacrifice some anime accuracy if you could move those ankles around some more, put a joint or to in the feet, allow way more side to side hip movement and a total rethink on how the claws work. Finally even if they do a Regult (which I would get), I actually want a Glaug more.
  4. The PVC figs like Sheryl are definitely the items I would be to embarrassed to add to my work collection. It is nicely "detailed" though.
  5. Although the Qu-Rau might be 1/60 or a close approximation (it does not say that it is on the box) it should not be used for reference. Either the Mecha and/or the pilot figure are out of scale. If you compare the one pic with the figure to the 1/60 destroid fig it looks close IF Mira is on the small side for a Zentran. Otherwise the Mira 639 fig needs to be at least 1-2 inches taller and then it might get close to appropriate size shown in the anime which I believed showed Zentraidi being a little bit smaller than a VF-1 in batroid mode. Even in the lineart pic I included Mira should be around the same height as the leg missile pod or higher. Also if you figure in Macross Frontier as example things get really out of wack cause the Zentradi almost as tall as a VF-25 batroid which is taller than a VF-1 in batroid mode..............or maybe Klan Klan is a super amazonian version of a Zentradi........both thoughts give me a headache. Needless to say all enemy mecha need to come with a pilot. It doesn't necessarily have to be possable but maybe as a gimmick they offer you the cockpit fig and a standing display fig for reference like they do with the Mira 639. I was kind of sh**ing on my Qu-Rau recently till I picked up the Mira 639 figures and now it is awesome sauce in my books, despite the possability problems. Also if they are going to come out with any of these they need to get the same guys who made their destroids. The Destroids are almost perfect. I would like the ankle joints to be more resisantant to floppiness with age and I am still trying to figure out a way to make the waist stiffer on my Tomahawk but I still :wub: :wub: :wub: them. But that might be my inner Battletech geek talking.
  6. As long is it's bigger than the Bandai's Macross Quarter by a few inches that would be fine with me. I still itch to have the 1/2000 but Yamato is probably being smart on this one, as who could afford it and keep up with Yamato's release schedule!
  7. I would have to know what scale but it would still have to be larger than the wave. My vote is for the 1/2000 scale but something a little bit larger than the Macross quarter that Bandai is releasing wouldn't be bad either.
  8. You know my Roy's arms have been cracked for a while but have yet to actually break off.......still glad I got the replacement arms from Overdrive. Also my VF-1D and VF-1J show no signs of cracking. I guess it's like the initial run of everything nowadays fight of that urge cause your probably going to be their Ginny pig. Even the company I work for can be guilty of this.
  9. I share your pain. But at least you live in Vancover where the customs department is. I live in Saskatchewan so when your's just has cleared Vancover customs (and probably gets delivered the next day.....) I am waiting an extra 4-5 days for it to get through Vancover, Richmond (for some reason), Regina and then where I live, Yorkton..... I really hate living in the middle of a geographically large country sometimes. Anyways enough of me being a sourpuss, I only ever paid duty on the first couple of items I ordered from HLJ in 2007-08. Since then I have never paid duty and I have ordered from HLJ, Overdrive, Angolz, and Hobby Search. Oh and FYI Overdrive's current sale beats HLJ (pricewise) on some of these sales items although I think HLJs EMS shipping is still cheaper.
  10. Now that's why I check this thread daily! Well except on weekends.....
  11. I'll say it again "Straight Head Lasers! Sweet!" I can't wait for this to ship in what's it now September?
  12. Since he already has a Bandai "chunky", maybe some GNUs. I have a friend who has some of those (non transforming valks aren't to my taste) but they are super durable and fun to play with. You could also look at a QRau. It doesn't transform and the one I have seems like it would be durable enough for a child. I also agree to avoid the Revoltechs. They come apart easily (like they are supposed to) and next thing you know his toys will be missing joints.
  13. I got the V.2 and I am still "underwhelmed" a bit by it. It's worth having on or 2 VF-25s though but I am wondering if I should have just gotten the model kits now instead and not have worried about trying to keep all my stuff at 1/60. Anyway I ordered the Armored Ozma and I will probably eventually end up ordering a Luca and Michelle if they become available again at a decent price. The problem is that my wallet can barely keep up with my Yamato and Amazon purchases right now.......
  14. Hey your doing better than some! Seriously through I can't believe I never thought of taking the bloody cockpit out to pull the heat shield up instead of my "folded straw method"........never thought I could fit it back in if I did that so I never tried.
  15. Yeah it's sad that they promote online billing and management of your credit (because it's faster! ) and sometimes it can take a week or more for a transaction to show up........unlike my online banking that has purchases that seem to show almost before I know I've made them.
  16. Yeah that just sold it for me. Preordered it from Hobby search. Overdrive has it too and they say it will come out in late August while Hobby Search says late September.
  17. If your worrying about which to buy check out the thread I started on whether I should buy a YF-21 or not. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...77&hl=yf-21 It's how I learned to stop worrying and give up meat/eating out so much! Also I'm surprised at how much my collection has grown in the past few months since I bought it. A VF-25, VF-1D, VF-1J and a QRau. And I have a VF-25S armored, VF-1T, VF-1E and a VF-22 on order. Dear god I need to stop but I am stuck in addiction hell!
  18. Get the YF-21 as you can probably find it on sale somewhere but you might not want to wait on a VF-11B since alot of stores seem to be sold out and you don't want to miss out on that one. You can find a VF-11B at Hobby Link if you want one. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00114
  19. That's what some sites are saying. From Overdrive's blog: Scheduled Release Date: June As it is a 1000 piece limited item we will not be able to take as many orders as possible so we strongly recommend if you want to purchase the item that you order as soon as possible. We will take new orders if or when we can confirm we will be getting more stock of this item. At the present we may not know until after May 25th if we will be getting any more. Although I have heard (don't quote me on this cause I'm just pulling it from my sometimes faulty memory) that Yamato might make more if there is enough demand in the orders.
  20. Still it's nice to see some variety on this page with the valks once and a while. Your pics made me do a double take this morning (which is amazing considering the stupor I am in on Mondays) and Pics of Gundams and Valks fighting is sure fire way to make someone Geekgasim! Anyway valks are nice but since Macross fans are seriously lacking in the enemy mecha toy department (Q-Rau......it's nice but the poseability sucks) I think a couple of PG 1/60 Gundams and 1/60 valks could help setup a cool diarama or at the very least give me a nice sense of scale between my 2 favorite mecha. The "Evil I always have a new mode behind my sleeve to save the day" Bandai Gundams vs. the "If we can't beat'm SIIIIING!" Yamato Macross Valkyries.....yeah lame but it will look cool! The YF-19 is around where I thought it might be to the Strike (around should height with the antenna) so thanks for the pic. I've been debating over getting a PG for months but I have been holding off because of my Yamato spree this year. Now I think I know what to get myself for my Bday in July and it ain't a Valk!.....for a change.
  21. Let all Gundams cower in fear!
  22. Your right and I totally understand now. Still just for curiosity sake could you post a pic of a PG beside one of those Valks in battroid mode? I'm curious to see how much your PG towers over them as well. It clearly makes a VF-1 1/60 look like a tween. EDIT: Also I am seriously looking at picking up a RX-78-2 Gundam from Hobby search. Heard anything bad about those? http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10009223 Thanks.
  23. Off topic somewhat: Did the Transformers G1s hold their value after the re-release of the G1 line? Back on topic: Out of all my Yamies the only toys I see holding any value are maybe my V-11B, the YF-21, the supposedly limited edition VF-22 I have on order and the Destroids. That is only because I don't see any reason for Yamato to release another version of the toy as they are almost perfect in my eyes toy wise (anime magic issues aside). That said if Yamato brings out a bunch of repaints or reissues in the future they probably won't be worth dick. I pretty much knew this was going to turn into a crack habbit when I started. No need to go into rehab now just because I thoughts I had feeble thoughts about collectablity and value. Those have quickly been squashed. Anyway I am a happy junky ...........despite what my credit card says!
  24. Sorry maybe I wasn't clear?..... Anyways I meant do something with your Gundam PGs and a YF-19, YF-21, VF-0 or VF-25 as at 1/60 scale they should be closer to the PGs size right? Strike does look awesome though.
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