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Everything posted by logos

  1. Ohhhhhh that's hot. I can't wait to get a set for my VF-1J Hik.
  2. FAIL!
  3. Yeah wait too long and you won't be able to get one unless you pay $$$$. These aren't deal breaking issues anyway. It's not like the toy is broken.
  4. Few more pics from the Hobby search website
  5. Hobby Search is taking pre-orders on the Virgin Road now: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094540 Comes out in September.....the same time as the Elint.....followed by the Max and Mira in Oct.......damn! So many purchases so little money!
  6. Frankly I have not notice the bay doors being floppy on mine in Battroid mode. Once you get those retardedly pain in the ass joints to pop it seemed fine compared to my YF-21. I'll admit that I have not looked closely at it though.
  7. Right side yes.....Left side no. It just doesn't want to stay in there.
  8. Yeah I haven't gotten around to taking them off yet. I tend to keep the covers on just to keep track of the bloody things.
  9. What's wrong with these pics? And no I did not use glue. Check out the "Surprise!, 1/60 VF-22S and YF-19 Repaint" thread to see how to do it.
  10. FYI. I tried the gunpods on my YF-21 with the wings and they will attach but they put the wing seem really out to wack. You can finagle it back but unlike the VF-22 it feels like you are putting undo stress there. The VF-22 is sloppy enough that this is not a problem. Also since the YF-21 has a good place to put the gunpods already why would you want to?
  11. So here I am...waiting for a part to upload in my ProEngineer and staring at my VF-22. Those frackin gunpods are sitting there under the stand and one of the wings are drooping (cause the wing hinges appear to be slightly off compared to the YF-21...) and this hits me. There is enough of a gap on the rear of the hinge (on mine anyway) to stick the gunpods in there and they STAY! I shook it and they will stay in there almost as well as the missile pods on the VF-1s. I don't know if it looks cooler or not but at least it gives me somewhere to store the gunpods. Try it out and let me know if it works on yours too. Note that I checked to see if this was putting any strain on the hinges and mine appear to be loose enough that it appears to be very little if any. They just slip in there with a decent friction grip.
  12. I would say my YF-21 or VF-11 but my favorite Macross Mech/Toy right now is my Tomohawk.
  13. So I see I am not the only one.....now to work up the courage to take it apart and see if anything is wrong.
  14. What the hell a couple more pics
  15. Yeah those stickers are on there. As well as stickers for Macross 7, City 7, Battle 7 and Diamond Force. But don't take that as a confirmation. Besides you could buy like 4-5 vf-1s for the price of 2 VF-22s. Not saying I wouldn't buy VF-22 Max and Mira's but they better at least come with stands this time if I am going to buy them. I like my VF-22 but it's over priced for what you get and considering that (mine at least) is not put together as well as my YF-21 is.
  16. Going to be a nice Christmas present to myself. Ah what a great day, I've pre-ordered the DX Macross Quarter and they are coming out with a new Mechwarrior game......it a great day! FYI pre-ordered mine from Hobby Search - they are cheaper than Hobby Link. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094280
  17. Do you want it now or do you thing the economy is going to get even worse over the next 6 months and they start putting newer releases on sale too. Live a little buy them now.
  18. The best I have from the crappy Canon point and shoot I am using.
  19. Your wife rocks. Here are some pics that I took: I'll say this about my YF-21. It's way easier to transform than the VF-22. It maybe a little sloppier compared to the VF-22 joint wise but things just go smoothly while transforming. Still cheesed about the floopy wings in comparison to the YF-21 and the left wing in particular on the my VF-22. I thought it might be the left over plastic burrs from molding but now I just think the mechanism is looser now.......have to investigate some more latter. FYI the VF-22 holds poses way better than the YF-21 IMO. The last couple of pics I could not get the YF-21 to sit in the same posture and the VF-22. Oh and the reason I have them sitting on those white cards is that I can't get either valks feet to get any purchasing grip on my desk.
  20. Yeah perfect.................. Like I said I'm cheesed about that wing. Also I knew coming in that the parts would be sparse but I don't know. I think if I could store the gun pods in the belly plates (yes sacrifice more anime accuracy!) that would have been the gimmick that really sold me, right now while it looks better than a YF-21 in my opinion, I like the fit and finish on my YF-21 better. Well accept for those crappy ankle ratchets on the YF-21. They fixed that on the VF-22 IMO.
  21. Picked mine up after work and while it is awesome I have some concerns: - It almost seems too tight compared to the YF-21. Seems allot tougher to do some things but maybe that's cause I haven't transformed my YF-21 for a while. - Floopy left wing. It stays there but it creaks and twists more than the right hand side. It looks fine but something is just off there. I might have to remove the panels from the bottom left wing root and check the mechanism. Something is off. - Wow for that kind of money I have never seen such a bare bones Yamato box. It's small and you get nothing extra except for the fold booster pylons, 2 guns, 2 stand attachments and 1 pilot. I am underwhelmed to say the least. - Same crappy sticker sheet as the YF-21. - Head/cockpit mechanism is not as smooth as the YF-21. Good points - Feet that actually wratchet! Hooray! - Belly plates seem to rejoin together better than they do on the YF-21. - Little Gamlin pilot is probably the best pilot sculpt yet IMO. - Box is simliar in size to the Bandai one for the VF-25! - There is a lip in the visor. It just hard to see. - Thrust vector flaps on tighter than on the YF-21.
  22. If you have to sell.....sell. Just don't get rid of all of them. There is no reason you can't have a couple of 1/48's in your collection. Keep the ones you like sell the rest if you want the 1/60s that badly.
  23. We have a G series in the office that we use for manuals. It's good but again we find the the lack of a nice large image sensor really hurts it sometimes and we have to use an attached flash in allot of places we shouldn't need to. Also the G series have off center optical view finders. We've learned to compensate but ugh it's just another reason I have been slipping to using an LCD over a OVF over the years. Needless to say we have a G8 and it's a great camera but it's just not for me (especially having large hands) FYI I haven't tried a G10 but I have read the G10 has the same problem with the OVF. http://www.steves-digicams.com/2008_review...conclusion.html I am hoping a couple of months after the EP-1 comes out in July the price will stop dropping. I really like the look of this camera cause it reminds me of my Dad's old Rangefinder and if it has the same feel that I get when I hold it in my hands it will be a buy. Nothing beats the feel of a solid metal body (although this is a plastic frame covered in a stainless steel and aluminum case so..... ). Besides it's still cheaper than a Lecia M8.........$6000...... Edit: As to a review to the EP-1 check the one I posted above (I will post it again) from Steve's digicam. He doesn't rate cameras but he will give you an opinion to the good and bad of the camera as well as allot of nice sample photos for comparison. http://www.steves-digicams.com/2009_review...conclusion.html
  24. Olympus EP-1 http://www.steves-digicams.com/2009_reviews/olympus_ep1.html Hey guys, I was thinking about picking up the Olympus EP-1. I have a Olympus E520 DSLR (which I like) at home. I take it traveling but I never carry it with me and I don't like the quality of point and shoots just because the large image sensors on DSLRs grab light so much better. Anyways I am always carrying my backpack everywhere (insert man-purse joke here) cause I carry my ebook, mp3 player, lunch, laptop, etc. with me all the time. I was thinking this would be great alternative to the DSLR that is too bulky to carry in my bag. I know it lacks a built in flash and a viewfinder but I find that I am using the viewfinder on my DSLR less and less just because I accessing the menus all the time to change stuff so I am using the LCD to frame my pictures as well. What do you guys think? I'm always using the crappy little cannon point and shoot from the office for my toy pics cause I never think to bring my camera to work for my toy picks. I would like to carry around a camera in my bag that I always have with me and I really hate the quality of the point and shoots. FYI it's pricey too at like $800US. Never mind it just looks cool.
  25. You might be a little late for the VF-22. If it is a limited release like they said you might not be able to find it now. That being said I Agree with Agent-GHO start off buying what you grew up / looks cool to you. My first valks where a VF-0 and a YF-19 because I love Macross plus and I love how the VF-0 looks.
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