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Everything posted by logos

  1. Even if it is photo-shoped that looks like a Yamato advertisement to me (in the last pic) and that would suggest that the final production version is more likely to match that than a prototype they are showing off at a convention/show. It's still wait and see I guess but I would lean to it looking more like the Hobby Search version. Otherwise you have an unpainted "niche" piece that you would think they would be selling as one of those stupid web exclusives other than a retail product. This way Yamato can sell the toy as a "white" version as well and if you want to paint it go right ahead thats why they provide all those extra decals you don't really need because they Tampo print half the decals on the it in all the other versions. Personally I hope it is that way as it would be perfect to weather the sh*t out of.
  2. Barrel into the latch first and then give them a good push downwards. You should feel it snap in even though you probably won't hear it. If the gun is not transformed properly it can lead to it not seating properly. The back of the "handle" should be 90deg to the back of the gun.
  3. You want Valks to be like Transformers because you are nostalgic for what you remember them to be as a child. If they released those cartoons and toys today you would be like WTF? The problem is that Bandai and Yamato make toys for a larger and probably older age group. Hasbro thinks they can get away with allot of the crap they sell because they are marking to 6-12 year olds. Bandai and Yamato are targeting what.......6 going on 20-35 year olds? I love my G1s that I still have and I can appreciate them as to what they where when I was a child but to compare them to a Yamato or Bandai...... well there is just no comparison. Yamatos may not be the sturdiest things in the world (to some eyes) but the level of detail and refinement that goes into everyone is awesome. IMO you are defiantly getting what you pay for. Bandai is the same case although I am less impressed with the VF-25 DX line.
  4. Looks like the canopy is painted black. Hobby search has it up for pre order....have to admit it looks kinda cool in stock white. Like is just begging for a Minmay guard decal sheet or something. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10102594
  5. I don't understand this...you would think that the stand alone armor would be a better seller and would not need to some stupid web exclusive. I'm not going to buy it for every valk I own but I am tempted to buy 2-3 sets for the some of the valks I have. Heck I bought the VF-1J specifically cause I thought they where going to release this..... I guess I will have to just sit, wait and hope cause I'm not paying those extravagant prices that the web exclusives seem to be going for to the foreign market and I don't want another VF-1J.
  6. Actually you do want the metal parts painted as if they don't have some kind of protection they will start to rust. They should be primed not painted. All it takes is one oily finger and your sanding rust off of all your diecast iron parts before prime and paint.
  7. Yeah considering the sale prices they where offering the AB this year and last I could see why they would want to limit the production run on the 1/60 version. It's a shame though that offers like this exclude us. I really wish for web exclusives they would setup something so we could have a chance as well at them.
  8. Heh...well what can I say, it's not like that where I live.... or where I work at the very least.
  9. Yeah the First one was a little over exposed......anyway here is where I put it. (EDIT: This is the view from where I sit at my computer) Little bit of barrel distortion on this one and I just couldn't correct for the difference in lighting.
  10. Finally found a good use for my Garish Yamato Chrome display stand.
  11. Yeah that's awesome! I just ordered that VF-1A Hick I've always wanted for once it will cost me under $100 bucks WITH SHIPPING for a VF-1! YES! Came out to about $75 US, no shipping ie....free!, my dollar is almost at parity with the green back.....couldn't pass this up even though I am totally strapped for cash right now.
  12. Too late the sale is already over. The free paypal shipping is awesome though.
  13. Well I haven't done it with reaction missles yet so you better hurry!
  14. I know they're not as durable as they are completely plastic models. That being said I find that pieces pop off on them more often than break and I like all the detail that you get out of them without paint. That and if I break it it's just a $35-$65 model not a $90-$200 toy. - RANT I spent $130 on the VF-25 Alto and the crappy paint, the droopy hands, ugly gun pod, stupid knife and those bloody hips aggravate me. Not to mention the complete lack of cockpit detail and the molded in pilot. Take $20 to $40 bucks off the price and I wouldn't complain at all (well maybe not as much) but for that price you would think they would try to make something that looked as good or close to what you get in the model. Bandai can make good toys. Just look at what they did with the Gundam toy line. There is some really nice stuff there. Maybe I have been spoiled by the Yamato VF-1 I don't know. As a toy it's fine but there is nothing to it that makes me want to get the others other than possibly an armored Ozama and that's only because of the neck, antenna fix. - END RANT I sure many of you love your VF-25s DXs and while I don't hate them there is nothing there that screams "gotta collect them all" to me. I have one and now I am like.....meh.....to the others. If they where closer to the same price as the VF-1s or had that "something" it might be a different story. I look at what Bandai has done in the past and since and I am just a bit disappointed in the DX line. Also I am looking forward to picking up the Alto EX-Gear in the future. Wizatar's review kind of sold me on it and it's not a bad price.
  15. Yeah I admit not having to glue and paint if you don't want to has allot of appeal. Hopefully I can free up some cash early next year to get them. One other question though is do they seem as durable as a HG gundam? I know considering they are models they won't be as durable as Yamato even but there is no diecast at all correct?
  16. Yeah I got my VF-25 Alto DX and I have to admit compared to my HG 1/100 Gundams I was not impressed. I give them Cu-dose for the die-cast but I expected better from the company that gave me HG and PG Gundams (those kits are amazing sometimes). I want to love them but for what you get considering the price I just can't. My Yamato 1/60 VF-1's are 2 times the collectible (IMO) and I paid less for them. Note I use the VF-1 as my Yamato example as it seems more relevant than the other VF's in comparison to the VF-25s. Finally I know the Bandai is most likely more durable than my Yamatos but I prefer their attention to detail. Needless to say I think my next big purchase is going to be the entire Bandai MF Skull squadron albeit in 1/72 model kits. I very much doubt I will buy the other DX VFs or super/armor kits. Considering the problems and the price point it just dosen't appeal to me. PS: The 1/72 Bandai VF-s5 kits are snap together kits like Gundams right?
  17. If you've got the trainer you don't necessarily need to get it but it sure looks damn nice in that dark blue.
  18. Little bored since it's Friday so took a couple of quick pics of my VT-1, VE-1, VF-1S (with YF-19 in the background).
  19. I got my VE-1 on display with my VT-1 and the Strike Roy and they look awesome together.
  20. It's that or Student Seat (which seems more likely). It's so hard to read that white lettering until you get it on something black.
  21. Oh? I look forward to both.
  22. So when are you guys going to review the VE-1? (I always look forward to your video reviews on Youtube) Got mine yesterday and I it's just as good as the VT-1 if not better.
  23. Now at 2 VF-1D 1 VT-1 1 VE-1 1 VF-1J Hick 1 VF-1S Focker 1 YF-21 1 YF-19 1 VF-22 1 VF-11 1 VF-0S 1 VF-25 (Bandai but so what?) 1 Q-Rau 2 Destroids So 12 VF, 2 Destroids and 1 Q-Rau. Note all VF-1s are V.2s
  24. Ah sh*T! Totally missed them! Oh well I retract the statement then. Still I wish they had included something like Vi-RS mentioned with the Has models.
  25. Yep I was going to do that....then I found out I could get complete replacement arms for $12 bucks from Overdrive (would be free but you have to pay for the shipping and handling....). So I took the lazy way out this time.
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