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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. I'd have to rewatch it, since I didn't catch it. And yes he was.
  2. No. But I can tell you it'll be one heck of an awesome sitting
  3. Was a very nice scene of female bonding that, girls being girls they started doing each other's hair.... wait, what?
  4. Looks like she has green hair to me. Which kinda makes me rule it being Mao out. It could very well be the daughter of Mao however, if she shacked up with a Zentran. Or maybe the father is Mao's son. Anyway Ranka's a quarter zentran so there needs to be 2 generations involved.
  5. Dont forget we basicly see his face too, don't see how anyone could even be doubting it.
  6. Is it RCFP 36 who we see shoot Vajra up in the preview to 14? Then I agree, that dude's got some smooth moves
  7. I always assumed the dimension eater was just a colorful name for what is essentially a machine that creates fold dislocations. Just before it swallows the Zentradi ship on Galia 4, the crew more or less confirmed it when they yell "an unknown fold dislocation is heading this way." And yes I agree fold dislocations have been getting a lot of discussion in the show, though their nature is still kind of unclear. Which reminds me... hadn't the timeline been modified to include mentions of space room abberations?? Could it be possible that those are what're called fold dislocations in the show?
  8. Oh I know there was one. I was just trying to make a point of that I felt it was rather useless as far love triangles go, as it indeed never went anywhere, owing big to that one of the corners in said triangle seemed far more in love with himself and was more interested forcing people to listen to his songs... *cough* yes I'm looking at you Basara.
  9. Believe its reffered to as 第117調査船団 in japanese. The keyword here is 調査 which usually translates into "investigation", "examination", "inquiry", "survey", etc I believe "research" fits in here too, so both translations work. (Though it doesn't specificly state large-scale)
  10. Pin Point Barrier... 'course that knives and swords and what not are PPB oriented is pure speculation
  11. It's from macross fufonfia, which are some weird shorts about ranka and nanase working at a video game company or some such.
  12. Omg! That is quite a twist! Never woulda seen it coming! Thanks for sharing, man! Oh, and don't give up hope! You can beat the cancer
  13. Ooh thanks kresphy. Going to make for some interesting reading need to do quite a lot of squinting to make out the text on some of them. Still awesome though.
  14. Must say, you often have me in full agreement with your posts with me going "mmm yup yup" right until the very end where you lose me and I go "Huh?" instead... EDIT: grammar sucks
  15. Hah! I'm confident that Kamjin clone guy is gonna die before Gil... oh wait... damn.
  16. I just get the feeling it's going to leave a huge fold dislocation in its wake, so it seems more trouble than it's worth, other than a weapon. Of course, I doubt if they're ever gonna touch on the subject if the area where Galia 4 used to be is just a fold dislocation or not anymore in the show...
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