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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. Actually, I don't think that's neccisarily the case. However, If so, then it is obviously not meant as an in-universe reference, but seems all the more plausible source for her name when the creators thought it up. In the end it proves to be utterly useless knowing though
  2. Uhm, what? Brera announces that he RESCUED the hostage from the enemy mothership and that he will from here on give his support to the Frontier fleet. not that he took her prisonner Noone has any reason to suspect Galaxy of anything, in fact it seems most think it's been destroyed by the Vajra as they refer Brera as a survivor.
  3. On a side note, does anyone else feel Glass is maybe just a little suspicious of Leon? I'm not saying suspecting him of treason or anything like that, but all the glares, grunts and frown's directed at him (or is it just that Glass is always frowning? )almost makes me feel he's maybe onto the fact that Leon is feeding him information, but so far has had no reason/choice but to take it in? Or maybe he just doesn't like him, but he's usefull and so decides to put up with himl? Maybe he just knows he's shacking up with his daughter and would prefer someone less slimy as a prospective son-in-law.
  4. President Glass' greater authority is greatly contrasting to that of Max and Millia of Macross 7, where one was a mayor and leader of the civilian part, and one a supreme commander of their militairy. Howard Glass is both. He's never seen consulting anyone else except in the form of them being advisors to him, and as you pointed out he gave the permission to use Reaction weapons, something Max needed permission to do. Either there's been reforms within NUNG to allow fleets much more freedom in important decision making (The fact that Frontier even has a president shows there's been at least some reform) or he doesn't need to consult a higher power because there is none. That being said, I'm going to go with Glass being THE President, at least until the show spits out another one at us.
  5. I haven't tried writing in french in .. say about 8 years, so I think I will pass Other than that all I can say is that the first line of my previous post was 100% joke. Had hoped the internet speak and smileys were enough to make that clear, but seems it wasn't. So sorry
  6. Wut, there is womens on teh internetz? Preposterous Ahem. Anyway, always felt like these votes are hardly a "who do you think..." type poll, rather they're a "who do you _want_..." type poll. As such I feel the poll will differ very little from the female popularity poll. (Is this poll a continuation of that one? the lines are muddled even more) Personally, I still feel it's too early to tell who our flying kabuki princess is going to end up with. Members of both camps will point to various clues and proclaim them proof to try and convince everyone otherwise. We've had hints from both sides, but nothing I would call cold hard evidence. As such I'll refrain from voting for now. Edit: Mr March Then of course there is that too. But you didn't have to say it and shatter everyone's hope Anyway could add that the only two real options i've considered for this poll was either "Ranka" or "None".
  7. That's no D boy. No D. But really, the D-pulse was some sort of Jamming/EMP like effect. Don't quite see how they would turn that into an energy deflective shield. What our dear general/militairy dude is saying is "Repulsive" rendered in lovingly in Katakana-go, thus "Re Pa Ru Shi Bu"
  8. Pah! I said preferED this show's much more bout your tastes than mine
  9. Thank you. Though I'm going to withhold my vote until I see episode 19 ... since we haven't seen more than 1 of the involved episodes (14-19), I don't see how anyone can make their vote yet.
  10. Where is the noone option?
  11. If anyone's interested I've completed my subs for ep 14. If anyone wants it I'd be happy to mail it to them (.ass-script, 21 kb in size timed after the first HQ raw, that is, takes the the sponsoring message into account), though I notice Kei is already out too.
  12. Nene. Much prefered the now dead Raramia R.I.P.
  13. It seems to me, the goal of Grace's faction might possibly be the destruction of the Vajra as a race? She seems intent on spreading hate between Vajra and humans, and uses Leon to keep people on frontier from learning too much about the Vajra (to prevent them from learning that the Vajra are something more than violent bugs?). Question is what would her motive be? Revenge? Seems too simple. Given the corporate nature of Galaxy, there's bound to be some corporate plot behind it all (Which other's have stated many times I'm sure) To the Vajra, humans must seem very violent as a species. While they're going to be blamed for the destruction of Galia 4 by the humans, from their POV, the humans just destroyed the planet in an attempt to take out their fleet... which was then subsequently bombed the hell out of with Reaction weaponry. Things going along very nicely for Grace. Also as has been stated in this thread, If Frontier stays true to its Macross roots, the later part of the series will be centered around overcoming these huge rifts that have been created, using the power of song, love and culture. Frontier seems to be shaping up to be a true Macross series
  14. I'd put one out now if I could just solve these last couple of unknowns... bugs me since I wanted to complete it today, since I'm not sure I'll have any time to work on it tomorrow. Oh, and I'd need somewhere to put it. Bah, I suck
  15. SUBS OUT! Well no, not really.. But I'm mostly done with making an .ass-cript for the episode. There's a few question marks remaining that I have trouble hearing what is being said. Still working on those. Anyway, I wonder if there'd be any place I could upload it for anyone interested? Gonna be a little while yet though as I also need to smoothen the english out so as not be painful on the ears of you natives
  16. And I suggest you don't add fuel to the fire by quoting him
  17. Having listened to it many times over to be sure, I still think it sounds like an R rather than a D... Would anyone like to confirm? *busy subbing the ep*
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