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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. I did look it over. Given the angle and the size of it, it's no surprise you don't see the bridge, it's not visible from here. What you can see however is the very typical flightdeck with a macross cannon gunship at the bow. Barrels visible and everything. Also the rear part which makes up the legs when it transform is also there. It's there.
  2. She says: まさかこの娘がりとる・クイーンとは、 Ma sa ka ko no mu su me ga ri to ru ku i i n to wa. The to that you hear at the end is just a particle that comes after the word queen, and is not part of it. And saying again, Japanese R's do not sound much like english ones. It's a distinct japanese sound you produce by lightly tapping the palate with your tongue. Doing so harder will produce a D-sound. To me there is no question here to what is being said.
  3. No, while I doubted it earlier (because why the heck wasn't it mobilized in ep 14?) the screen's posted have dispelled any disbelief I had. That is unquestionably a new macross battle carrier at the bow, gunship visible and all. The question remains why they didn't use it? While the swift Quarter might prove a lot deadlier in single ship to ship combat, it's larger cousin should be able to blow away many ships at once. So... what gives?
  4. Yes that does indeed look like it should be Battle 25. Problem is the scale, and no not that it's tiny because, Frontier IS friggin' huge. In fact, I always got the impression it dwarfs even other new macross classes like Macross 7. Took two screens, and the difference in how the city inside them are portrayed ended up being so extreme I simply can't get it to match up: So just how much of that front part makes up of the Battle 25, or is it several times bigger than Battle 7? Or does city 7 just simply have ridiculously huge buildings?
  5. I'm not entirely convinced they have one beyond the quarter. If they did why the heck wasn't it mobilized?
  6. Ok in continuation of the spirit of キラ☆, I decided to take a look at what effects this little gesture of sparkly moe has had outside the world of macross. The results were overwhelming to say the least. Countless people have been caught in the act of acting out this latest rave, and among them some of the stars of other big shows airing at this moment as well. So without further ado, I present to you an excerpt from キラ☆MANIA, aka "Characters from other shows pays homage to Macross and the Super Dimension Cinderella": Also, I caught someone of our own in the act!! EDIT: Realize at a late point this should belong in another thread, in another part of the forum even, maybe someone can move it
  7. No. I am not Kei. Kei is someone else. I did however make a sub .ass-script for ep 14 that I completed on friday... I havent actually put it up anywhere though just mailed it to a few individuals who showed any interest in it.
  8. I'm sure if Mikhail is out of commission for a little a while, he'll be back in working before Ozma bites it Anyway, what it basicly boils down to is us disagreeing on if being the main char is going to be the ticket needed for attaining the squad leader position or not. Suggest we just drop the ball and leave it at that
  9. It's "Ryoukai" 了解 though just saying...
  10. Don't worry, you get points for your Dyrl is fake post ... or real whatever
  11. Ooh, I can actually read this. Maybe I'm not a lost cause when it comes to the french language after all
  12. I do believe you bring up interesting points. As per Ranka's flashback in ep 13, it does indeed does seem like its not "song from earth" which means it has to be something else. After seeing episode 10 I had wondered if aimo wasn't indeed another rendition of the Mayan song in zero (yes I mean the real one, not just the movie theme) The mention of Dr. Mao then made me think she might perhaps have handed it down to her offspring, which Ranka might just be. In Zero I almost felt song's were used as catalysts and control mechanisms for protoculture technology. I remember people raging when Sara's singing caused stones to float, but did ever really learn if they were just rocks? Remains of something the protoculture had built, designed to respond to song (or at least, that song) seems fairly plausible to me. Also the rapid growth of life. Again a control mechanism? If so it suggests that song was indeed a very important and integrated part of protoculture society. So did they try and use a song as a weapon and did it ultimately doom them? Who knows.
  13. Sorry, not a single syllable matches up
  14. But he already out ranks him. That's the point. He's his superior already. Skull 2, next in line, Seniority. He was "shoui-dono" when Alto first joined the SMS. They may be in the same year at Mihoshi, but in SMS Michel's is the sempai, even if Alto wouldn't be caught dead calling him that. Being squadron leader isn't a "rank". It's a post you may aquire due to your rank experience. And when it comes to that, Michel has more. Heck even Luca does. And who assigns someone a militairy position because they performed a movie stunt? Alto is talented, but hotheaded and reckless. Not exactly the prime candidate for a command post.
  15. She says ri to ru, thus "little". It's all in the first syllable which is the unmistakable japanese sound they use as subistute for both R and L.
  16. Wouldn't go as far as to say that queen WAS her mother. Rather it tried to communicate its good-will towards Ranka by using her image. The "little queen" title might just be the name for a phenomena where a human exhibits influence/can communicate with the Vajra. Also, we see pictures of what is probably the V-virus, and seems to be cause of Ranka's glowing stomach. Having Ranka actually be a Vajra seems just too out there. (And wouldn't the medical checks have detected her having rather different DNA from the human/quarter-zentradi blood she has? I can buy them not finding this V-virus but...) Anyhow my thoughts.
  17. Definately wouldn't mind seeing some OAVs or even a movie. It certainly has the potential for it, though I'm more doubtful on the latter. As for a second season... not neccessarily unless they always intended one... one of my main gripes with Macross 7 was that it was just dragged on across too many episodes.
  18. Sometimes I don't know who the scarier one here is
  19. Like I stated in a previous post, he did not say that. He said he had rescued her. Then he states he will aid the Frontier fleet, coming off as benefactor. He should still have plenty of explaining to do for his past actions, though.
  20. Who says the raw talent has to put in command? AFAIK Michel has more experience as well as a higher rank than Alto. Of course if Alto earns promotions for his part in ep 14 that may no longer be an issue.
  21. Doesn't feel like it's been used half as much as Planet Dance had up to that point in 7. And aimo actually has plot significance, unlike in 7 where any song by Basara could've been used. Then again, aimo being my favourite song I'm kinda biased here
  22. Ok guys, with all these pictures of people doing Ranka's キラ☆ pose, I decided to take a photograph of myself doing it : EDIT: I should point out it's not a picture of my making.
  23. Think they'll put Michel there, actually.
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