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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. Japanese TV-programs of all sorts, even news. very often use BGM's from anime shows.
  2. The hub of evil and malice of the internet has revived, and from its claws I have salvaged these...
  3. Don't need to be a math genius to tell ya that "around 160" for 10 is way better than 263 for 12, though you seem to have figured that out yourself. Still *feels* expensive to me, but that's probably because I have no idea how much an australian dollar is, so I subconsciously think US dollar
  4. Pinkhead's days are numbered!
  5. If it's going to be Mikhail/Klan centric, the title would make more sense if its Mikhail giving up on his sister complex, than anything else
  6. Definately won't be Brera dying. He's had tons more screen time than Raramia ever had, to signify his importance, but they still haven't taken his character anywhere.
  7. Not a poster. It's... bigger than than the DVD-box... in fact roughly the same size as two cases. Printed on some hard glossy plastic, which is why mine was slightly bent. The artwork is by Tenjin Hidetaka, who's drawn a lot of Valkyrie box art and the like... was hoping I would eventually see a VF-25 drawn by him at some point so I'm pretty happy about getting this
  8. Also ordered mine from CD Japan and got the same one as a minor nitpick mine had gotten slightly bent from the packaging, but everything was fine otherwise.
  9. Wow.. the sheer magnitude of her... assets... is mind-boggling
  10. You're right... there is a single VF-17 variant in the video at that one instant. Though how can you be so sure its the 17D?
  11. Meh, the guy already said he meant to write Frontier and not Galaxy, let's not add any more fuel to the fire with this mistake
  12. You go girl!
  13. Ranka's not actually a FAST-pack, we were only meant to think she was! In truth she is an incarnation of Basara's Sound Booster for his VF-19Kai. Her soundbooster ancestory is what enables her to sing and be heard in space, even without speakers! It all makes sense now!
  14. What the... Ok I take back whatever I said So if Basara is Vajra... does that mean... that Ranka was originally HIS fast-pack?
  15. Eh? I believe Basara is the name of the main character in Macross 7. Also, if I'm not mistaken. the japanese word for Vajra is バジュラ (Bajura)... or 金剛杵 (Kongousho) if you're reffering to those symbol thingies they got the name from.
  16. It's pure deculture. Yack yeculture. (or however you wish to spell it... my prefered way is ヤック・デカルチャー) Basicly your everything thrown together cut of the first episode. Also I think some lines of dialouge were slightly altered. Anyway wonderful as it is having a version with everything, I hink I might actually just prefer the Deculture edition, the pacing felt better. So I'm glad to have both
  17. Get me a readable scan of the different macross vessels page and I'll be all over it.
  18. Been stuck at 73% for ages though... and seems like everyone else is too. which can only mean one thing hope someone will start seeding again soon
  19. I would assume the shell was constructed with those protrusions in mind
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