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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. That HorribleRaw can't get here fast enough... live feed was very choppy for me today (barely above watchable)... I blame my ISP
  2. OST 2 is due to be released in October if I recall correctly. No word on what tracks it'll contain yet.
  3. Why don't you just start the thread?
  4. She did mention being all natural in episode 5. And it was with regards to not having any implants like a lot of people from Galaxy do. 私は違うわ・・・全部生まれたままよ, translated more literally "I'm different... everything is like it was when I was born"
  5. Because they don't want it to explode quite yet? The rivalry is still there. They're just not blowing each other up for the moment. And we've gotten quite a clear picture of what Alto feels about having to 'buddy up' with Brera. Alto already complained about him, Ozma and Cathy share his concerns, heck maybe even the whole SMS does. But a certain someone is probably making sure those complaints aren't going any further. This someone is also the reason the government is accepting Brera and co with open arms. In fact he's probably not even alone, they seem to have the goverment wrapped prettily around their finger. Makes me wonder if SMS is going to break off at some point and act on their own in defiance of the goverment (a rather bold course of action, so it would not happen unless the situation gets much worse). Oh well, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
  6. Anime BGM's are frequently used for other live shows of every kind. Wouldn't read too much into it, as I think they mostly pick the music based on how it fits scene they're being used with. For example, recall seeing some show where the scene in question was meant to convey a sense of suspence, so a track from Death Note (which was still airing then) was played... then later, a scene was shifting to a more "heroic" feel so, the main theme of Inuyasha came on.
  7. You can't remember the scene, because there isn't one. Like I said, it had to have happened in between episodes 14 and 15. Cathy is speaking with Ozma and begins with "It's like Alto has been saying...". That's good enough for me. As for why there isn't being a huge ruckus being raised over it, I can only assume Leon's actually doing something as part of the whole conspiracy. And Ozma and Cathy have been suspicious for a while now, so I can see them not taking it any further up, yet. Heck, Ozma even warns Alto from saying anything unneccessary in front of Bilra, in ep 15.
  8. When was this mentioned?
  9. Alto already did that between eps 14 and 15. Sheryl learned of Grace's move over to Ranka in episode 16, and moved in to confront her the very next ep, just as it ended. I don't find that a "cop out". Nor did I think it broke plot thread either. On the conrary, the conspiracy is central to it. But that's just me I guess.
  10. I meant Kawamori built the YF-19 out of Lego's
  11. Fair enough. I just see the whole 'not sing' thing as a temporary phase that almost all Macross singers go through. Minmei, Myung heck even Basara... (wildly different circumstances in each of these cases though). But I'm not alien to the idea that she does in fact indeed give it up for good.
  12. Go back to it? EDIT: Guess I should clarify I don't think it's too unlikely if Sheryl starts piloting, I do find it more likely she'd go back to singing than replacing Michael as Skull 2.
  13. He built it out of Lego's As for your question, uhm no? Inventing your own valkyrie is coming up with fan-material, which is pretty normal and untaboo-ish, I'd say. Just don't try to sell it
  14. Been a while since I saw Plus, but, I always assumed Sharon always used some kind of trance inducing hypno stuff even for her regular concerts. All for the purpose off "showing the audience a good time" and be a commercial success really. You notice the audience in the concert in ep 2, who are probably used to it, more or less instantly enter some happy trance, while Isamu, who's at his first time at a Sharon concert is looking at them weirdly. Though later, even he begins to act more "Wow, this is pretty trippy stuff". At first I thought it was tied to those ticket/bracelet things they get when they enter concert hall, but since not everyone who got hypnotized at Sharon's last concert on earth had them (did anyone even?) I guess they were mostly just used for 'measuring the excitement level' of the audience. So I guess she was doing it on her own so to say. Perhaps when she got that bio-chip and became her 'own' this ability intensfied?
  15. Something like this maybe? Though I guess this is just a sketch of what became the armored pack, the inclusion of the BFG gunpod would round it off nicely One can hope, right?
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