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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. I believe she's the 9th. Just like Q1 (Queen-1?) indicates Ranka being the first of her 'kind'. Galaxy Anonymous just likes to name everything neatly with numbers
  2. If you had originally meant that Ranshe was in on it, why would Grace feel the need to blow up the 117th to cover it up? She would already know.
  3. It was *two* articles. One is the presentation of the thesis by Mao, Ranshe and Grace and it's from 2047, from the 117th. The second is a medical record of a treated patient, Sheryl, and its from 2053, from Galaxy. 117th is destroyed by the Vajra in 2048.
  4. So Grace secretly infected her partner with the disease they're researching? And a rather extreme way of sweeping things under the rug (though admittedly, she seems to like that sort of thing) Seriously though, if Ranshe was ever infected it was more likely by her own doing.
  5. Because he said they're looking for a new earth? That's the goal of ALL colonization fleets.
  6. We better write Kawamori and warn him. I'm sure he wouldn't want Duke Togo's death on his conscience
  7. I did read your whole post. Then I made my own. Mine doesn't disprove yours, nor do I ever try to claim that it does. And yes there's a lot that doesn't add up. I've no doubt I'm going to have revision this quite a bit after just 1 or 2 more episodes.
  8. All right, here's what I think - Sheryl may be related to Mao. May be. I personally don't think she is, but I can certainly see where this is coming from. - I don't think that Ranshe and Sheryl do look that alike really. Honestly don't. So all ideas of kinship here based on looks alone don't do it for me. This is also where I feel that all these kinship theories stem from. Their supposedly 'identical appearance'. - I think Sheryl has the V-type because Grace purposely infected her with it. Grace was trying to make a new Q1, ie Ranka. Ranka clearly has the V-type as well, but in her case the infection seems to be 'stable', and it gives her the ability to emit fold waves when singing, affecting the Vajra. Sheryl was not so lucky. - The flashback from episode 6 hasn't been 'disproved' or anything. Granted the one we see in this episode shows her in a far worse situation than the brief stylistic flash in episode 6. - I'm one of the people who think there might have been 8 other 'Sheryls' before her. Galaxy Anonymous likes to categorize everything neatly with numbers. Ranka is Q1, (Queen-1?) because she's the first of her 'kind'. - The earings are made of Fold quartz, so they would almost certainly have had to be given to her by Grace. Or Mao if that theory is true.
  9. Wait, so you're saying she was genetically raised then thrown away, then found by Grace and experimented on to be thrown away again?
  10. Japan is more than just kansai and kantou
  11. They're not. It's some type of collectible card set. There's 90 different cards, (3 Galaxy SP cards, 12 SP cards and 75 normal cards) On sale in the beginning of september, 1 pack of 10 cards will go for 420 yen.
  12. Can't tell wether you're serious or not Anyway, the Macross chorus in the original is pure unfiltered win.
  13. Narrr, they together with the other ones would be their CF valkyries You can never have enough Macrosses! And having Battle Galaxy appear as an 'evil' macross appear would be another first (not counting games)
  14. Or maybe a second season had been planned all along? Though perhaps, when things start wrapping up, it's going to move along very quickly. Even so, 25 eps feels kinda strained. Sort of opposite to how I feel about Seven, which was too long.
  15. Now this is a first ... can't argue with you for the simple fact that I've never seen RT. Also I'm an avid fan Macross BGM score, (duh de du! duuu de du de du!!) so I doubt anything would be able to compete with the original score for me. Hmmm maybe Yoko Kanno redoing the music would be awesome... but no, touching the original score is heresy! Guess you saw RT first, so to you the RT score is the 'original'. Also, I hope you're not including VOCAL tracks with this... I've heard some clips of the RT Minmay singing... and well... there's just no contest there.
  16. Back in episode 13 we saw a close up of the pill with that written on it (actually '639 Witch Craft'). But no, it wasn't mentioned in this episode, but it's what they're discussing. EDIT: Ninja'd
  17. Looks like a varauta ship?
  18. Also, didn't Kawamori say something along the lines of "wouldn't it be interesting if they recieved a culture shock?" when talking about Frontier fleet in an early interview? Perhaps a big TWEEST coming up... or perhaps not.
  19. Or lets turn the tables, Aimo is their song...
  20. Not much, thought i'd add some things from the top of my head 5. The disease in question is the V-type that caused Hydras to go berzerk in the past. It usually doesn't transmit to humans. 7. The reason Ozma feels this is because when he was brought to a near-death situation, Ranka didn't get flashbacks like she had before. 11. The reason they don't just fold straight away is because the fold waves would just allow the Vajra to follow, they have to take all of them out before they fold away.
  21. Don't be fooled though, the format is the same, but they can probably store several exabytes (10^18) of information
  22. They're those mini discs that we see the iSlug gobble up in ep 16. The case is just in the bigger cd size because... just because!
  23. Couldn't find a shot from the same angle, this one's from below kinda.
  24. Agreed. While I admit I have warmed up considerably to seven over the years, one of the few things I really liked from the getgo was the plethora of cruisers and frigates and whatnot that accompanied the fleet. On the flip side, one of the most dissappointing things was that a lot of the battle footage (which there really is too much to justify them being that poorly done) was just the same old stock footage of all these ships sitting uselessly around getting blown up over and over.
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