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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. Alright, in hindsight, I should perhaps concede that my intent was more that I am agreeing with the notion that "Ranka is the main character of the show", rather than that all points in >EXO<'s post (which I still do agree with) were all universally irrefutable. Happy? Also people stating "They agree" without adding much else, happens all the time
  2. 25th is the last episode. You do the math
  3. I want it to go on for as long as it was planned. If they're unveiling a second season tomorrow, that was planned all along but kept in the dark, I'll say "Rock on! Keep up the good work." If the ending is in 3 episodes like it seems to be, I'll say "Rock on! Make it epic!"
  4. It got more than that, even if they didn't use "QFT", which is what I think he meant. And consider this another one: QFT.
  5. Actually, it's the opposite.
  6. The Bastard. Sheryl can keep him!
  7. Pfft! 171-kun aint got nothing on me, even he tries to make himself look better by adding EX parts.
  8. Not counting on it. I still think he'll be acting together with Quarter again for the last episode, just in time for him to sortie with his Messiah for the last battle.
  9. But I don't even like Alto! >< ... Oh.... ...
  10. Oh come on, I know you really want Luca to be dressed up like Sharon Apple... and singing Santi-u!
  11. Lol!! I'm betting it was the old man. Hijacked control of the arms while she herself was too busy to notice.... ;;
  12. Not in the way that Luca and Leon discussed in episode 17 it aint.
  13. Much better, but it's still a little difficult to make out some Kanji... but I believe this it was it says "Stealth Cruiser - Space Cruiser A battleship that makes up the Frontier Fleet. Compared to the frigates it has had it's power greatly increased."
  14. No. It confirms this is what Leon is aiming for, a key being uniting the galaxy and controlling the means of this unification, the fold quartz. Grace and Galaxy seem to be aiming for something beyond that however.
  15. Well, reading the little blurb underneath the matching picture it says "Stealth cruiser - space cruiser" The text below is just too low res to read properly, but it compares it with the frigates. I can't see any mention of a name of the ship.
  16. So wait the green one on the left is for a zent sized pilots while the right one is for miclone sized pilots? The scale doesn't add up. The green one has to be a lot larger than the other? Or did i just misunderstand something?
  17. I know! And you see it goes full circle too. Because if you think of Soundboosters, who's the first person you think of? Basara. And Basara and Vajra have the same meaning or some such. And who has an unexplained connection with the Vajra? Ranka. It all fits so well!
  18. You had me going "LOL! " until the very last sentence where you had me going "Huh? ". Seriously when did she say that in episode 7?
  19. Think you've put a lot more thought into this than the actual writers of the show have, my fully armored collegue.
  20. And the only way I could see your probable ending being true is if there IS going to be a season 2. No word on that though. EDIT: Thinking about it,
  21. Actually he does. I seem to recall him doing so several times. I just checked "Galaxy is calling me" quick since I had that close by, and yep, one minute he's in the cockpit with that guitar, next he's jumped out carrying it, next has him playing it.
  22. A Luca fan? Hmm, I guess I put it to words a bit viciously. But I still think he's going to die. His luck for having associated with Leon.
  23. Concerning the guitar interface. I think it could be fairly reasonable to control a fighter through an odd interface like say a guitar, instead of the normal control stick and throttle. As long as the guitar has the same number of possible input options as the regular setup, sure why not. It guess could work, but I'd find it silly anyway. What I don't believe would work, is playing a song on said guitar, while still making the fighter do what you want. Given that the guitar controls the plane, playing a song on it would be nothing short of suicidal (maybe not in space, but certainly within gravity or in proximity to things you can crash into). You'd have to choose basicly. Steer the plane in a way you have control over it while producing random noise from your guitar interface. Or die a horrible death as the plane spins out of control from the random input you're giving it as you're playing your latest hit single...
  24. You're all WRONG! She's so clearly a SOUND-BOOSTER that its painful to see anyone think anything else! Duh!
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