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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. I believe she said that, while the possibility was there, it was outside of what she expected. This is what she tells Leon. She also tells him things like that Galaxy has been destroyed and that she hasn't forgotten how he kindly took them in after. I beleive that nest was deliberately planted on Frontier, inside the heavily guarded and restricted research facility on Island 3, which only Grace, Leon and his goons had access to. Neither Grace nor Leon seemed particularly surprised to suddenly seeing thousands of Vajra inside of Frontier. Leon instead calmly asks if "this" (the attack) is Grace's doing.
  2. I always assumed the nest was hidden on Island 3, in that heavily guarded Vajra research facility that Ozma was going to break into before he faced off with Brera in episode 17. Deliberately planted there by Grace. Makes the most sense to me.
  3. Let's not forgot the events that led up to battle in episode 14. From the Vajra perspective the humans attacked and injured their queen on Galia 4, then tried to kill all of them in one strike, even sacrificing a planet in the process. Must've seem pretty vicious... even so they did try and communicate with Ranka, something that has to be very difficult for beings who have "no concepts of self, or induviduality, not needing language or even communication" amongst themselves... Also, while the Vajra did bring a large fleet before the Frontier, which could certainly seem like outright aggression, it was still the humans that fired first... Personally I thought it was pretty clear from this point that both Vajra and Humans are being pulled around by the nose by Grace... and the very next episode she and her accomplices admit that the earlier entanglements were due to them as well...
  4. They last little more than 2 minutes each, so it's about 4 minutes total. And they're called Zero and Frontier versions because they're basicly featuring mecha mainly from these shows in their respective clips. Plus's YF pair was make cameo's in both versions though as well as VF-1's in the Frontier version (I think) But what I was asking is where would any future clips be released, if they're made? Has there been any indication that there are anymore at all? At least I haven't heard of any.
  5. Well the plus music was very easy to notice. Heck the very first thing you hear after the opening in the first episode is the macross national anthem from plus... Guess I'm just not as knowledgeable when it comes to Macross II.
  6. Has there even been any word that there will be any more versions? How will people get access to these? Are there upcoming rereleases for SDF:M/Plus/7?
  7. Don't think the rumors ever went beyond speculation. Don't recall the length ever being stated by anything remotely official.
  8. I don't think you have to worry, with only 2 eps left. Translated into time, its less than 2 weeks. They'll find themselves released... And has it been confirmed anywhere else? Or did CR state it in error?
  9. In b4 the poll is locked awaiting its turn... VF-27, followed by SV-51. One of the reasons i liked about episode 9 of MF was that we got our first really good look of the 27 in action. Loved how 'alien' it appeared with its menacing engine sound high-power energy gun and technological innovations.
  10. Those of you who watch subs, can rejoice that GG's out, apparently
  11. I've heard about this several times, but honestly I never noticed ;; When exactly was the music used?
  12. You're right. They did eat them... off-screen anyway. Speaking of Nyan nyan food, I've always wondered what's in the "Zentra-don". Only seen in the nyan nyan commercial. 100x Size perhaps
  13. Already own both a DVD and BD of the japanese first volume... Since I don't actually need subs I think i'll just continue with those... If it's indeed licensed that's awesome though, but can anyone anywhere confirm?
  14. They actually ate them?
  15. I thought that roughly applied to Michel as well. Never felt he was giving her much special treatment.
  16. Seconded. Alto may not even be as clueless as we've been led to believe... Hikaru left Misa hang for 2 years though. That just takes the cake.
  17. I've also found myself wondering that, but suffice to say love doesn't exactly operate by reason or logic.
  18. Actually, I saw the TV-series first. Also, in the movie she's actually actively interested in Hikaru for the most part. The fact that she saw him as a friend almost the entire TV-series sort of makes her lose the triangle by default. The triangle should have been resolved in episode 27, but because the show was extended so was the triangle, with Hikaru the one that comes out short (as in his character... he was acting clueless around Misa for 2 years? ugh.)
  19. Not being a Hikaru x Minmay fan doesn't mean you're a Minmay hater. I love Minmay, wonderfully portrayed character, and very human. But that love triangle ended the way it should have. I've seen both the TV-series and DYRL, but not RT, for the record.
  20. That could work actually. If you threw in culture somehow. It'd make for a rather stale and impersonal (not to say dull) story otherwise. Going in a different way completely, I'd like to see a show dedicated to a Megaroad fleet. Not THE megaroad, as I think at this point it could never be done satisfactory, nor am I sure I would want even if it could be... but some other Megaroad fleet based launched somewhere between flashback and plus, perhaps the one that discovers Eden even. Show some retro valks and ships, perhaps even the Global before it was turned into the flagship of the 117th. Could work EDIT: pondering the ASS-1 idea further, what if say they hid on a planet where some protoculture generated species resided, who cultured them? They break off from the SA, but the Zentradi eventually find them and the planet is wiped out, forcing them to run... Would pretty much be assured to having a bad end though, as the ASS-1 will end up crashing to earth with no survivors...
  21. Watch a different show then? But ok ok, I see what you mean...
  22. You forgot Cathy and Bobby. Both of who would be sure to get in the way of that pairing.
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