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VF-25 Messiah

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Everything posted by VF-25 Messiah

  1. Why? Grace is voiced by Inoue, so she can sing .... Leon..... uhm ok nevermind
  2. Believe you're mistaken when you say there was one still attached to Island 1. I only see one, (not counting the split second shot of Battle Galaxy) and it's the one that's ahead of the fleet. It appears to be further back when its defolding with the rest of the fleet, then is up ahead of it in the next shot, but I don't see anything indicating there was ever more than one.
  3. Part of it survived a fricken planet eating dimension eater....
  4. Sadly the joke is lost on me Wut's Ride Armor?
  5. I'll admit defeat once it's proven I'm wrong. I believe the EX is the same as in EXtender Gear, because the machine has been upgraded and made compatible with said gear.
  6. Perhaps. But I haven't completely bought that the Vajra are completely without any form of sentience without the queen. Young Ai-kun comes to mind. Anyway, we'll find out who Bilra's date is soon...
  7. Think its the 1/72 that was released recently...
  8. Yes? Was the EX on the VF-171EX said to be for something else? If not I stand with my previous statement.
  9. The possibility exists, just as it exists that she is manipulating Galaxy. Though the former is more likely. And I suppose you could possibly add Bilra to the list as well. Wonder who it is he wants to meet...
  10. He's also got his EX-gear (it's called VF-171EX for a reason...) so he's far from helpless if he abandons the craft. And he's going to be piloting a VF-25 the last episode. It will happen.
  11. Been discussed some in the mecha thread. It's pretty clear that it is a NMC, what with the design of the left shoulder and gun turrets like those on Frontier.
  12. Same thing can be said for Frontier and Sheryl as well. By this point the only ones not being manipulated for sure is the Quarter and Grace herself.
  13. You know, there's a thread for these kind of videos. And it isn't the news thread Ah well it was still funny
  14. Doesn't look like a bar to me, rather a big mess of lines. Sorry I just don't see a T there.
  15. Don't see a T there at all. It clearly says R.I.P Not buying it though.
  16. Yay, the BGM I wanted most is on it. I wont be satisfied until they release OST 3 though. So many tracks and songs that need releasing... EDIT: Make that the two BGM's I wanted most.
  17. Brera also told Ranka "That's right. Now protect it, Ranka. This beautiful planet. That will be your atonement. This is surely what mother would have wanted too." Of course that felt more or less like Grace speaking through him though.
  18. Really don't think we'll see three NMC's in the finale. 2 + Quarter is enough for me anyhow
  19. From the main site: Believe its identical to what was posted before from magazine scans, except with an added line that reads " " Given that we saw a brief splitt-second shot of in episode 24, my money is on it being that
  20. Not really. Lost track of how many differences I can spot on the bridge/head alone. Granted the color scheme IS identical, so when I first saw the split second shot of it, I *did* think it was the VF-27. Anyway, the Bridge does appear kind of large, but its difficult to tell due to the extremity of the closeup.
  21. You are quite right at that... the more I look at it, the more details I make out. Bridge is rather unorthodox, but then again that's kind of expected. I'm dying to see a full shot of this guy.
  22. When he had shoved her into the escape pod: "Ill be right after you... You musn't tell anyone! That it was your song that called them!"
  23. He was also berating himself for not having noticed that she had gotten onto Frontier.
  24. He's talking about Grace's motive. Turning the Vajra into nigh unkillable beasts capable of shrugging of reaction warheads, people better do as she says, or else, type of deal.
  25. I realize it's kinda jumping ahead of things by calling it the Battle Galaxy. All we do know is that it's a large ship, it has a bridge and is armed and is the same color as Galaxy. It could jus as easily be the Galaxy itself, and there is no transforming Battle Galaxy on it.... but who am I kidding? It's got Macross in its name, it has to transform, right?
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