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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. I think some folks have also had success replacing that tab with a pair of magnets in the hips and underside of the nose, but I haven't tried it myself, and they might need to go on the inside of the structure, which might be difficult if the kit is completely finished.
  2. Yeah, I was really hopeful for a PF VT-1 after that random Elintseeker re-release, but then everything just dried up.
  3. I'm... not sure I would recommend trying anything to fix it. You're not dealing with bare plastic there, it's all painted, and I don't know if I would trust anything involving heat or water to not wreck the paint or panel lining.
  4. What are these "multiple Roys" you speak of? All I'm seeing are literally six separate variants of Hikaru (eight if you count the VF-1D and VT-1). Edit: Realized I actually forgot to count the GBP boxed set.. yeah, Bandai is just obsessed with Hikaru releases, apparently. He's fully two-thirds of the entire release lineup (and the only character to get both TV and DYRL releases of any type), with only three other characters and a no-name for the Angelbird getting any attention at all.
  5. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    Those hands are so hilariously oversized, I'd honestly be looking for something from another valk to repaint and use on this one. Maybe the original HM Fire Valk hands would be better?
  6. I'm just hoping they can pull off something that offers the same sort of alternate take as the difference between the Arcadia YF-19 and their own version. I love both, but I wouldn't mind a slimmer take on the Fire Valkyrie for an even better fighter mode. I know the thicker legs are iconic, but the slimmer ones really don't bother me, and they fix some of the bigger issues with the Arcadia design. (Also, please just fix the LEX angle )
  7. Yeah, my "hobby room" is turning into the exact same situation. Just boxes everywhere.
  8. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm curious if they'll even push the line that far. The Fire Valk is prepped to cover a VF-19P release, but I'm really wondering if they'll follow through with the rest of them, since I don't know how popular the original HM VF-19S was. I love the 19F as well, but I'm not really wanting to get my hopes up. I really don't want any of them to be webshop releases, since it makes it that much harder to get multiple copies.
  9. PFFT... One left on HLJ even. https://www.hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31j-super-siegfried-hayate-immelmann-revival-ver-banc664181 This release went off like a silent fart. Maybe if it shows up on heavy discount at Amazon it'll be worth picking up for extra super parts to repaint.
  10. I think they're just a sub-brand attached to ShowZ Store, so I believe they're perfectly fine. Both of my God of Flame Jetfires showed up with that name on the shipping box.
  11. I'm kind of debating whether it makes sense to try and print something, or just make the hinge mounts by slicing the noses off a couple of spare missiles, and cutting the tails out of plastic sheet. I'll have to take some measurements, now that I'm thinking about it. Sadly, this is exactly the type of thing I would have tried to get from Shapeways, just because of how rugged their materials were.
  12. Agreed, I always wanted that red one made. Though I think Isamu's cameo was more of a sly move by Bandai to squeeze into the YF-19 market by way of introducing a "legally distinct, totally not a YF-19 (even though it looks exactly like a YF-19)" product. I'm not privy to all of the background copyright/licensing shenanigans involved, but it certainly was surprising seeing Bandai casually drop a direct competitor to Arcadia into the market, when we generally hadn't seen the two companies with any directly competing licensing before.
  13. It's really hard to judge, I love them all. But yes, the folding leg fins and derpy landing gear doors are my personal pet peeves about the DX. Too fiddly in one case, just badly designed in the other. I did find a nice cheap fix for the VF-1S head lasers though. I just pulled all of the individual barrels off, and pressed them back into their holes over a single layer of scotch tape. It wrapped around the pegs just enough to give them enough sticking power so that pressing on any single head laser will move the whole turret on that side of the head, but I can still spread them out manually by holding the base. I never did pick up any of those three of the Yamatos, but I did collect pretty much all the rest, as well as a few Arcadia re-releases. As the collection grows though, they're starting to look like more of a burden than a joy, and I might wind up selling a few of the more common ones. I always think about it.. but I never get around to it.
  14. I do think they needed to merge the designs and replace the YF-30's tails though. Those were probably the weakest feature, both aesthetically and structurally, of the entire design. Yes, even worse than the stadium lights. They just needed to slide them forward and mount them to the wings solidly like the VF-31 series had, and it would have been a solid improvement all around. That actually reminds me, I think I did start on a design for a replacement set of tails to just snap over the existing stubs with something that blended smoothly into the base of the hinge fairing. Not even a difficult thing to do either, those tails come of extremely easy... which is part of the problem.
  15. Yeah, my experience with them has been that they aren't necessarily fast, but they will at least get around to your order eventually.
  16. Chronocidal

    Hi-Metal R

    That reminds me, I still have to go back and paint the seeker heads on one of my VF-0S missile sets. Still irks me a little that Bandai completely ignored those. I think the metallic red Gundam marker I used got me a really good coppery shade though, closer to the old Yamato color, and not so yellow like the Arcadia ones were.
  17. I guess it's not exactly a "problem," but what I think Bandai (and Yamato with the 1/60 v2) were trying to achieve? I think they wanted the boosters to be a reliable handhold for picking up the entire valk. Considering that's how the launch arms grasped them in DYRL, and how much real estate the boosters take up from above (especially with the strike cannon), they're a natural point to grasp the entire toy by when picking it up. The existing backpack hinge on the DX is plenty strong to hold up the VT-1's boosters in battroid with no bracket, and it might even be enough to hold the Super/Strike packs, but there's no real way to test those due to the different mount. Making a locking hinge strong enough to hold the boosters is not the same as making a locking hinge that can support the entire valk though. The brackets are perfectly capable of that, and I think it's a better situation, since otherwise you're left in the awkward position you mentioned in your VF-31AX review, having no really good place to actually pick the valk up when sitting on the gear.
  18. From a structural standpoint, not exactly. You're right, the original art didn't include any mechanism to mount the boosters aside from bolting directly to the backpack. That's.. fine? In a world with impossibly advanced materials that allow you to build a functional mech that can move like a human, and bear loads that would easily crumple modern aircraft like tin cans, that's not really a problem. What is a problem is that if you mount the boosters directly to the pack, you are depending entirely on the backpack hinge to hold their entire weight, in any mode. The HMRs get away with it for the same reasons that ants can lift so many more times their own weight: the laws of material science scale down in ways that allow it to work. The mass of the boosters isn't enough to overcome that tiny backpack hinge, unless it gets really worn out. That becomes more and more of a structural problem the larger the valk gets. I don't want to conflate the weight of the backpack boosters with the failures of the Yamato 1/48 backpack hinges, because the FAST packs weren't even released when that was discovered as a problem, but it didn't help it any, and that tiny backpack latch was really not built to support that much weight, especially when you consider that the latch itself was mounted to a moving panel. I never liked using that latch, as streamlined as it was, because it was always resting so much of the weight and stress of those boosters directly on the backpack hinge. The booster bracket on the DX VF-1 really only needs to support the boosters. It's just that the nature of its position also locks the backpack in place. The backpack doesn't need the help, so it really doesn't need any sort of specific lock. It stays up just fine with just the tension on the hinge when no boosters are mounted. The VT-1 though is a unique case, and I mean that specifically referring to the DX VT-1, and how its boosters mount. The backpack hinge is actually strong enough to fully support the boosters without the mounting bracket, even hanging upside down. It's not sturdy, so it's not like you could pick it up by the boosters like you can if you use the bracket, but they stay in place well enough while holding the valk by the main body. The difference between the VT-1 and the other DX VF-1 releases is that the boosters are clipped on with that secondary panel that clips over the backpack, and it is enough to keep them in place where the smaller tabs aren't. The regular VF-1 booster packs only have a tiny tab that tabs into the backpack for alignment (unlike the Yamato 1/48 which had solid metal supports that sank easily a half inch in from each side), and there is nothing to hold them onto the backpack otherwise. I think if Bandai had actually made the attachment points for the regular boosters more solid, and possibly increased the strength of the backpack hinge a bit more, the bracket may have been entirely optional. Personally, I do not mind the brackets, because they give me peace of mind in terms of structural stability, and they let me pick up a fully loaded Strike VF-1S by the boosters without worrying it's going to break. They're a far more solid connection than dangling the packs purely off of the backpack, with or without some additional locking mechanism.
  19. I'm still actually confused why anyone thinks a lock is even necessary for the backpack. Those clips are completely unnecessary, and I've had no trouble with any of the DX backpacks staying up at all, since there's no appreciable weight applied to any of them, unless you're actually mounting the boosters with no bracket. I don't think there's any reason they couldn't have designed the backpack to still use the original tails, but they just didn't. It would have just required a different backpack clip to hold the boosters in the right position, and the backpack would have been canted up in the air like the old 1/55 was, but it would have been mitigated by actually having the tail of the backpack fold over like it should have all along. It wouldn't have worked to give you both sizes of tails though, unless they designed two completely different booster bracket systems for each tail size.
  20. I'd say my MH knowledge is of a similarly low level, but yeah, that's definitely a Rathalos.. the only reason I know this is because it's also the monster they used for the FFXIV crossover event several years ago.
  21. I've honestly never understood why the VT-1 had to have unique tails in the first place. Maybe they don't fit with the different booster profile? It's not as though you couldn't just keep the tails full-sized, and let them fold normally, then adjust the boosters to fit. It always felt like a completely unnecessary feature.
  22. I know I could probably just print a copy of the VF-19 Advance heels and screw them on, but the YF-19's heels have a different metal structure with a couple of tabs protruding out the back that the heels surround. And even then, I'd rather just replace both the toes and heels. The toes are stupidly huge, and the heels are the complete opposite, leaving the foot completely unbalanced in fighter mode. To get all of that disassembled, I really just want to push the mounting pins out of the ankle so I can remove the heels and toes without wrecking the rest of the leg from all the stress it's going to induce.
  23. Is this even being called an "anniversary" edition? And if so, does someone want to explain why the 40th anniversary version is being released on the 42nd anniversary? But yeah, no. I see no reason to pick up another copy of this same valk at this point. I want them to stop re-releasing existing ones and actually finish the freaking line already. Or you know.. re-release ROY. Or how about a DYRL release, since that's the actual 40th anniversary this year? Please, just try and do something that makes sense to the rest of the universe, Bandai, for crying out loud. I'm not even waiting for a DYRL Roy at this point, I made my own with a swapped cockpit console, and a repainted spare Hikaru from a VT-1. I think I prefer the TV-style tampo markings anyhow.
  24. I pulled out a few of the missiles earlier to test, and while the center pegs look about the right size, I think the general shape of the hardpoints are incompatible between the two. The VF-1s are all meant to rotate, but the YF-19 (and other existing missiles like for the VF-171) all have longer pylon clips that engage bigger sockets on the underside of the wing. I couldn't get any of them to stay on, because they don't have those extra sockets. Sadly, the reverse is also true, and the VF-1 weapons don't have the properly shaped clips to lock into the YF-19's wings either. It looks like the VF-1s are just a unique category. The YF-19 weapons do work all of the other DX valks I've tried though, including all of the VF-31 derivatives, the VF-171s, and (I think) the Sv-262s. As a side topic though, as long as I'm here... Has anyone ever figured out a way to detach the feet from the legs on the YF-19? I'm just.. I have absolutely had it with the stupid stub heels, and want to make some new more-reasonably-sized feet for the YF-19 that don't look so bad in fighter mode. I just don't know of any really effective method for pushing out Bandai's spring pin obsession and getting access to the main foot. Does it just come down to using a properly-sized punching rod, and a hammer?
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