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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Heheh.. what if the reason for the delay is to keep the REAL YF-19 prototype design a secret from all of us? Introducing the new Yamato YF-19- IN ALL NEW FULLLY FUNCTIONAL 1/1th SCALE!!! (thermonuclear fuel sold separately)
  2. Actually, you can run 1280*1024 on a 17" monitor...I know I do. Nice stuff, btw. What variation of a VF-1 is that bottom one?
  3. Oh, I think there's lots of interest.. I haven't been able to make a VF-1 model though, too busy.. but I know someone out there has one completed... Btw, are you making these models just as aircraft, or with the possibility of all three modes?
  4. Well, if they use the design from that custom model, that'll be the landing gear.
  5. Personally, I didn't think Peter Jackson's attire was so bad as the hairstylings of some of the group that went up for one of the other awards.. I don't remember for sure who it was, or which award it was, but I could've sworn one of the women had let her pillow do her hair for her... The only thing that I was disappointed about really was the fact that Pirates was shut out. I didn't see any of the other best actor nominated movies, so I can't judge, but I really wanted to see Depp win one for that. It is cool that LOTR made a clean sweep, but I think all the hype that built up from the three movies ended up drowning a few other deserving nominations.
  6. Actually, the feet do extend... they're tucked deep inside the leg in fighter mode. The startup sequence when Isamu steals it shows the feet opening up and extending from a completely closed position when the engines are started. So I wouldn't worry about the sizes of the feet.. you can always just tuck them inside a little to make them look right.
  7. Actually, if you look at some of the shots in Mac+, you'd think that was the scale too...
  8. Personally, I'd say it's worth it. No, you don't get the strike cannon with the -1J. But you do get everything else, plus the TV style hands and armor, and overall the price might actually be less. Say you ordered a Hikaru VF-1S, and separate strike armor.. you're going to probably end up paying more for shipping overall, since you're getting two fairly large boxes, instead of a single box. All that packaging adds up. Also, I imagine the collector value of the super -1J might eventually be higher than the other Valks, since you can't get that style armor anywhere else. No, they don't really technically go with the Hikaru -1J, but they still look cool.
  9. OOohhh... reads Rhino natively? I'm liking this.. all my stuff is done with Rhino before exporting to other programs for texturing.
  10. Wait, isn't that the VF-4 LTSO was working on a while back? Edit: Yep, I thought I recognized those pics.. especially that stand. VF-4 Build-up (REVISITED), my first resin adventure
  11. Well, for that, your best bet would probably be to get a hold of Brian76's mesh (I think that's his name anyway...). He had the most beautiful VF-1 mesh I've ever seen... The others wouldn't be bad though, Rodavan has a nice one in the works, as do many others. I'm hoping to do one myself someday, but I don't know when. I'd be happy to make a 3d model to your specifications though, if I have time... It might make the modeling process easier if the mesh was already broken up into the parts you'd need for forming the model. Course, I'm not too familiar with the process you use, so it may not help at all. Either way, I'd love to help.
  12. Ditto, honestly, this is probably the only way a lot of models will be built. I've got a YF-19 model I'd love to see made real, but it's pretty low poly now, and would probably have to be remade using curved surfaces, or at least a lot more polygons. I do have plans to make a nurbs mesh out of the contours I defined though. When I get it done, you're welcome to use it however you like. I just really really want a 1/48th YF-19 I can put on my shelf. I also have plans to build models of a VF-11, and YF-21 in the future, you'd be welcome to use those as well.
  13. Chronocidal

    Yamato rumors

    I thought geese were slightly constipated to begin with... why else would they make that sound? That's actually the comment a friend of mine made the first time he saw the Yamato YF-19 though..and there is quite a bit of truth to it. While I have to admit the battroid mode looks pretty good, the legs and arms are so bulky that they eliminate any possibility of a nice clean airframe in aircraft mode. That's mainly why I'm still hoping for a 1/48th version.. at that size, you could make everything much more in proportion, since you wouldn't need to make the hinges so huge. If they find a way to do it for 1/72 I'll still be very happy though, because it means I'll be able to afford it. Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled topic.
  14. Well, everyone knows that.. but the problem is no one knows the question to that answer. Maybe they're taking a hint, and instead of using the REAL Earth to calculate the question to the ultimate answer, they're creating a simulated Earth to do it.
  15. Chronocidal

    Yamato rumors

    Well, just as long the new YF-19 comes out looking sleek like an airplane should, and not like an overly constipated goose, I'll be happy.
  16. I don't think you'd be the only one by any means... I know I'd love to have the YF-19 and -21 in 1/48... all the others would just be icing on the cake. Just as long as they're affordable though. I wonder if it'd be possible to make vacu-form kits from the original resin ones.. lots of scratchbuilding involved, but it may take the price down to incredibly low levels by comparison, making the kit very affordable, which is always good. Just a dream though, I know that's not at all likely... besides, vacu-forming those shapes would be a royal pain, if not impossible.
  17. I'd agree, that's probably your best bet. But I would become acquainted with the various different map types available, like cylindrical maps, and such, for rounded surfaces. Also, one thing I've found helpful is to use a "normal align" feature to assign UV coordinates to individual flat areas of complex shapes, and then move the pieces around on the UV map until they line up... It can be a pain stretching pieces around, but it'll allow you to map some really complex shapes very well. Btw, danbickell, I'm hoping to eventually get around to doing most of the more famous Macross fighters for MS Flight Sim, and personally I hate doing cockpits...I'd love to be able to use something of that detail in a flyable VF-1. I can't tell you when I'll get to it though, you may be able to finish the whole plane before I start.
  18. Oh how I would love to get my hands on those... Course, I honestly don't care for that YF-19 sculpt much, the nose and upper engines seem really deformed.. not to mention the modeler put the feet in backwards. In my opinion, the Hasegawa kit looks better. Would it be possible to recast those big resin kits though?? Since they don't transform it seems like it'd just be a ton of big pieces to make, with maybe some details like landing gear. Heck, I wouldn't even use em, I'd prefer a sealed shut flight display. I tell you, I'll find some way to get a nice 1/48 YF-19, even if I have to hand carve it.
  19. Heck, if it was that big, you could fit the REAL mechanism for the leg transformation in there...no swingbars or other such nonsense.
  20. Heck.. buy one? I'm MAKING one... The interesting thing is, even in 1/18th scale, it's not the biggest toy I've ever seen. It's about the same size as that old GI Joe F-14 was. Personally, I'd love to have an actual toy that size, since the Lego version I'm building takes about an hour to transform, and weighs something like 10 lbs. Relatively, a toy one would be much lighter, and easier to handle. Would I love to have one? Yes. Do I have the room? No. Would I have the money? Maybe, but I think I'd first spend it on a new car. On the flipside, those WWII planes are beautiful, and despite the size, I'd love a 1/18th Corsair to complement my shelves (thank goodness for folding wings ).
  21. Or for a real life reference, all those little holes or black circles on the space shuttle are also thrusters of a type, although I don't know if they're actual engines, or just compressed gas valves.
  22. Hehe.. Actually, I was kinda thankful for that scene. The closeup of the transformation from battroid back to gerwalk was kind of helpful for me to figure out how the thing transformed. I only have the movie version, but I would like to see all the extra action sequences in the OAV.
  23. Whao... k.. that pretty much ruins the chances of my YF-19 working.. it's got 18000 polys If I make a low detail model of it, I'll see how close I can get to those numbers though.
  24. How low-poly are we talking here? I have a few models, but they're for MS Flight sim, probably much too high for Homeworld. But that doesn't mean they can't be reduced...
  25. Good god.. I'd go broke in a minute in there. That's just incredible. Actually, it looks freakishly like a dream I had once.. I dunno what spawned it, but I think I dreamed I won a shopping spree in the Japanese toy equivalent of a Costco, or Pace, or whatever discount bulk wholesale place you have near you...It was just like that, gundams stacked everywhere, all those huge perfect grade kits stocked up in piles and piles... only difference was the Yamato Valk section, complete with everything Yamato makes for Macross, from the 1/60th line to the Low-vis 1/48th..Being a dream, I imagine there were even 1/48th Mac+ valks, and 1/32 ones as well, but it's all a blur now. But that looks like the closest thing to it. Btw, is it just me, or does the new Transformers Armada Starscream look strangely like a VF-11? (aside from the big gun/engine/intake/missile launcher things on top )
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