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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. K, this is for all those flight sim junkies who have been begging to fly a YF-19 since they first saw Mac+.. including me. The plane flies like a bat out of hell, but is kind of stall prone.. I'm working on the flight characteristics. The control surfaces are very effective, and if you pull too sharp a maneuver at too high a speed, the stall warning will go off... the plane may not stall entirely though.. a lot of times, the engines will keep it up by sheer power alone, and you get kind of a fish-tailing effect... basically, the plane turns faster than it's flight path. Usually the stall warning will go off once you stop pulling back on the stick. It can be fun to watch the plane slide around a loop, but don't be fooled into thinking the plane always travels the direction the nose is pointing. Also, get ready for some really interesting landings... this plane has a flaps down stall speed of approx. 60 knots. Makes for some really slow landings. It's got spoilers (rudders turn in for speed braking), full gear, and a split flap/aileron system, as well as leading edge slats, and an opening cockpit. It's a fun ride. If you manipulate the controls right, you can pull some VERY strange maneuvers. If the plane looks like it's out of control, don't worry, just give it full throttle, and try to get the nose level, then let go of the stick. It's got some VERY weird ways of flying. It's a pretty small download, since the model doesn't use any actual textures yet, just a few 16*16 bitmaps for specular higlights and reflection. To install, you should just have to unzip the file, and copy the YF-19 folder into the aircraft folder in FS2002. Once that's done, copy the two fx files into the effects folder in the FS2002 directory. Should be pretty simple. Note, I don't know if this will work with FS2004, but you're welcome to try it. If I ever get 2004, I'll make sure to make a new version, but from what I hear it's not hard to convert the planes from 2002 to 2004. yf_19.zip
  2. K, here's a sort of work in progress.. I say sort of because it works, but it's not textured yet.
  3. You're right, man that looks good. Btw, I'm also working to make the YF-19 gear up... what are you planning? Cutting the gear well out entirely may help, but I wonder if it would be too much weight to just fill the gear well with lumps of clay, and press the doors into it.
  4. Do you intend this to be for all WIPs? I'm thinking of all the different types. I mean, there's Photoshop work, actual drawn stuff, plus CG modeling. I've got oodles of stuff that could go here, but most of it is CG.
  5. I think the main issue is whether the company that originally produced the kit is defunct or not. If they're out of business, unless the molds got sold to someone who would reproduce the kit later, likelyhood is that you may never see that kit again. Recasting it may be the only way of ever getting a copy of the kit. Personally, in the case of something as rare as the YF-21, I'd recast it myself, and build the recast, instead of building the original kit. So, in a way, recasting allows the collectibility of an item to be preserved, and still allows you to enjoy the product.
  6. Hehe... as far as supersonic flight goes, I think at least a large chunk of the southern half of California is fair game due to all the flight research that goes on there. Edwards AFB has planes going supersonic routinely, but it's isolated enough to not cause too much ruckus. They start their annual airshow off with a sonic boom, traditionally by Chuck Yeager (dunno if he's done it recently though, last time I know of for certain was the 50th anniversary celebration in '97). Also, they're actually experimenting with making sonic booms less noisy.. it has to do with blunting certain aspects of the aircraft, mainly the nose.. they had a pic of the ugliest T-38 I've ever seen, with a nose cone twice the thickness of the rest of the plane. But anyway, I did have one question.. I can't tell for sure, but is one of those break-up sequence photos reversed? One of them looks like the plane is missing the left wingtip, instead of the right.
  7. Toy Story NOTHING... that looks like a photo from off a shelf!! O_O!!! I really should use Rhino for more than polygon modeling... How on earth do you get those complex surfaces so smooth??? I always end up with ridiculous distortions.
  8. Hehe... I've got fond memories of that plane.. I think I've still got a picture somewhere of myself at about age 4 standing under the engines. Btw, as another size comparison, I've got a 1/72 scale kit of the XB-70 under my bed.. it's three feet long. A 1/48th kit would easily be four and a half feet long (I've actually seen one.. vacuuform kit, very rare and pretty expensive). VERY big plane.
  9. Agreed... plus, I think the colors in that magazine pic are better as well. But that little catapult hook up on the landing gear is still colored..
  10. There really isn't anything keeping you from buying a set of strike armor if you get the -1J, no. All the Valks are identical, and can use the armor (as far as I know). There are three main differences between the separate strike parts and the ones that come with the VF-1J. Mainly, the VF-1J parts are more of a green color to match the tv show, the arm armor is a little different shape, and it doesn't include the extra part to replace one of the booster launchers with the beam cannon. If you're not at all concerned with accuracy to the show, and want the strike cannon, go ahead and get the strike armor separately, then buy the Valk of your choice to put it on. Personally, I went ahead and got the -1J with the armor...Besides the uniqueness of the set, I figured if I was going to just get one 1/48th, I might as well save on shipping, and get the whole thing at once. But that may change depending on if I get a good paying job this summer. I'd certainly like to have a strike -1S to display as well.
  11. Whoa... K, I've had that space shuttle for years... never cared what his name is... but wow. Spay-C??? It's still in pretty good condition actually... I always wanted the F-15 too, but they stopped making them before I knew what money was. I never watched any of those shows, except for MASK, though... Three things got me hooked on that, mainly, Switchblade the helicopter/jet (coolest thing I'd seen at the time), Thunderhawk (the flying car that made me believe at age 5 that ALL cars with gull-wing doors could fly), and that R2-D2 knockoff T-Bob. I actually have some rather fond memories of that show.. must've led me to build an incredible amount of transforming vehicles with Legos.
  12. Personally, I don't really care for the Bandai sculpt of the VF-19, otherwise I would've looked into getting one a long time ago.. I think it's nearly a crime that they made the fighter mode so stubby. The nose should easily be another inch or two long. It's not a bad design otherwise, but I guess that's what they had to do to give it a perfect transformation.
  13. Ahhh, k, thanks for clearing that up.
  14. K, I don't know if anyone else noticed this, or thinks that it's odd.. but when did HG start selling the original Japanese SDF Macross series? MACROSS DVD Complete Set Maybe I'm out of the loop, but why would HG be selling the AnimEigo dvd set? And besides that, what's up with them selling Mari Iijima's "Right Now" album?? Sorry if I missed something here, but this makes it seem to me that suddenly they're doing a whole lot to promote the original Macross, rather than Robotech...
  15. Good to hear. I'm looking forward to seeing a 1/48th VF-4.
  16. Actually, there's another thread here just about that topic, look for "Brother can you spare a mesh?"... I'm working on a nice YF-19 model to use, modeled after the Hasegawa kit.. that would probably be ideal.
  17. Actually, sometimes it's easier to make the model before the blueprints. A lot of times, I've just started building from concept art, without ever really defining each and every detail. It makes the modeling process easier, since you're not concerned with accuracy so much as making it look good. I've made entire 3d models in a couple of days from a couple of sketches, but it sometimes takes me weeks to duplicate a set of bluprints. It may just be my way of modeling, but I think it's easier to model if you leave some room for on the spot creativity.
  18. I'd say do the CG model first, before assembling too much of the model. It's easier to see how to make the major assemblies before you put all the parts together. Btw, any chance you can scan the instructions for the bottom view? That usually helps quite a bit, since even a front and side view won't reveal how all the underside detail works.
  19. Hmm.. while on the subject, how hard would it be for you to reduce poly-count on that mesh? If you could get it in the range of about 8000-10000 polies, it'd be a good candidate for MS Flight Sim. But I digress... Yes, it probably would be best to leave it as LWO.. in my experience, detail always gets lost in conversions. But if I'm not mistaken, it may take some modification to make that mesh usable for the process Cobywan's describing.
  20. Ditto, thank you... I'm gonna save this away for a Flight Sim mesh later on... Do you have a top and bottom view though?
  21. Actually, it's VERY easy to convert to Rhino format. You basically need the model in a form Rhino can open (and it can open a LOT of types), and then you can save it in Rhino 3dm format. I can make the conversion if you need it. I have an older version of Rhino, but it should still work. Rhino can open .lwo lightwave files natively, so I don't see a problem with that, but it can also open IGES, 3ds, dxf, and dwg files.. and I think the newer versions can open even more filetypes through plugins.
  22. Personally, I could care less if there's an english version of the song.. it's true, you'd have to rewrite most of the lyrics to make an english translation of their meaning to fit the melody and/or rythym. What I would recommend is hunting down the instrumental version. I don't know where or what it's from, but I once found a version without any lyrics at all. It's identical to the music from the end of the movie version of Mac+, but has a solo cello part replacing Myung's voice. In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard. If anyone knows where it's from I'd like to know, but I'd also be willing to send it out to people if they want to hear it. What I'd really like, though, is a recording of the background music during some of the dialog, specifically, the piano version of "Voices." I've been trying to learn to play it, but I can't pick out the notes very well with all the dialog.
  23. Ohhh...about the red stripes.. DON'T TAKE THEM OFF... I know I sound crazy, but they're actually supposed to be there. Tomcats have the same type of red stripe actually, I think it's some sort of warning marking for where the compressor blades start in the engine, or something like that. But it's always there. Cool customs btw.. I'd love to do this myself, but I don't think I could bring myself to take a chance of fouling up a mint $200 toy.. I'd rather customize the model kits, since they're much more affordable.
  24. True, all we can really do is wait.. I just hope they can get a nice balance between all three modes without sacrificing the sleek look of the fighter. If they can manage that, I'll be plenty happy.
  25. Heh.. in which scene? It changes between them.
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