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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Alrighty, time for a serious bump.. this thing was on the back burner while I fixed up my computer, but it's back in full swing again. I've got about 6 sets of markings which are mostly done, and I'm just working out the flying bugs. Here it is in one of the sets of test markings that got released for the model kit.
  2. glad you all like it.. I hope to be putting it up for download for FS2004 pretty soon, just need to work out the control programming a little more. Dat... wow.. that's really come a long way. And I thought it looked good the first time. I've got a question about rendering for all you here... what do you all do to make the renders look more photo realistic? I've never really been concerned with it before, since I make models that usually wind up in games, but what kinds of plugins and settings do you use?
  3. K, here we go, quick low-vis repaint
  4. HOLY COW ON A STICK! *hugs his cube* (just watched it, it was loading while I typed the last comment) You know, a lot of that trailer looks like it's from the same storyline as Ocarina of Time, simply from the areas and characters. Hyrule Field looks like it's back, and a lot of those enemies look familiar. The graveyard's in there, albeit more creepy, and it even looks like the area under the well is in there too... *shudders* uggghhh...that place was nasty, even with N64 graphics.
  5. Actually... if you read ALL of the main Zelda storylines, ie, the ones involving Zelda, I think they do connect somehow, even Windwaker.. they have a lot of similarities, and I think the games weren't written in order. For instance, I think that Ocarina of Time is actually a prequel to one of the original NES Zelda games, but I'm not sure which one... and I could be wrong. But they do have connections.
  6. K, do you actually need the box, writing and all, or are you just looking for the cover art? Cause I have a few background sized images of a few of the boxes, mainly the VF-1 series of kits. They aren't in huge resolution, but I think they're all about 1280*1024.
  7. LOL.. you beat me to it, I was thinking the exact same thing.
  8. Hmmm.. I worked with X-Wing Alliance for a long time, and I don't think I ever saw one made... I could be wrong though. I have all the stuff to compile the opt files, but I don't think my MS Flight Sim YF-19 model would work.. way too high a polycount for XWA. It's a pretty old game, and had some serious limits on model detail. I'll ask around and see if anyone has one though.
  9. Hehe.. well, it's not nearly the same render quality, but I had some fun this weekend with textures.. I'll be posting this thing soon, it's finally almost done.. lost a lot of work in a hard drive malfunction, and had to redo most of the textures.
  10. LOL... nah, I mean, the pieces literally don't exist. The thing weighs about 10 lbs, and there's no lego joint on earth that'd support the knees and hips. The legs are probably gonna have to be solid. Sad too, as the arms are super-posable.
  11. I dunno, but every time legos come up, it makes me sad that the pieces don't exist to make this baby work....
  12. Lol you think that's a reference.. you didn't see the one where Starfire randomly sprouted a very familiar looking growth from her forehead. I think that's the only episode I actually watched all of, hoping they would take it more the FLCL route, but alas, the horn was the extent of it. Other than that, I rarely have watched the show.
  13. Something interesting to note about those tubes... The fronts of them aren't exposed in the original lineart, at least not in fighter mode. Hasegawa changed the lines of the forward fuselage when they made the model, and those tubes got uncovered. Where the model's lower fuselage has a thin fuselage around the front landing gear, with small flat portions to either side, the original fuselage was rounded all the way across, and covered the fronts of those tubes. So, they can't be guns, at least not in fighter mode.
  14. Holy crap... TISINC wants $250 for a plain Roy -1S.. I've been happy with my -1J fastpack set, I just feel like I need Roy's as well.. not really for any reason other than for the Jolly Roger markings. Maybe I'll get a set of strike packs if I find one, but I just love the yellow-black scheme.
  15. You know, given the nature of that pic, I wouldn't think it's really a spoiler. That look like it could be a maternity bed to anyone else? If that's considered a spoiler, I think we need to redefine the word spoiler, but I'll edit that out if anyone asks. Remember, non-spoiler here, if you've seen ROTJ.. Leia remembered her real mother somewhat. Memories kick in somewhere around age 2-3, I think, so unless they do a huge flash forward, that's not what it looks like. I could be entirely wrong, but I personally don't think there is enough to that picture to tell whether it's a spoiler or not. Just my opinion though, and keeping any possible spoilers separate is probably a good idea.
  16. Yeah, they really REALLY need a new X-Wing game.. like, redone.. with graphics that look like X-Wings, not the hideous boxes and stuff. See, what's odd, is that the X-Wing series of books was based on the X-Wing games.. now, I want a game based on those books. They were just awesome. And a good storyline wouldn't hurt either. Do you know the last sim I played with a branching storyline? Wing Commander III. Yeah. the one with Mark Hamil from 10+ years ago. Somehow, the idea of a good story is lost upon the sim community. Of course, no X-Wing game will ever live up the my expectations.. I'm an X-Wing maniac at heart.. see, I'd want the IL-2 or CFS3 equivalent of X-Wing- complete with plotting hyperspace jumps manually, actual landing sequences (where you land manually), atmospheric missions, etc.. maybe giving support to ground troops? I dunno, I've got more model X-Wings than I can count, it's the only model I have more of than Tomcats. Oh yeah, and the graphics better look even better than this pic. If I can make that on my home PC, there's no reason they can't do better. The graphics in X-Wing Alliance blew chunks. Don't do that again, LucasFarts. Ok, yeah, so dreaming of X-Wing 4.0 over now...Back to your regularly scheduled topic. But I really hope they can come up with a good battle this time... I think what made the AOTC battle so unbelieveable was the fact that it was land based.. CG works better in space, I think.. you don't have to worry about the landscape, and can just go nuts with the craft details.
  17. What's really kind of depressing about all the CG is that nothing seems believable anymore.. I mean, I get sick of the overuse of CG, when a man-made prop would more than suffice, and actually probably be more effective than a CG one, even if it's less glamorous and fantastic. Granted the robots would be hard to do.. but then again... the walkers in ESB were stop motion, and that worked fine. Yes, it's tedious. But it looks REAL. Same for the space battles. Real models have something about them that CG can't duplicate no matter how hard it tries.... plus, there's the invevitable copy-paste errors that become obvious in CG, ie, you see half a dozen droids with EXACTLY the same pattern of wear on them. Or, in the case of ANH, suddenly, every X-wing pilot got a duplicate of R2-D2. I'd take the entirely man-made battle in the original ROTJ over anything in the prequels... it was more hectic, more detailed, and better looking than anything I've yet seen with CG. Same can be said for sets... I dunno, I just tend to think of CG as a cheap way out of doing work that could end up looking better if a real model was used. LOTR is a perfect example of this... Minas Tirith was a handcrafted model, pasted into the landscape. And it blew the crap out of anything CG'd for Coruscant. Granted, CG troops are handy when you need hundreds of troops marching without hiring hundreds of extras... but then again, hey... LOTR did it. After seeing all the work that was put into LOTR, anything CG'd for EpIII is gonna look like a lousy cop-out by comparison. Now, I don't really know to what extent CG was used in LOTR, I'm assuming a great deal. But I think Lucas needs to take a lesson from Peter Jackson. Whatever LOTR did right with CG, the SW prequels have so far gotten wrong. CG should be like whipped cream.. a good topping to enhance the appearance and flavor, not the first and most important ingredient in everything you make. Without CG, LOTR would've still been doable, just on a much smaller scale. The prequels, on the other hand, wouldn't have a leg to stand on. K, sorry, ranting over now. Sheesh, I start typing like I'm talking, and before you know it I've written an essay.
  18. Heheh... those raptors looked good to me, my tv has brightess problems so they were clear as day. Couldn't really tell if if they were super hornets, but I think I saw the outline of the rear stabs, and it looked angled. Most of what I could see was outline, but it was pretty distinct. But what really impressed me was what they did before that.. that had to be the best pre-game show I've ever seen, as well as the best performance of the national anthem I can remember hearing at any sports event in my life... the salute to the veterans really got to my family in particular. One of my grandfathers was with the group on Iwo Jima that they mentioned, and according to my mom, he may have been there to see it when the flag was raised.
  19. I've got a blank sideview as well, if you want it. I did it the hard way though, I retraced the Hasegawa directions line by line. Lots more work.
  20. You're right... it's ridiculous... considering that it's likely that neither plane was ever manufactured under the Boeing name, and it's very likely that no one who worked on those planes ever worked for Boeing at all. They probably all retired (or passed away) before Boeing even came into the picture. Half of me really wants to think this is all exaggerated ridiculously. The other half thinks this is a ploy by Grumman to recoup their losses on the Tomcat... think about it.. they went nearly bankrupt on that plane, because the contract for it was a fixed price-per-unit deal.. inflation nearly ruined em. Now that it's going out of service, and Tomcat memorabilia is sure to abound, they've gotta be dying for a piece of that action.
  21. I've been following this issue for a while, and while it is really disturbing, and a load of legal feces that needs to be dumped on the corporate heads, from what I've read, the grounds for this whole issue is thinner than tissue paper... basically, the legal foul they're crying is that the license-free production of models, video games, etc. confuses the consumer about who makes the products. Essentially, if I understand it correctly, and I'm not at all sure that I do, the corporate heads suddenly got this bright idea that they could charge royalties on designs, and are trying to say they are confusing the buyers about who actually made the planes... yeah, whatever. The first instance I heard of was the recent game Pacific Fighters by Ubisoft. They had a legal fit with Northrop Grumman over using a couple of WWII fighters in the game.. They've had topics on their forum for some time now about this issue, and they have a current one about this article here. There was one back a while ago that described the so-called legality of the issue, and linked to a couple of legal commentaries on the issue, and what could be done. Here's the main thread... Ubi went through hell with Grumman to put accurate planes in it's game. The whole forum thread about the license problem is here. Edit: There's a link in this thread to a discussion on this topic on the International Game Developers Association, I'll just post that here as well, so you don't have to skim through all the WWII game discussion. Trademarking History?
  22. Hehe.. actually, considering the current space travel situation, it'll probably have the opposite effect... see, knowing how people in general act, there'll be someone out there who refuses to give up on space travel due to a dust storm.. so, probably, I'm guessing somewhere in the next 20 years or so, deflector shields will probably be invented that'll at least protect ships/satellites from the dust, if not more powerful stuff like reentry.. reentry is probably one of the biggest problems of space travel.. ie, having to calcuate all the necessary angles, etc for a safe reentry has got to be a pain. It'd be much simpler if you could just fly a ship from orbit directly to the surface a-la Star Wars, without having to worry about burning up. With commercial space travel on the horizon, you can bet that there'll be people working non-stop to make it safer and affordable. Heck, face it, we NEED shields before we do much else in space. If the big corporations want any piece of the commercial space race, someone's gonna have to come up with something to make it safer, and more reliable. That'll probably result in LOTS of funding to companies and research labs to make new technology for space travel, and suddenly, we'll be up to our armpits in high tech gadgets, like deflector shields, more efficient rocket engines, maneuvering systems, computers, etc.. sheesh, the space shuttle uses a computer that runs at something like 25 mhz.. imagine what could be built now.
  23. Hehe.. it'll probably be a least a year. I think games are leaping ahead in terms of graphics enough that it's taking the average computer gamer a year to catch up. I bought MS Combat Sim 3 a while ago now, and I just recently got a computer that can run it at full speed. I think flight simulation is somehow kind of going through a retro stage... seems like we've been seeing a LOT of stuff from WWII, which isn't bad.. it's where the the largest dogfights in history took place. Once you get into the jet age, dogfighting kind of gets lost in the translation with the introduction of the missile... nothing is really close range combat anymore, and you have to shift the focus to ground attack to keep the sims interesting. So, for combat sims, at least in terms of dogfighting, WWII is the prime time period to do it for... you can extend it pretty well to Korea, but it seems there's no love for F-86 Sabres and Mig-15s anymore. Personally, to me, the period between the 50s and 80s is kind of the golden age of military jet aviation... I mean look at all that came out then.. the Century Series, the fighters used in Vietnam, all the way up to the F-14 to F-18. The planes that flew in that era were designed for specific roles, and they did them WELL. But... alas, the Cold War stayed cold, and they never saw serious action.... that's what we need. We need an alternate reality simulator, like C&C: Red Alert did for RTS ..where the Cold War warms up, and all those beautiful planes from that era actually see some action. I really want to see an extended Vietnam scenario where the Tomcat gets let loose on the Vietcong (F-14s actually WERE in Vietnam, they covered the evacuation proceedings when the US forces bailed out.. no one felt like fighting when they were there though. ) All those planes were designed to combat the Russian threat.. and the war never happened. What if someone designed a sim where Korea didn't end, branched into Vietnam, and shortly after became a full on US/Russian brawl? Now THERE'S a campaign I'd really like to see done.. throw in a dynamic storyline like the Wing Commander series had, where you determine the outcome (and whether the final battle takes place over Moscow or Washington D.C.) and you'd have possibly one of the greatest sims of all time. It wouldn't have to be horribly realistic, since you'd be flying a lot of planes, but say you break up the story into sections, maybe 1950-1970, and 1970-1990, each with about 10-15 reasonably accurate planes to fly, then re-write history so that the cold war still ends around '89, just your actions determine if the Berlin Wall falls again, or if Russia invades the US. That's really one thing I've never seen actually (well, never played anyway, closest thing was Strike Commander, and that's ancient now).. a detailed realistic flight sim with a really good storyline. Heck, sure flying missions is fun, but it can be a LOT of fun if you're given a good storyline to back up why you're flying them in the first place.
  24. If you're really up for a detailed challenge, try and find a copy of Jane's F/A-18... most detailed stinking sim I ever saw... models aren't great, but the completely 3d cockpit is incredible.. right down to manually targeting things with the laser designator, and firing off a maverick to wipe em out. But it's VERY detailed, as in, you can program your own JDAM weapons programs, and dispersion patterns.. yeah, far beyond what I ever did. Shoot, never did figure out what half the buttons did. Right now the only real jet-capable sim out there seems to be LOMAC. FS2004 just isn't meant for military aircraft (some very essential things are missing... actual working afterburners for one ) although freeware and payware ones abound. The sim is just obviously made for commercial and private aviation. CFS3 is okay, but nothing compared to IL2 as far as I've heard.. but yeah, nothing has come out for modern (or even relatively modern in a long time. Closest thing you're likely to find to a semi-modern combat sim outside of LOMAC right now is probably Battlefield Vietnam. Mostly, as far as combat games go, I've been sticking to CFS3 for lack of anything better (can't afford LOMAC or IL2 at the moment) and playing the X-Wing series games when that gets old. I'm also heavily into modding planes for FS2004, so I spend a lot of time just flying around doing plain old flight testing in new planes. There just hasn't been anything new for a long time now.. I personally think it's high time for a detailed F-14 sim, since it's coming up on retirement. Never did see it represented decently in a sim (Janes Navy Fighters version was pretty hideous looking. )
  25. Here ya go Also, I know someone here has a completed VF-4, just don't know for sure who at the moment... yf_19.zip
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