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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Hmmm.. random thought I had rewatching today. Dunno if it's been suggested before, but the situation is almost a love quadrangle or pentangle at the moment (or could develop into one). I almost get this feeling that at some point Sheryl's gonna be the one who sacrifices herself to save a bunch of people (lets face it, if you count both girls at the restaurant, there's a roughly equal number of guys and girls. Something has to give). Probably not early on, and it might even turn out to be a rather meaningless death.. but if Ranka can sing (I think I remember reading that she does somewhere), how else is she going to get the spotlight with Sheryl in the way? So far she's so similar to Minmay, I can't see her not singing... unless their plan is to barrage us with familiar character roles, give us a false sense of security for who lives and dies, then shatter our expectations completely. Also, I'm wondering why the military has such an interest in Sheryl.. yes, singers are valuable, but the overtones from the government regarding her safety feel a little over the top. It occurred to me that the military may be using her as a probe of sorts, sending her around to the different fleets hoping to stir up something, probably looking for the remnants of the Protoculture. When the bugs first appear, the one official does say something like, "They're here already?" It could be a problem with the translation I have, but it's like they're expecting the bugs. I haven't had time to catch up with the whole thread, so these things may have been discussed already. But I do hope they throw a few plot curves at us to keep us guessing. It'd be easy to make a rough copy of the original SDFM plot, except they've got more characters than they need right now. As for Alto, my impression was that he wants to fly a Valk, but doesn't want military ties... probably what drives him to SMS work as a mercenary, but his motivation almost reminds me of Basara, with a love of pure flying rather than music. Probably more like Isamu than Basara, but he seems like he would be perfectly content with a Valk of his own sitting in his back yard.
  2. lol, and here I was expecting this thread to be locked from all the spamming.......in Eugimon's Omega Pants™. Just curious though, with all the fancy custom decal sets made for the Hasegawa YF-19 (Supernova schemes, etc), did anyone make anything similar for the YF-21?
  3. Actually, I was just referring to the idea of making the legs bigger in a later edition. It'd be very simple to make a VF-22 out of the 21.. but making the legs bigger would take a redesign of the internals, and probably the belly plates. So that's not so likely to happen, unless they redesign it later in a bigger scale (luvs my 1/48ths, I does ) . I'm seriously hoping for a VF-22 though, just to get a few different paint schemes. M&M VF-22s would be great. As for the Omega Pants, I could see that happening. Both as a YF-21 mod, and a new clothing line from Dickies. I'd copyright that name fast, or at least add a TM after it.
  4. I think the head looks so different because of the scale.. the guns and their hubs are beefier to make them sturdy in the smaller scale. That's actually one piece I wouldn't mind seeing die-cast, to avoid them snapping off from clumsy fingers.
  5. Hmm.. well getting back to the delimiter mode idea... I don't want to reignite things at all, so I'm going to try to keep this in a completely technical sense. If you want the delimiter mode to work in the first place, you need a detailed underside. But that detail can be a determining factor in how big the legs can be. Pictures will probably help more than anything else here. Here's the detail I was referring to when I mentioned the underside. It's what's underneath those belly panels that counts. From this pic, you can see where the D-Stance has a little extra room to store the legs, near the exhausts, in the empty boxy area. They don't extend the underside of the fuselage interior all the way back, and the interior of the upper engine humps is empty. In delimiter mode, this is just a big open space. Fortunately it's on the underside, but that's also evidence that they decided to sacrifice detail in aircraft mode for a better battroid. The Hasegawa kit extends those vents clear to the rear end (upper left diagram), and then blends into the underside of the exhaust area, so the interior of the fuselage is closed off, as it should be for a non-transforming display model (you don't want to see interior plastic). With some extra work, you could probably even build a delimiter mode version of this kit, just by leaving off the belly plates and arm fairings, and closing the gaps near the tails. Here's the transparent one for comparison. We can't see the underside, but that big blue structural piece under the skin looks like it seals off the forward interior of the engine humps, and the unknown red stuff fills up the back. I don't know how much detail will be in there, or if the vents will be there at all. But it looks like the upper nacelles will be closed off from the outside. Realistically speaking, that is how a real one would look, since there has to be some place for the engines to be stored. But it does limit the space available for the legs. As for them fixing the skinny legs for a VF-22 though, I wouldn't hold your breath. Yamato as of yet doesn't have the license to produce Mac7 stuff, which (I think) has ruled out the 22 thus far, same as the production VF-19 designs, and VF-17. Also, I don't think they'd have any incentive to make that change, even if they did get the license. The changes between the YF-21 and VF-22 are so minimal, it wouldn't make financial sense to redesign the thing from scratch, and have to invest in an entirely new production line. If they make one at all, it'll probably be the same as the YF-21 design, with a replaced cockpit, head, and belly panels. The less they change the design, the higher the profit margin. Anyway, I kind of doubt they'd make the limbs easily removable. That's asking for disaster in QC, with limbs not staying on in poses, especially when holding the extra weight of the fast packs and gunpods. But I don't see any reason why they wouldn't make it so it still looks accurate if you did it yourself. Considering how much it resembles the Hasegawa already, it's wouldn't be much of a stretch to design the underside of the body the same way.
  6. Ughh, personally I wouldn't call that fighter sleek.. maybe slim, but that thing is fugly. Looks like a goose with that neck. Is that neck extension even necessary? I don't even see it in battroid. Engine humps look like they got sat on, to boot. Anyway, I haven't seen the D-Stance underside (under the folding panels that is), so I can't say whether this is the case, but we haven't seen the Yamato underside either. Does the D-Stance have a detailed interior for when the legs fold out (inside vents and all that) or is it a hollow shell underneath? If it's hollow, I would guess that's where they made room for the bigger legs, in which case, the Yamato probably has a fully fleshed out interior (which might be the case, judging by the amount of stuff visible in the interior of the transparent version shown in the recent 1/60 VF-1 ad). That means, there's less room, and they might have sacrificed thicker legs for a detailed underside (and maybe a delimiter mode). Again, I don't know the D-Stance, so it may have the same thing, and still have thicker legs. Really though, I have a dumb question... does it matter? Nothing anyone says here is going to change the way it's been built. Yeah, it might be possible for them to make the legs thicker. It's also possible that Ford could start manufacturing engines with carburetors that get 100 miles per gallon for every car they sell. But they're not going to. So if you want it, you'll have to do it yourself. Or, if you're that upset, just don't buy it, and build your own better version that caters to exactly what you want. You'll be happy, I'll be happy with a sweet looking fighter mode to display, and best of all, we can stop arguing over an issue that we can't change. Yamato picked the current design for a reason. If you want to know why, take it up with them. Sheesh. The amount of calories burnt on this thread could probably have fed a small third world country.
  7. Hmmm.. K, the nose still looks the same to me. But now that I look at them together, I don't think they raised the shoulders. I think they just made the legs thicker a bit... K, did a quick comparison. I traced the major outlines of both the 1/48 and 1/60, and overlayed them. The missiles get in the way for the 1/60, so there are some lines I'm not sure of. But the overall match is surprising. Only big changes appear to be the tails, and the shoulders raising. The different camera angles don't help, but they're still very close. After comparing, I also noticed how different the lower strakes are now.. much more rounded, and mounted higher on the side of the leg, like they should be. Also, the leg circle patches have changed size and location. Red lines are the 1/48, yellow the new 1/60
  8. Actually, I honestly can't tell the difference in the nose without a side-by-side comparison shot. I'll probably see it later and go "ewww" but the lack of the shoulders hanging down makes up for it I think (I didn't even really notice that on the 1/48 until earlier this year when I put it out for display above my desk) The canopy looks slightly better to me though, the framing in the back has a little more curve to it now. Side profile is still a little funny, but bubble canopies on many planes are bulged out on the sides like that. It gives better visibility below the horizon, since you can look around the nose a bit.
  9. Darn.. and all this time I never got my 1/48 Roy 1S Oh well, here's hoping they'll release one more run of that one, just for old time's sake. Otherwise I'll probably just have to be happy with my Hikaru Super-J (unless someone happens to want to dump a near-mint Roy ) I do like the new sculpt though, especially the canopy, and it'll be nice to have a full 1/60 set in the future (when I get money to buy them all ). About what size is a 1/60 VF-1 in fighter mode though? About 9 inches?
  10. I might have to pull out my old CG YF-21 model and paint it for this.... hmmmm.
  11. Oooh.. that blackjack comment just gave me a great idea for a new color scheme...
  12. Well, whoever is in the blue VF-25, it's the same model as Ozma's, at least it looks like it judging by the head. Could be another squadron commander's plane, from another fleet, or private group. That would explain the different logos. Could be the blue one is actually from the UNS forces, which is why the logo actually looks something like the kite logo, at least color-wise. Edit:... wait.. what?
  13. Nice, finally a pic of the Hikaru style battroid. Guess then there's at least two versions of the VF-25 from the heads, one VF-1J style, the other VF-1S style. Gotta say, I like the J-style head.
  14. I think the colony unrest angle only came out in the Mac+ OVA, and was the background for the combat in the opening scenes. As for Sheryl, I think the Galaxy Network is just the name for the media communications network between the colonies/fleets. The Galaxy is probably the colony ship or fleet where Sheryl started her career. As for her being virtual or not, we don't see a separate name for the girl with the beret and the fanservice girl, so if she is virtual, she's still using her real name, as opposed to an alias. The scenes in the trailers so far have shown pretty clearly that the beret girl is human (no reason for a hologram to be taking a transport, walking through a crowd, etc.). Whether she has a virtual twin that has it's own personality is another story though (this far after Mac+, they may have fixed the bio-neural chips that sent Sharon off the deep end).
  15. I really doubt they're twins, the two character sketches in that last page don't even look alike, proportion-wise or even age-wise. They may be related, but I think there's a definite Misa/Minmay parellel with the two of them (speaking of Minmay though, didn't she wear almost identical clothes at one point or another? they look really familiar, just different colors). Whether or not they're two sides of a triangle is up for grabs, but they've got the military/singer situation covered. I'm wondering about the other characters there, they sure seem to be introducing a lot of them early on. I'm guessing the guy in the chef's hat works at the restaurant, and the one on the bottom right is probably another student.. but no idea about the one in the middle. I'd almost guess a mechanic or pilot, based on the clothing
  16. You know, the more I look at it, that SMS insignia really looks like a corporate logo.. How many countries/governments do you know that have letters in their national insignia, or much less, stylized letters like that?
  17. Omg.. for a second I thought that was the worlds most ridiculous mid-air collision ever seen. So let's see.. recipe calls for 2 F-16s, 3 Gripens, 2 choppers, and a smattering of artillery. Add 2 teaspoons wtf, and blend for 2 minutes on puree.
  18. I think it's cause of the way it transforms.. the body folds in on itself several times, and the final configuration is all mounted at angles. In that sense, it really looks like the SV-51.
  19. I'm pretty sure they're mountable without the FPs.. if you look at the gerwalk pics, there're slots in the belly plates right where they should go, and they look to be the same size as the mounting slots in the FPs.
  20. <darthvader>Noooooooo!</darthvader> As long as they redesign it to remove the speaker boobs, maybe... but I really hope they stay away from anatomically correct mechs this time. Hmm.. VF-24... Actually, that could fit with the VF-25 as a home-grown valk. Say the VF-24 is used by the UNG, but they don't want to manufacture them for all the fleets. So the fleets play with the design, and come up with their own variant. Could be similar to the relationship between the F-16 and the Japanese F-2. Almost identical designs, but with the F-2 being built independently, and with several changes in the design.
  21. I really hope this doesn't turn into some thing where they discover the bugs to be semi-intelligent, the UN Spacy wants to wipe em out, and the colonists want to protect them. I could probably deal with that though.. just as long as no one is flying and singing at the same time. Fortunately so far, all the ships we've seen have been armed with real weapons, not rocket-powered subwoofers.
  22. I'm pretty sure they're not the same person, since there's at least one picture of them walking past each other in one of the trailers. Different eye colors as well. Speaking of eyes though... are they so far in the future that most people have developed square pupils?
  23. Remember, there is at least one custom paint scheme.. the Roy-ish VF-25 has that skull logo splashed fully across the top of the plane. Now that I think of it, I wonder if they're going off the example set by Mac7, at least in terms of defense. Mac7 was completely separated from the military for some time, and had to drum up it's own defense force. After that experience, it would make sense for each city ship to have a local defense group in case contact with the UNG was lost. As for the VF-171s, I'd guess they're the main defense force for the fleet, garnered from refurbished military hardware. The VF-25 might actually be a home-grown fighter, designed and built by the colony. If the VF-171s aren't holding up well, and the UNG can't spare any newer hardware, the fleets may have taken matters into their own hands, and started designing/producing their own defense fighters. The SMS logo may actually be for the company that designed the fighter. It is pasted on the plane in quite a few places, looking almost like an advertisement more than an insignia.
  24. I'm not sure it'd be possible for it to be her, considering Mac7 was a colonization fleet.. my general impression was that those kinda stayed out in space, unless they didn't find any place to settle. Now, if they didn't, and Mac7 eventually returned to Earth, I guess it's possible. She could have become a pop star there, and started traveling, but I think touring several interstellar fleets would be one hell of a trip. Personally, I think it'd be funnier if the fleet officer was actually the flower girl, and Sheryl was her younger sister (haven't checked the names recently, so don't know if that's possble or not).
  25. He's not the only one. Think wings flapping down. You want a real fun one, try asking him how it affects Dutch Roll. And no, it's not a pastry. Your head may explode in a horrible cataclysm of math.
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