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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. I always wondered how she might look with round pupils... wow. *drool*
  2. You know, I'm barely resisting the urge to paste a witty caption into that pic of the VF-25's head.... is that head inaccurate, or does it really have that mouth shape? It looks like it's smiling, or maybe trying to swallow something whole.
  3. Those boot shots are definitely in the movie version as well, they're shown during his skywriting sequence when he first gets in the YF-19.
  4. Oy, all the frontier references are making me think of Oregon Trail... although, naming it the VF-25 Cholera, or even the Dysentery, might actually scare some people.
  5. Ok, if it weren't for the Trek symbols on the lightposts, I'd chalk this up as shots from an Imperial academy for a new Star Wars film. The darker uniforms with the caps especially. Aside from that even though, those don't look much like uniforms.. just a uniform color. You can see a shiny emblem on the darker ones, but the styling is just.. not there, I guess. Without the jacket, it looks like they're just wearing red versions of the ST:TMP uniforms.. one piece jumpsuits with a jacket. Actually, now that I think about it, it's an awfully uniform color.. I wonder if the costume designs haven't actually been finished, and they're going to digitally alter them later on? I doubt it, since that just seems ridiculous, but since they're already using blue for the big background...hmm. Btw, someone needs to inform JJ about the origins of the Starfleet logo. It wasn't the Enterprise delta until after TOS. Before then, all the ships had their own logo. I don't even know what the Starfleet logo looked like before then.
  6. I though there was a Crusader VF already? I'm not sure though, might have been Star Crusader, similar to the Star Mirage, another non-canon VF design.
  7. No, for that they need to talk with ERTL.. I've got so many TIE Fighter models piloted by Panzer drivers, it makes me want to cry. The TV jumpsuit wouldn't be too hard to come up with just by painting a generic figure I'd think... maybe if you used something like a WWII pilot, then pasted on a modified DYRL head?
  8. There's still a few sword or knife names you could use.. X-3 Stiletto F-86 Sabre F-102 (Delta) Dagger I've always wanted someone to actually use Rapier.. there was an F-108 Rapier, but it was a prototype escort fighter for the original XB-70 Valkyrie, and got canned shortly after the mockup stage. Seeing the relationship to the original, I'm surprised we haven't seen it used already (except in the Wing Commander games). Could always go for oversized stuff, and call it the Claymore, but meh.. would fit a bomber better I think.
  9. Well, just thinking out of historical aircraft... I think the only ones not named for existing aircraft are the Excalibur (unless I've missed some aircraft named that somewhere) and the Nightmare (not counting any non-canon planes). Dunno if it's been said before (haven't had time to read all this yet), but we've had Lightning, Thunderbolt, and Sturmvogel all from WWII, aside from the original XB-70 Valkyrie. If I were going to pick a name from WWII era, I'd say go with Corsair. The origin of the word lends itself nicely to SMS being an independent military contractor I think, since it comes from an old French word for pirate, or more specifically, a privateer from the Barbary Coast. Seraph works well too, but while it fits the plane fine, I don't personally think it goes as well with the mercenary aspects implied so far. If the design is used by the entire fleet, that's not really an issue though.
  10. Ooh, I definitely remember how much those went for back in the day.. I'll never forget the brick I almost shat when I first saw how much ANY VF-1 cost back then. I only really discovered Macross around 1998 (when I finally discovered where the Joke Machine I got at age 5 came from), and I remember seeing Valk prices easily going into the hundreds just for the bootlegs, let alone the thousands for the originals. Those were dark times indeed.
  11. Okay, I know it's a common translation issue.. But the first time I read that I seriously went, "WTF... VF-25 Broccoli??"
  12. Looks like a good start. Wish I could help you with Max expertise, but I've never really worked with deformable bodies before... I just stick to solid objects (mostly aircraft).
  13. No source for straight music, but I did find this video of "Love Song." Sounds pretty similar to the older recording, but with a darker guitar sound. Love Song
  14. Ooooh...loving the pics... I might have to get a good sized collection of these. Couple of interesting things I'm noticing.. 1. The boosters look like they're really going to be sturdy, clipped under the back of the fuselage like that.. I've always been afraid I'd slip and snap the whole tail pack off trying to attach the boosters on the 1/48, so it's nice to see a more solid mounting point. 2. I'd say TV fast packs are almost a certainty - even though the color and strike cannon are from DYRL, look underneath the arm packs are the angled TV style. 3. Are the vernier thrusters on the boosters adjustable, or is that upper thruster just glued on at a wacky angle? As is, it'd probably blow the upper cover off the booster when it's fired. Despite the little things, it looks really good for an early prototype. Just hope I have money to buy a couple (dozen) when they're out.
  15. The blue scheme you're using did seem to have a lot of extra bits of decals and labels tacked onto it. Personally, I think just the regular insignia would be fine, with maybe just the supernova logo if you can do it. That paint job so pretty, I'd hate to cover it up with a bunch of decals.
  16. Darn it... now you're making me want a super M&M set.
  17. That's mostly it, but there are a few differences. The DYRL arm missile racks are a different shape than the TV ones. I don't have a camera handy, but I'm sure there are pictures showing this somewhere on the board. You also don't get the strike cannon, since it was only in DYRL. That's why I'm hoping they do one more Roy run (assuming that I can afford it then ), so I have an excuse to get a DYRL strike set.
  18. The non-sale price is the same as the super M&M -1Js, so I would bet on it being a super TV Hikaru. The GPB by itself is 12,000 yen.. packaged with a standard Valk at 14,000, and you'd have over 20,000 at a minimum. Did they only do one run of the TV Super Hikaru ? I picked mine up early when it came out, and it's the only 1/48 I ever got.
  19. Lol.. well, I had hoped to do those eventually, but I've got a backlog of work in FS that may last me for years. Dunno when I'll be able to do more sadly.
  20. Navy I think may be too dark, depending on the brand. I don't know if you can buy it like that in cans, or which brands make it, but I know some companies make a specific shade of blue called "Blue Angel Blue," specifically for painting Blue Angels planes. You may not be able to find that exact shade, but you could probably find references on what paints to use to duplicate it. Personally, I think that shade would look beautiful. Either way though, I'd try testing it first on some piece of scrap plastic, or even paper, just to check the shade, and make sure you're happy with it.
  21. Well, if you haven't decided on a color yet, you could always make one not seen before. I always wondered why we only saw #4 and #6. The scheme looks like it's loosely based on the F-18 prototype markings, and I know there was a red one of those, so you could always do that. The different versions of the decals have smaller markings that were different from one another, but the computer versions above are simplified, and I just changed the colors and numbers. Even if you don't get all the small markings, this is going to look awesome.
  22. I've got a few, what formats can you use?
  23. Well, looks like I owe everyone another apology.. I had thought this file was distributed by someone a long time ago, but it apparently never happened. It's taken a really long time, and I can't guarantee this will work in FSX (if I remember correctly from trying it once, only the planes without any reflective textures work.. they turn transparent in FSX. There are ways to fix this by tweaking the textures, but I don't remember how to do it.) I am glad some people still have interest though, and I do hope to finish one for FSX later on (once I graduate I hope to be able to pick up the FS modeling a bit). I really apologize for keeping everyone waiting this long. It's my own fault, I tend to pick up too many projects at once, and things get pushed aside and/or forgotten. Hopefully someone will still get some fun out of this. Included are 3 models (two shiny test models, one with test probe, one without, and a dull material low-vis one), with 7 texture sets (white and tan prototypes, Supernova 4, 5, & 6, a plain bright white one, and a low-vis with some F-18 markings thrown on for fun). I never did learn how to make or add gauges, so the virtual cockpit is just for looks. The 2D cockpit uses the stock stunt plane instrument panel. Enjoy! If anyone has trouble downloading this (which, given the history of distribution this has, is pretty likely to happen), let me know and I'll look for another host. Download YF-19.rar This should be extracted directly into the FS2004 Aircraft folder.
  24. Ok.. time for the pick-apart. Actually, looks really good so far, will have to wait and see what poses are possible. I think the reason for the new backpack clip is the scale. I don't care for the design much, but you have to admit that the one on the 1/48 version was tiny, even for something that big. Wouldn't have worked so well to scale that down I think, and you'd run out of room for it in the body. The intake covers look like they're both molded and painted into the upper surface of the intakes, so nice detail there (much better than the stickers). Personally though, I never have liked the inclusion of the compressor blades as a detail.. looks a little silly with the engine mounted that close to the front of the intake. Only planes I've ever seen that way are the A-10, and assorted airliners. Doesn't work at supersonic speeds. The canopy profile is a little different from the 1/48.. I think it's a little more rounded over the top, and not so square. Still kind of bulbous, but real canopies are like that anyway. I think the only difference with the nose is in battroid, since they mounted the hip joint a little lower than the 1/48. The nose looks the same size, just located higher up in battroid mode. As for the double knees.. I don't want to discount them yet, there's an awful lot of space around those joints. There isn't room for another joint above the visible knee hinge (the piece above the sideways pivot looks solid), but the lower leg could possibly have enough room. I wouldn't count on it, but it may happen. Anyway, I can see a good sized hunk of income going toward a few of these in the near future, since I never did get my 1/48 Roy.
  25. From the one shot posted, it looks like they're sticking more with the motion picture refit style of ship, but with the rounded nacelles.. lettering and saucer panels look very similar, but I can't tell how close the nacelles are to the originals.
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