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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Well despite the speed of that scene, there was obviously time for Ranka and Brera to both get their helmets on, since Ranka wasn't wearing one at first either, and she doesn't have cyborg vision (that we know of anyway ). About the virus thing though.. holeee crap. I think my brain just pulled itself out of joint. Just for the moment, lets assume the viral evolution thing is correct, and the way the PC forcefully evolved different species was based on manufactured viruses. Makes good sense; the evo-virus modifies genetics, changes are passed on to the next generation. The question is just whether the old generation can survive the changes long enough to reproduce and make healthy beings who are immune any bad side effects of the virus. I actually had to go look up the process of viral infections to get a grasp on this, but I'm getting the idea of what type of virus a V-type infection is, at least in terms of this show. It seems like a virus that's not meant to just infect cells and reproduce, but rather modify them, and continue to spread. Many viruses infect healthy cells, make the cell produce a bunch of viruses, then the cell self destructs like a viral frag grenade, spreading newly manufactured viral material to other cells to similarly destroy them. However, there are other types of viruses that don't destroy the host cell, they only modify it. I think they're referred to as enveloped viruses, and what they do is turn the host cell into a virus production factory that produces new virus material that leaves the production cell by natural cell reproduction methods. What I'm wondering now is whether the PC might have engineered viruses designed to affect very specific changes in a host's DNA. Like say you wanted to make someone's hair grow a new color ... every cell within an organism contains the full DNA for a living being, so if you could pinpoint the specific bits of DNA that control the production of hair, you could change things just enough to alter the balance of materials produced within the follicles, or maybe even cause the follicles to produce artificial compounds that would give unnatural hair colors. So, this virus would infect a cell, and do two things. First, it would alter the specific bits of DNA necessary to make the change you wanted. Second, it would alter that specific cell just enough so that it began producing more of the virus and more altered cells of the same type, both by natural cell division, and by budding (the type of reproduction in many bacteria where a new cell just breaks off of an old one). Now, until this hair color virus actually reached the cells that produce hair, you wouldn't see any effects. But assuming the new DNA gets transferred correctly, once the cells around the hair follicles get modified by the virus, the chemical makeup of the hairs produced would be different. It wouldn't even need to be color, you could alter thickness, strength, go from curly to straight, any number of things that depend on the chemical structure of the hair. The virus would need one more thing though: a self termination instruction. Say if the cell modification was entirely successful, and every cell in the target's body was modified with new DNA, then there's a lot of energy to be saved by not producing the viral infection agent anymore. And here's what I'm wondering... Ranshe obviously had the Virus, and Sheryl does now as well. So does Ranka, but she's the second generation, and it's not killing her. I seriously wonder if the continued production of viral material after all the cells in the body are modified could saturate the body to such a point that it would actually self destruct. The cutoff switch to producing that material may be linked to reproduction.. say the production code doesn't get transferred into newly formed cells, or it's modified, so while Ranka carries the virus in her cells, it's not overproducing, and not making her sick. Now, the thing with the virus both Ranka and Sheryl have.. it modifies something that makes it so people can produce fold waves. Exactly what the source is is up for grabs, but as the virus progresses, Sheryl is getting better at it, and Ranka, since she's a second generation of the virus, is naturally good at it. Heh.. funny thought... if the Vajra network is like a giant brain, they're used to having thoughts transmitted both ways, in coherent patterns. Ranka isn't connected the same way. She's basically sending interference into the network, like junk mail with no return address. Basically, Ranka's singing is the rough equivalent of the Vajra hive mind hearing voices in its head. So, the question now is where the virus came from. I get the impression that if it is an evo-virus from the PC, it might not have been meant for humans.. and I'm not sure it was meant for the Vajra either. What if it was an experiment by the PC that went wrong (or maybe right)? A unified consciousness sounds an awful lot like the PC may have been trying to evolve themselves for once, instead of other species. Edited to add one more thought... There's one more thing I wonder about.. the story they gave Sheryl said that once the virus makes it into the brain, it'll kill you. I wonder if that's the whole truth or not, and what the cause of death actually would be. For instance.. We haven't seen anyone actually die from the virus (and I hope we don't). We've seen the hydra go mad, and start attacking things, but I wouldn't call that death. Just a thought, but what if infection of the brain actually means that you suddenly get plugged into the Vajra neural network? It'd probably be similar to trying to connect an old IBM 386 to a 3G network. Once the virus is allowed to modify enough of the brain, I wonder if you'd be getting the whole hive mind downloaded to your brain instantaneously. Granted, without being prepared for it, the shock of that might indeed kill you. But what they didn't explain was why the Hyrda went insane first... would the final stages of infection cause symptoms of insanity in humans too? Imagine suddenly being connected to the entire hive mind, with no idea of where it's coming from. It'd probably resemble schizophrenia, or maybe multiple personality disorder at the very least. So here's the question.. If anyone has actually died of the v-type virus, it may be from neural overload, or just becoming completely disoriented and shocked from the connection, and unable to live normal life. As determined as Sheryl is, she may be able to survive this, but I kinda doubt that. Here's the wacky far-fetched bit though... I remembered someone calling Ranka an "adapter" of sorts, which would allow a link between the G.A. collective consiousness (ie, humans) and the vajra hive mind. What if Ranka becoming linked to the hive mind would give a focal point of sorts to that mind? She'd be like a single consciousness allowing translation into terms that individual human minds could understand. In other words, her presence in the network may be the one thing that saves Sheryl from self destructing in the final stages of the virus. Whether or not she knew it, Ranka has been developing her own connection to that neural network from birth, and was born with the ability to connect to it. I still think that mental thing between her and Sheryl during the concert was a sign that they could actually already connect, even with Sheryl's early stage of the disease. Rather than a sudden connection, for Ranka it has been a gradual process, something that didn't make her go insane, or kill her from the amount of info overload. Btw, I don't pretend to know much about medicine, the virus stuff is all just picked off a basic decription I found of how they generally work. If anyone has better ideas about the source of the virus, or how it works, I'd love to hear.
  2. Well crud then. Eh, maybe Bandai will be nice and pick up the others at some point with a few kits (maybe 1/72 variables like the VF-25). To be honest, I don't mind a bunch of VF-1s so much as I want more of the other stuff. We'll probably see lots of VF-1s one way or another, but I'd love to see more custom versions of the other planes. Yamato made a good amount of custom designs for the 1/48 VF-1s, and I'd love to see the others treated the same way. A low-vis VF-19A or VF-11 is something I've been waiting a long time for. On the other hand if they don't make more versions, the lower price of these would probably make me not so nervous to try customizing them. Good thing too, because I really want a set of M&M VF-22s. Btw yes, Hikaru's fanjet would be great, maybe even the fancier one Minmay got later in the series. Heck, as long as we're going for civilian stuff, they should make Roy and Hikaru's bi-planes from the flying circus.
  3. Have to agree there, and add that to what I'd love to see... Yes, the VF-1 has been done to death, and no, there obviously aren't as many variants of all the other planes. But if you're going to do it, just stick to the majorly important versions of the VF-1, and try to give the other planes a comparable amount of attention. For instance, if they do the VF-1, maybe limit it to 5-6 versions, just to cover the famous ones: Roy -1S, Hikaru -1J, M&M -1Js, possibly a DYRL -1A of some type, and maybe one wild card like a VF-1D, or something like an Elint or Super-O. There are lots of others, but beyond that you'd just be killing off chances for other planes. One other thing about the VF-1s though... if they can make FPs work for them, it'd be better if they were included. I really would rather not see two versions of every VF-1 so you can have FP/non-FP versions of each. I know mounting FPs on the VF-1 means making it practically variable (if you can move the legs and tail section enough, you can pretty much do an armless gerwalk), but I don't want to see umpteen versions of the planes just to get all the FP options covered. Also, if they can manage to limit themselves to 5 VF-1 versions.. I want at least nearly similar variety in the rest of the line. Sure, we've only ever seen one or two versions of most other planes... so, make up something new. Yamato came up a load of custom VF-1 designs, let em give the rest of the valks the same treatment. For instance, here's a few variants I'd love to see done YF-19: sure we have the tan prototype from Mac+. That was the second prototype. Where's the first one? Just make something up.. use modern camo colors, and get creative, or use one of the Supernova schemes (please!) Then you can always do the VF-X version like they did with the figure line, and have at least 3 versions. YF-21: same situation as the YF-19. There was one more prototype we didn't see (the conventional control version), which should've been pretty much a YF-21 with a VF-22 cockpit. Plus, you can always make M&M VF-22s, which would be awesome. You could even do a Gamlin version. There's 5 more planes. VF-19: I'm listing this separately because it's so different from the YF-19. Aside from Basara's which was unique, there's still multiple ways you could do the Blazer version. There's probably at least 3 of these that could be done. VF-11: Two main versions we see, the Mac+ version and the Mac7 cannon fodder. So, again, make something up for fun. Maybe a demonstrator model like an Angel Birds version, or even a Pink Pecker. There's also the custom Mylene design, and the Jamming Birds. So, there's at least 5 more possibilities here. VF-17: Not nearly as much variety here, since they tended to be black, except for the Sound Force one, which was a green 2 seater. VF-4: I'm not too familiar with how many times this one appears outside of FB2012. My guess would be you could get at least 2 versions from games and concept art. VF-0: Several options here, and I seriously want a VF-0D. Take a few cues from the Hasegawa kits, and they could probably come up with 4 of these. Same for the SV-51, but I'm not going to be really happy unless they do a Dobber schemed one. Then there's all the variety of MacF stuff now, and even without armored/packed versions, you've got 4 VF-25s to do, 2 VF-171 schemes, and 2 VF-27 schemes. I'm leaving out most of the stuff I'm not familiar with, like MacII and the games, as well as many of the concept designs. But it's easy to see that the VF-1 has had an overwhelming amount of exposure compared with the other planes. Now, how much that has to do with the comparitive audiences of the different series, I don't know. The VF-1 has certainly had the most exposure overall. Sorry if this is a bit long, and we can move this to a new topic if needed. But my overall point is that if they're going to be making a bunch of little planes to sit out on my shelves, I want some variety. I don't mind the VF-1, and I know I'll buy a few of those, but I want there to be more than one version of the rest of the planes I like too, Mac+ especially.
  4. The Salacious Crumb one is also included with the new Lego Gunship set. I dunno if it's a sticker or printed on though.
  5. Absolutely YES, for the same reasons you listed Graham. I guess features I'd like would depend on the scale... What size will they be? If I could get something to display around 6-8 in in length, it'd be great. Clean lines would be a must (ie, I want a YF-19 that looks like the sunset shot ), but as long as the fighters are sleek, I would do without a lot of features just to get a simple solid plane to zoom about my desk. FPs would be nice, but not if they complicate things, or reduce the sturdyness of the fighter. Heck, if the planes looked nice enough, I personally wouldn't care if they even had clear cockpits.. a solid painted canopy would be fine by me, but if they can get a good looking cockpit in that scale, I'd say go for it. Swing wings are great, but only really a must for a few Valks. The moving feet would be a nice touch too, but I don't think they'd be necessary. High speed mode for the YF-21 would be very nice if they can do it without leaving the wings flappy. If retractable gear would be possible, it'd be nice, but removable is fine.. maybe they could do what Fine Molds did for their X-Wing kits.. they made the entire gear-wells removable, and included closed and open versions so you could swap between the two, and you'd still get a fully detailed well with open doors when the gear were down. Plain stick landing gear would work too.. I'll probably just leave them on the stands anyway.
  6. I don't think that would help... I think they both have far too much estrogen to ever produce anything that looks boyish. Well... unless nature pulls a fast one and they have a girl who looks like Duke Nukem.
  7. *wipes soda from monitor* Thank you, I don't think I'll sleep for a week now. then again.... *loads as avatar* Maybe now I'll stop confusing wolfx's posts with my own
  8. I think that's the best explanation yet for Alto's scream at the end. I didn't get to watch the sub till today, but that makes perfect sense. He's basically promised different people different things (Sheryl to stay with her till the end, Luca to bring back Ranka before Nanase wakes up, and to top it all, he promised Ozma he'd watch over Ranka a while back as well), and now he's having to break his word because of his choice. He's decided to stick with Sheryl, which may or may not wind up being a dead end death spiral into pain. In the process, he also broke his promise to Luca, let Ranka run off with the guy he hates in order to befriend the bugs that killed Michel, was abandoned by his comrades in arms to go rogue, and signed on with a hitler wannabe.... yeah, I'd scream too. It looks like he's basically realized there can be no happy ending the way things are at the moment.
  9. I don't know if that would work, since I think the shield is hollow underneath for ammo storage. I've always wondered if the tops of the shoulders (those small vents) might flip up similar to the VF-11, but mostly I figure it just uses it's control surfaces to slow down like the Super Hornet does (rudders turn outward, flaps open wide, small panels open, etc.) I do think it's interesting how much variation you can get in the YF-19, especially in terms of shape/size. The aircraft appears similar to both the Hasegawa and Yamato versions at different points in the anime. For instance the sunset shot: This is about as slim and detailed as you ever see the plane, and while the shape is a little different, it looks a lot like the Hasegawa in terms of how thin the plane is. On the other hand, the lineart is closer to the Yamato. To be honest, I've never liked the new 1/60 Yamato sculpt very much. I know they had to make room for the internals, but that gullet just bothers me. I may eventually get one anyway, but I hope to someday make my own version in CG that'll give a better fighter mode. What I am liking in recent times is the move to CG in Zero and Frontier. It doesn't have some of the old school charm of pure animation, but it generally gets rid of the anime magic that tends to make designs like the YF-19 so hard to duplicate in real life. Consequently, the VF-0 and (and hopefully the VF-25) toys are pretty much identical to the anime in all modes. In my case though.. using the Hasegawa drawings was decided by one main fact: I think they're computer generated from the model molds. Same as with those two computer renders of the Yamato, the Hasegawa drawings line up perfectly with each other in all views. In contrast, try making a model that matches the lineart top and side views, and you'll give yourself a headache. The sizes of various parts don't quite match up in the various schematics, and you wind up fudging a lot of bits to get a working model. Now, on the other end of the detail spectrum though... in the anime, it doesn't make sense to pack in a ton of detail, because you just have to keep drawing it over and over, and it doesn't stay consistent. But when you really want details, it's easy to go a bit crazy. My flight sim models tend to go more toward that ideal, but trying to transform them would be hopeless.
  10. I've actually got several sets of blueprints myself, I'll see how many I can find on my backup drive. Ok.. here comes a whole mess of pictures for comparison. K, first, a few side views: Yamato 1/60 (I think) Hasegawa 1/72 kit instructions Old lineart pic I got somewhere Top Views: Yamato 1/60 Hasegawa Lineart
  11. Or maybe hmmm.... as much as I'd like to hear Sheryl's version of that, just to throw everyone off, I wouldn't put it past Kawamori to have However, if that happens, I'll eat my computer.
  12. You got a real beauty there, especially for only having 4000 polygons I've made a few YF-19 models before, but since they've all been for flight sims, I've never tried rigging them up for transforming, and they've all been based on the Hasegawa fighter kit, so they'd look positively hideous as a battroid. I really know what you mean with regards to having control over the polygons though.. I'm a bit obsessive over which way triangles face in my models, and I used to build things one polygon at a time with Rhinoceros 3D (I'd actually build a curve framework, then fill in the polygons). I've since moved on to 3D Studio Max (the plugins used to export Microsoft Flight Sim aircraft models are all for 3DSMax or Gmax) and I fell in love with making complex surfaces with spline cages. But I still pick over the meshes polygon by polygon to make them look right. One thing that occurs to me though, do you have any plans for this model? The reason I ask is that while you say you weren't being stingy with polygons, this still is a low polygon count compared to many of the models used in games today (my flight sim models usually range in the 20k-50k polygon range for comparison ). In fact, a model of this detail level would be perfect for use in action games, since developers like to keep polycounts low to allow lots of objects on screen and keep framerates high.
  13. Thanks for those pics, I never knew that kit existed I guess my main thought about it though... even if PT is possible, the plane isn't The way the legs work leaves almost no room in that thing for engines at all. The VF-4 is kind of unique in that way.. since most Valks have the hip/leg/foot assembly formed from the full intake/engine/nozzle parts, it's not so hard to imagine the engine being located mainly in the lower leg section. Since the intake is actually at the knee joint on the VF-4, it makes things a whole lot more complicated in terms of internal components. There's obviously no room for an engine in that kit, and I wonder if it'd even be possible to fit one in there with the way that mechanism works. On another note, just curious... are there any other Valks where the cockpit remains facing forward like the VF-4?
  14. *splurts drink all over monitor* 1970's US NAVY camo VF-1J FTW!! Note, it's not actually a Black Aces scheme, despite the SVF-41 squadron designation. It's actually more a cross between old fashioned VF-84 Jolly Rogers, and VF-142 Ghostriders. VF-142 F-14 VF-84 F-14 Actually now that I look at it, it might be a mix of all 3, including Black Aces.. looks like there's a red spade eyepatch on one eye of the skull. Btw, is that new YF-19 demonstrator scheme supposed to be the first YF-19 prototype? It looks similar to the blue/white scheme I've seen done somewhere before, just as speculation as to what it may have looked like.
  15. Hmm... I can't wait to see how the VF-4 would work.. I have a hard time believing that thing's transformation is even possible, let alone PT. That leg mechanism looks like detachable legs would almost be a must before it would work. That's not to say I'm not gonna snatch up each and every one of these though. Depending on how they work, I may just display them all in fighter mode anyway.
  16. Once I get settled into my new place/job, I may have to pull out my tablet and chip in a bit.. or maybe adapt a few of these to 3D. I've been wanting to get back into drawing by hand more, this would be a great start I think. Just sooo many projects I keep coming up with for myself.
  17. Actually, I kinda had that thought myself. The guy in the picture looks like he could possibly be Ozma's brother. Although, that would probably lead him to having Ranka call him uncle, instead of brother... *shrugs*
  18. I've been waiting till I'm employed to give in to my valk addiction. So far, only have a solitary 1/48 Super Hikaru -1J. Soon as I start getting paid, I hope to find at least a 1/48 Roy and strike pack, and maybe a 1/48 M&M set if I'm lucky. After that, going 1/60th and getting the Mac+ set. I can hear my wallet whimpering aready...
  19. Don't forget, Ai-kun is actually the illegitimate child of Gubaba and Gamlin.
  20. Speaking of sweeping things under the rug... do we know if Gallia IV was some sort of a Vajra homeworld, or just a large nesting of them? One of the critters we saw walking around looked a bit like the thing in the tank in the internet photo if remember right. Given that's where the Global was, is it possible that the 117th discovered the Vajra on that planet to begin with? Hmm.. so if Sheryl is 17-18 in 2059, she may have been as old as 12 when Grace found her in 2053, which is still 5 years after the 117th went poof. Seems to me like there's plenty of time there for her to have been an orphaned survivor who fell in with folks from Galaxy, and was later put in an orphanage. Being un-implanted could have been a turn off to possible adoptive parents on Galaxy.
  21. Hrmmm.. *gears grinding in brain* Based on the article Klan and Michael found, we do have a set date for when Sheryl was picked up by Grace, right? I'm not sure what that date is, but there's plenty unknown about after the 117th's disappearance that she may yet be connected somehow, besides just through Grace. Ok, so the flashback Sheryl has shows her standing around with a teddy, in a decent looking dress, while people walk by. This doesn't have to disagree with her street urchin days. We know she has the V-Type virus from somewhere, probably Grace. But lets say she's had it since her very early childhood, and she was in an orphanage. That type of fact would make it very hard for her to be adopted, probably leading to her running away at some point, where she ends up in the slums. Actually the virus isn't a requirement for this, she may have just been an extremely stubborn little girl, and no one wanted her, so she winds up on her own. Her resentment toward Galaxy may be that she was born and raised naturally, but that made her an unwanted child (think GATTACA). The big question is how she became an orphan in the first place. I'm not ready to buy into the whole idea that she's related to Ranshe.. they look alike in the artwork, but things don't add up at all.. First off, if Ranshe is Sheryl's mother, what's the connection with Ranka? They all but confirmed Ranka's relationship to her in the "Mother's Lullabye" episode. Granted, they didn't specify whose mother she was, but given that Ranka and Brera both know the song, Ozma keeps having flashbacks of Brera as a kid, and the Vajra queen showed Ranka an image of Ranshe singing Aimo too, I think that's a bit obvious. So lets just assume for a moment that it's a given that Ranshe is Ranka and Brera's mother, as well as Sheryl too (Sheryl/Brera= twins? ). But Sheryl isn't in any of the flashbacks to the 117th, wasn't in the picture Alto saw on the WTF-1, and you'd think with her love of singing she'd know Aimo too. Ok, so Ranshe's a scientist with two kids with her at her job with the research fleet. Yet Sheryl was left on Galaxy? I don't buy it. There'd be no reason for Sheryl to not be with them if they were actually related. Now, this doesn't rule out some connection to the 117th entirely.. Sheryl may very well be the child of parents who were killed there. She may even have been another survivor, and not having an Ozma of her own to take her in, she wound up on Galaxy instead of Frontier, as someone who really didn't fit in. Actually, all of the "Fairies" may have been survivors of the 117th. I wouldn't put it past Grace to have kept tabs on all the survivors for possible exploitation. Since Sheryl was an orphan, she was probably the easiest one to manipulate. Who knows.. Ranka and Sheryl may have been childhood friends. I doubt that though, since they would probably remember each other (I know it's a long time, but I do know that I remember quite a few of my friends from age 5-6). Either they never met on the 117th, or Sheryl was never there at all. As fun as all these theories are, it's still very likely that Sheryl was just an orphan on Galaxy that Grace picked up and infected herself.
  22. Hmm.. actually, even if Alto is Mao's daughter, I don't see it being an issue with Sheryl, since Sheryl most likely isn't related to Mao at all. Hmm.. so, if Mao disappeared 11 years ago, alto would've been 6-7 years old, young enough for those flashbacks easily. Only problem is that I don't see Mao being even near Frontier around that time. Also, I watched the flashback in Ep11 again, and his mom really doesn't look like it could be Mao. The hairstyle is wrong, based on the computer photo, and she's wearing fancier clothing, more like Alto and his father. Edit: Omg.. I love freudian typos. Yeah, Alto would have to be Mao's son, not her daughter.
  23. Hmm.. the whole "gems make a brain link" idea sounds pretty on the spot actually.. it would explain a lot, especially the concert scene. I had thought that was just for dramatic purposes, but now that I think of it, it reached Alto too. He didn't get a whole floaty space-type vision, but he was much further away. Actually.. wow, yeah, that fits in other ways too, and if it weren't for the Vajra singing to Ranka at that one point, I'd say it throws into question whether the song is significant at all. What better way to screw up communications than to flood the bandwidth with a stronger signal? Assuming the crystals really do transmit singing/emotions, or possibly tactical information to the vajra, Ranka's song was basically flooding their comm channels. ECM- emotional counter measures. If Sheryl managed to transmit her disease to both Alto and then to Ranka though... I dunno what they'll do. I still think it's far too early in the series for them not to find a cure for her. We already have people doing covert research into her situation, and they have the resources at hand (not to mention plenty of episodes) to pull a last minute save.
  24. Thanks for that, clears up a lot. Hmm.. so the 117th. What occurs to me is that there's much more to that incident than we know about yet. I wouldn't put it past Grace to sabotage the whole thing, but I don't know why she would. Her reasons for anything she has done are still pretty vague. Consider this though.. the vajra used Ranka's mother's image to communicate with her, which means the vajra and her mother were probably on good terms in one way or another. Could there have been a falling out among the research team? Dunno how Mao may have been involved, but I get the feeling Ranka's mother and Grace didn't see eye-to-eye. I'm starting to think the Vajra may have been a genetic engineering project via virus (trying to mimic the PC) and that the virus itself is a human creation. Could be that the vajra were discovered as small relatively safe creatures (the one in the tank looks like the queen, but on a much smaller scale), and when it was found out that they produced those crystals, the 117th tried to forcefully evolve them into something like livestock to harvest crystals from, or possibly intelligent creatures that they could control. Obviously the "control" part failed, but I wonder if the infection evolved them into their current state. What I'm thinking is this... Grace may have betrayed the team, and run off with incomplete research on a way to control the monsters they created, while Mao and Ranka's mother may have found the answer after she left, and implanted it into Ranka before Grace's machinations caused the vajra to attack the station. The virus may actually be something that allows the vajra to communicate with humans on a telepathic level. What's funny to me is that the vajra recognize Aimo at all.. think about why they would have even heard it to begin with. Either the vajra in the tank was alive, and heard Ranka's mother singing it (not too likely I think, since you probably wouldn't associate yourself with a captor that way, or have any fond memories of music you heard), or the vajra were Ranshe's pets. She may have actually sung to them at one point or another, while caring for them.. would explain why the queen communicated with Ranka with her image. Btw, that site with the pics from the intro also spawned this awesome bit of ASCII.
  25. Actually, that whole bit was meant to be about Grace, I may have forgotten to make a good transition there.
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