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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Sounds like it'll be in scale with the models rather than the DXs, it's advertised as being 1/72 on HLJ's listing.
  2. Oh boy I could go into sooooo much detail for this. A lot of it comes from flight simming, since I'll often substitute that for flying a physical plane around (bonus for the lack of a hand holding the plane, and actual flame effects in the engines ) Note, a lot of these tracks cross over into my own personal label of "eargasmic." 1. "Flight to Neverland" from the movie Hook. I picture this one a lot for aircraft test flights, and if I ever get a pilot's license, I swear I will be either playing or singing/humming this during my first solo (regulations permitting). 2. "Ride the Dragon," or "Escape from the Dragon" from the Shrek orchestral score, used a lot for YF-19 flights in Flight Simulator. (Also of note: in my own head, I always hear "Escape from the Dragon" when watching the attack run on the second Death Star in ROTJ.. Sheesh.. There's even a roar sound that would synch up nicely with the explosion wave forming...I get chills just thinking about how well that would fit. Pacing is a little different, but I want to do a recut with that music someday.) 3. Northern Cross is a fun one. The fast paced lyrics in that one are like the vocal equivalent of a barrel-roll laden, Itano Circus massacre. Same for Lion and Infinity to an extent, but I associate those more with high-G dogfights and aircraft carrier punches than with crazy missile swarms. 4. Voices, Aimo, or .. whatever the name for the Mac0 end theme was that Aimo replaced in MacF, mainly for just smooth sailing, like sailplane flights, or Alto's cloud cruising. 5. If I had a CF to fly around, it'd be "TNT" (watch me explode! ) 6. For anything Mac7 related, it's usually "Holy Lonely Night" (for me, one of my favorite parts in the series was when that song got first used in battle, just because it was new and different ), although, I'm really starting to like some of the Fire Bomber tracks not used in the series like "Diamond Calling" and "Tread the Lightless Night." 7. Thanks to Forrest Gump, I'll always picture destroid (especially jungle) warfare accompanied by "For What it's Worth," or maybe "Fortunate Son." There's so much more too.. The Origa/Kanno tracks from GITS, the entire Macross Plus soundtrack.. Heck, even Yackety Sax (the Benny Hill high speed slapstick music) works well for missile barrages. It's like every track I listen to has a flight equivalent. Actually, I think it's something my brain does.. I don't know why, but I tend to associate pitches (notes on the scale) with angles, or motions. It's not always consistent, but it's like converting the whole "do-re-mi" bit into roll, pitch, and yaw angles.
  3. Oooooh... Just got word that HLJ is having another Paypal-related free express shipping sale! I've held off ordering anything, maybe now's the time to get a couple more kits and Valks.
  4. Heh.. bet if you could get apart the leg it'd be simple, but the VF-0s come from Yamato's, "Screw it, we'll just glue the whole darn thing together" phase. The YF-19, VF-0, and SV-51 are all nearly impossible to get apart to fix without breaking them worse than they started.
  5. My guess would be those function just like the leading edge of the X-02's wing in Ace Combat 4, split into upper and lower halves that part to allow the hinge to pass through, but close up to form a sealed edge once the hinge support is past. Still doesn't explain how the wing then slides into the position shown in the colored picture though. I'll have to grab a copy of this, these images look like they would be incredibly fun to build a flight sim model out of. I think the mid-sized wing version of the VF-19F might be my new favorite version of this plane. What I do find annoying/funny though.. no matter how many times I see any variation of YF-19/VF-19 lineart.. I have yet to see any drawings that include even remotely reasonable divisions in the belly plates to allow for the transformation to work at all. At least this newest version seems to include panels along the fuselage that resemble the cut in the Yamato 1/60 and Bandai Hi-Metal used to shorten the forward fuselage.
  6. That's pretty much the gist of it, I just put a blob of glue on each of the leg tabs to enlarge them. I suppose there is a trick to it though. I always use the slowest drying and thickest super glue I can get. The one I've been using for a while is Sentai Distributors Maxi-Cure brand, the extra thick 10-25 second stuff. It's plenty thick to build up a blob on tabs, and if you catch it at the right time, you can actually shape it a little. I think what I did for the leg tabs was to just put a little on the top and bottom of each tab, and let it dry till it wasn't sticky anymore, but was still soft enough to make an impression with a fingernail. At that point, I pushed the tabs into the holes to let the glue mold to the shape of the hole, then removed them again to let them harden the rest of the way.
  7. Oh, I had a similar problem with those lower leg/backpack connections. I tend to hold the plane right behind the knees in fighter mode, and the pressure there always popped the legs out. Again, a layer of superglue on those leg tabs fixed it up nicely.
  8. *facepalm* No, I completely forgot Asakura! Comes complete with tentacles too.
  9. I've noticed that about the hip/intake connections too, they're not very snug where the plastic pegs into the metal. Next tweak I might try on the one I'm fixing up is to beef up the pegs on the legs to fit a little better. I love super glue.
  10. Actually, the thing that sticks in my mind the most about the VF-0, especially when compared with other valks: it's actually streamlined. Nearly every other variable design has huge flat panels that face to the rear of the plane, usually the hand covers (the VF-4 avoids this, as do the VF-25/VF-27 due to the shield design). In the world of aircraft, non-streamlined flat surfaces at the rear of the plane are a huge no-no. It's called base drag, and comes from the turbulence caused by the air having to fill in the space behind the plane as it goes forward. On the whole, the VF-0 has probably the most streamlined shape of any valk I think, at least until the VF-25. Compared with the VF-1, the head, shoulders, arms, and hands are all completely blended into the fighter, while the VF-1 has big blocky shoulders sticking into the airstream, and all that flat area at the rear to make more drag. What's funny to think about.. in terms of technology this makes perfect sense really. The VF-0 had conventional engines (beastly ones, yes, but still conventional), while the VF-1 had nuclear engines. Given that much thrust, they may have just looked at the drag coefficients, and laughed them off. What's interesting to me... the same thing has happened in real life over time. Look back at the fighters designed in the era between about 1950 and 1970, and you'll notice that one of the popular trends in fighter design was a "coke-bottle" fuselage shape (great example is the F-5 Tiger, it had an extreme amount of this). That shape had the effect of seriously reducing the drag coming from shock waves approaching Mach 1. But these days, you really don't see much of that shape any more in fighter aircraft (only newer design I can think of off the top of my head that still has it somewhat is the Saab Gripen). Why? Because with engines that give 40k lbs of thrust, that drag isn't really an issue anymore, unless you really want to optimize the fuel load of the aircraft (which to an extent is why the Hornet has such a short range). Long story short, with enough power, drag isn't that big a deal, but it's still nice to get good fuel efficiency.
  11. If I had the video editing skills and software, I would've already made an entire Haruhi/Fire Bomber mashup AMV series by this point. Although.. heh.. I wonder how long it'll be till we start seeing Haruhi dressing up as Sheryl (it probably already exists)... I'm not sure how they'd pull off the rest though. The characters' personalities are rather mixed up from their body types... although I can totally see Kyon and Koizumi as Alto and Michael. Leseee... going by personalities, Mikuru/Ranka might work (body type on opposite end of the spectrum though.. heh.. she'd probably make a better Nanase).. Tsuruya could make a good chibi-Klan (same length hair too, just wrong color) I don't think there even was a Yuki-type character in MacF now that I think of it. And Haruhi doesn't really have an Ozma substitute... so by default, Yuki'd have to be Ozma, just based on relative levels of kickassitude. Yeesh.. stupid imagination, now I can't get my head out of SOS-Frontier.
  12. Cutting out filler is good... I always cracked up at the bits of "Last time on DBZ: 'KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....'" followed by "Next time On DBZ: '....HHMAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....'" Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but I never have seen the original in full. I will admit though.. while I imagine some important bits did get cut out, I thought DBZ Abridged pretty much nailed it. Part of me wonders how close the abridged series' pacing would match up to the new recut.
  13. I'd like to know the same thing, HLJ has the strike parts set listed as discontinued , and I still want a second set. Did they just stop making them?? Do I need to get an anniversary Hikaru 1S to get a second strike pack? I really wasn't planning on it..
  14. WIN! Although, I get the distinct feeling Haruhi and Basara would either get along realllly well, or be at each other's throats non-stop. I can't see there being any in-between.
  15. Depending on the plastic, you might have a few tries, but using thinners to remove paint can have some nasty effects. Don't ever use it on clear plastic for instance.. the last time I did that, it crazed the plastic, leaving it with a shattered glass look. I did use thinner to remove the first metallic coat I put on the feet, and it didn't seem to hurt much, but it definitely had an effect on the plastic. After removing the paint, the plastic was very dull, almost like a cloudy texture somehow, and the surface of the pieces was definitely softer then before.. it seemed to scratch more easily, as if the plastic was breaking down. The most reliable way I know to remove paint is just scraping or sanding it off (much easier with acrylics, but a fine grained sandpaper is usually enough to strip enamels without taking off too much plastic). Takes more work, and scratches up the surface, but it's probably the safest route. And if you're planning on repainting the part anyway, it'll cover up easily enough.
  16. I still love the old fashioned ultraviolence. For as many problems as it caused for Yamato though, I don't think it was really worth the extra effort, even if it is realistic.
  17. Oh, please derail away, I'd like to know that as well, actually.
  18. If I remember right, my M&Ms were a bit of an oddity for me too. Nothing horrific, but they did have a few oddball problems I haven't seen on any other v2 VF-1. Things like wheels falling off, loose leg fins, canopys coated too thickly to see through, etc. They are also the hardest ones I have to transform just due to their joints being extremely tight. Millia's tail section almost wouldn't fold properly. I kind of got the impression that the M&Ms were cast from brand new molds when they were released. They were the only 1/60 VF-1s I got right after release too, so later ones might have been not as tricky to transform. As for the shoulder light scratching, I found sanding down the little nubs on the inside of the chest piece helped quite a bit to prevent that.
  19. I might still need to get a 0S at some point, just to see how they improved it. It's a beauty of a plane, especially when you strip off the excess baggage (fast packs and shoulder bulges). I always did like the CF better than the Shin version too, those white stripes just don't add much contrast to the paint.
  20. Wait, what?? When was it released? I haven't heard anything.... of course.. I've been a bit busy with real life... On an unrelated note though.. I saw this on Ngee Khiong's Blog... I have no idea if it was intentional or not... but now I want SOS Gundams. And while on the subject of mecha.. I found this by accident and couldn't help cracking up at fact that this is exactly how I imagined that "End of Haruhi" bit earlier.
  21. Makes me really glad I'm happy with my 1/60s. See, a rare variant like an Angelbird or prototype I can understand being an exclusive. Main characters? Bandai, one of my fingers has a message for you.
  22. Ok, since the VF-0A got re-released (assuming the CF not the Shin) is there any chance of getting a spare set of parts from anywhere? We all know about how the shoulders tended to be made of some type of plastic that likes to disintegrate, but... well, that's only a small part of the problem for me. I noticed the cracking shoulders on mine long ago, and just left it in fighter mode for a long time, but I figured I might take it apart today and see if there's any way to reinforce the thing. Unfortunately.. well.. nothing has outright broken yet.. but after taking it apart, it seems like nearly all of the load bearing joints in this thing are made of the same explodium as the shoulders. On disassembling it, both shoulders, the upper arm twist joints, and both halves of both knees are getting ready to completely shatter. There are cracks running clear across both of the double knee joints (the upper part of the thigh twist joint). On top of this.. the main shoulder hinges are made of this same plastic, and they're showing some nasty stress marks. Over all, the places this plastic is used are numerous: the fast packs, the intake covers, hands, shoulders, main fuselage shoulder plates (including the clips to hold the hip bar in fighter), all three sections of the knee joints, inner section of the backpack, the head mounting plate all use it. Basically any dark grey plastic except the canopy cover seems to be the same brittle plastic. So, I guess I'm wondering two things. 1. Do the re-releases use this same crappy plastic in the same places, or is it higher quality stuff like in the newer v2 VF-1s? 2. What are the odds of being able to get a replacements for both arm and leg assemblies? Because of the way things are glued together and screws are covered, I can't really separate the individual parts that need to be fixed. It basically amounts to replacing the entire arm from the shoulder pivot down, and the entire leg starting at the thigh. My plan was to reinforce things as best I can by taking things apart and super-gluing everything.. but to get where I'd need to put the glue would absolutely destroy the parts.
  23. The black definitely was easier.. for a while I was tempted to just leave the stripes entirely black. The red, not so much, but it worked. The best part of this was learning that it's not too difficult to mask off those individual pieces, since most of them follow natural reference points on the plane. I may sticker up one of the kits I have just to try it (probably Luca, since I really only bought his kit for the ghosts ), but I think in general I'm going to stick with painting those markings on, especially once I start learning how to use my airbrush.
  24. Well, I did figure out what happened with the buffing.. turns out I mixed up two of my paints. The one I used wasn't for buffing after all. Oh well, I like how they turned out from the mixed color. I've gotten to the point in my kit where I need to seriously start considering whatever reinforcement tweaks I may use. I actually am considering buying a few small magnets, depending on how tiny they can get, while still remaining powerful. I've got two spots in mind. The first is a replacement for the tabs I developed on my first Michael valk, or maybe a refinement of them. I liked how well the first ones worked, but they were very rough cuts in the leg panels, and I know I could do better with a bit more planning and measuring. What I might do is try to locate magnets in the same places I added the tabs and slots. They'll have to be very small to fit though. The tabs were located directly above the tabs in the upper leg plates before, and I'm thinking if I removed those tabs entirely, the front pegs might be enough to hold those plates on, but I'm not sure yet. I know there is plenty of room inside the wing glove for a decent sized magnet, so I might just try and fill the leg plates with metal bits. If I can get a strong enough magnet for the wings, it might not actually have to touch directly on the metal. I don't know though.. it will take some testing. The second spot I'm considering is as a replacement for the tab that holds the hips in place. I pulled off the two underside plates where this connection is located, and there might be a way to do it. There are so many redundant pegs inside these plates, I might be able to remove a couple, and still leave enough to hold them on. I've got the spots circled in the pic below. The front spot is actually directly above the connection tab. If I removed the peg and socket there, there would be enough room for a small round magnet I think. I may have to drill out a little bit of the plate behind the tab. The second spot is right where the tab's slot is currently, so the two spots are perfect for locating the magnets. There is less space in the back due to the hip bar joint, but if I remove some of the reinforcement that holds the tab in place in battroid mode, there should be room to lay a magnet right against the inside of the skin. In other news, I finally got the nerve up to start painting the main markings. While the puzzle-piece pattern can be generally annoying, I actually found the panels very useful for finding solid reference points. I took a couple of small liberties with the pattern, partly to make it look a little more streamlined, and partly to simplify how the pattern lines up with the existing panel lines. What I did for the most part was simple masking with scotch tape, and it worked fine when I needed it. Most of what I did was drawn on with a pencil in straight lines, and filled in. I painted the black first, and it went on beautifully, making a very smooth coat. The red though.. frustrated me for a few days, mainly on the wing gloves. The black paint isn't really durable to mask over without peeling it off, so I had to free-hand the red over it after marking the outlines with a very fine mechanical pencil and a ruler. Overall, it came out nicely I think and the red matches the other portions I've painted with it (very dark from the black undercoat, although enough coats will make the same shade on white plastic). It's not perfectly even in some spots, especially the shoulder blocks, but it looks fine for normal viewing distances. Next step will probably be working on coating the rest of the internal structure with gunmetal, and finally assembling the legs. I've held off putting the entire thing together so far to keep from stressing the hip joints, but it will have to happen sooner or later. Edit: Oh, by the way.. after watching a couple episodes of the show for details, I redid the shoulders. Know how the shoulder decals have a red stripe between two black stripes? While the black really is just a pinstripe around the wider red band.. the inner pinstripe shouldn't be there. The inner hexagon should be indented, and that second black stripe would be a shadow. The outer black and inner red stripe should also be about the same size. Also, there is a black stripe on the underside of the wing gloves that I keep seeing, about in the same position as the black portion of the top stripe, without the red piece.
  25. Holy poo. I live about an hour north of Edwards, and maybe 3 from LA... I might have to actually go to this now. And here I was not even knowing when it was. I might have to save a bit of vacation and take that day off... Oy. July 4th weekend too. I'll have to see if I can get my friends back home to join me, since we usually have a bbq on the 4th.
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