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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. The other added benefit for using the Hasegawa pylons is that unlike Bandai, they made them big enough to leave clearance to let the wing control surfaces actually move. Even having several of the Bandai sets doesn't stop me from wanting to make my own pylons. They're just bonkers undersized.
  2. Oh wtf Bandai, stop making things so hard to throw money at you for.
  3. This would be a bigger issue, except these exist, and are of a generally higher quality than Bandai's feeble attempts at making anything resembling realistic aircraft weaponry. Also much cheaper. https://www.plazajapan.com/4967834656543/ Even without any paint at all, these are generally going to look better than Bandai's, and the reaction missiles are the only ones not molded in color. It will just take a little extra work with magnets or some kind of pylon adapters to make them fit.
  4. FB2012 is in this weird nonsensical bubble of exportability, so we might get it here. In spite of basically being an SDFM music video, it somehow made it past the export blockade, as I recall? Maybe my brain's out of date. I've got plenty of this mold in multiple scales though, so yeah, no reason to get it for a new stand.
  5. Oh, yeah, that's absolutely an issue. The metal shoulder pivots really feel like they don't fit down far enough into their sockets. For me that generally got overshadowed by how insanely mis-matched their paint is.
  6. Just got a notice from AE that this is in stock, so might be releasing a little earlier than expected.
  7. Maybe I'm forgetting things, but isn't this basically where the booster mounted on the Yamato too?
  8. Got a picture? You'll have to be a little more specific about which hinge, which panel, and which gap. The VF-19 mold is very susceptible to minor mis-alignments though. One of my VF-19Fs was completely cockeyed due to a small piece of mold flash blocking one of the wing tabs from seating completely.
  9. Yeeeeeaahhh... they really should just go back and remake the YF-19 kit from scratch now, using all the improvements from this design. It's such a quarter-assed effort, it's really disappointing next to the YF-21.
  10. Compared with a few other printed resin kits I've picked up, I'd probably expect the raw printed parts (no cleanup, still on the tree) to run between $200-$250 for something this complex. The cost for a finished set would just be adding the cost for someone to paint and finish a pre-made resin kit for you on top of that. The initial investment to produce things of this type is only one part of the expense, and a larger printer will let you produce more parts at the same time, but the production process is still time intensive, and you're dealing with a lot of setup and cleanup with some pretty toxic chemicals. I don't know how it compares to regular resin casting, but they're both labors of love. The benefit of not having to worry about limited-use molds is great, but you still have to account for the losses from failed prints. That becomes less as printers get more reliable, but it's never something you can entirely disregard, especially with the cost of higher quality resin.
  11. Still looks gold to me from the side, might just be dependent on the lighting and atmosphere around. I forget if we saw one on display out here or not, but I know I've seen one or two at Edwards before.
  12. Oh, I'm not going to hesitate to grab a bunch of these. I do have to question where the color for those effects came from though.. I haven't watched that in a while. Are the engine plumes actually greenish? Because that looks positively disgusting.
  13. Nope, not in the slightest, and it is gradually driving me away from technology more and more each year. My next computer will probably run Linux, and my next phone will probably be a classic audio-only flip phone, because I've absolutely had it with the way all of these systems are evolving to just harvest data about every aspect of people's lives.
  14. To be entirely fair, if the game had launched with that requirement from the start, they would have been better off, because the people in regions without PSN access shouldn't have been able to buy it at all. Instead, they sold the game in a ton of countries that never should have had access in the first place, and then were stuck with either refunding them all, or backtracking on the account requirement (for the time being at least).
  15. Huh, I guess they didn't feel like using Roy's 1S to advertise the packs? Weird. Also weird they're just ignoring Plus entirely there. They don't have any DX releases from 7 (yet), but they didn't want to advertise the YF-21?
  16. Second pic has a pretty good view of them, still at an angle, but you can tell they're just the standard belly plates with the added gunpod compartment. Looks very much like the old Yamato mold. I'm still astounded by how little communication there is between all of Bandai's different development teams. This kit just looks so good, and gets everything that the DX got wrong completely correct.
  17. Mostly that they're including the super packs from the get-go, rather than making them a webshop exclusive, I think, but otherwise I don't expect anything to be different. Unless of course the 31AX releases are actually indicative of mold degradation to the original 31 molds, in which case they might be significantly worse than the original release.
  18. I still think the lack of the Ba was at least partly due to structural problems. They would have been fine without the head, because everything's the same as Keith's, but the pope head on the models was an incredibly fragile mess. I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't come up with a way to make it structurally sound.
  19. Are they seriously releasing this one without the missiles again? Seriously, what is wrong with these people that they can't just include things they should? I'm guessing the bagged missiles came with the 31J-Kai then though, since they probably didn't have new trays available until Arad's release.
  20. I really really do not trust Bandai to do this, after what they did with the Sv262. There was all the opportunity in the world for them to milk that mold with several more variants, and they haven't even looked at that design since the initial release. I think there's definitely a little more potential with M&M releases.. but we've seen how enthusiastic they've been about getting us the M&M DX VF-1s. I'm not holding my breath.
  21. Yeah, I don't expect anything to be permanent with this, or set any kind of trend going forward. Best case is probably that they just give up on this game, but remember not to do something this stupid with anything else in the future.
  22. Yeah, that's really weird, those lower legs on the two versions do not look anything alike. I'll just call them the "red stripe" versions, and they look much thinner. Markings aside, the darker part near the toe has a completely different width, giving it a much shaper angle, and the portion just above the knee joint is much thinner where it attaches to the hip. Also, the lip around the edge of the toe looks thicker, and some of the panel lines in the lower leg are entirely different, stopping with a panel line cut crosswise over the front of the ankle, rather than ending into the gray portion above the ankle.
  23. Things like this make me very happy I grew up with model kits and LEGOs, and have absolutely no nostalgia whatsoever for non-functional overpriced knicknacks.
  24. I can understand the logic of using a popular release to test the international waters, but when the market has been saturated with Hayate VF-31s for several years already, and anyone in the international markets who was that interested in Delta probably already acquired one (or more) anyhow, it feels dumb to me to use this as a measuring stick. This is my concern. Trying to judge demand for Macross items based on something that has a low baseline demand in this market to begin with, and those who were interested in are probably already tired of. Even if it gets heavily discounted, it's extremely unlikely I'm going to try and buy another of this same VF-31. Not that I'm expecting them to revisit the 31A at all, I just think they would get much better sales of that one by comparison, just from the relative demand that currently exists.
  25. Exactly this. Maybe I'm overly biased toward realistic looking aircraft schemes, and just sick of Hayate reissues, but I don't see why anyone in the international market would pick Hayate over the Kairos at this point, given the option. It's been my impression for a while that the biggest demand for those was outside Japan anyhow, so why aren't they going after that demand instead of re-issuing the same copy for the fourth time? Anyone in the international market who wanted that one probably got it a long time ago, and unlike Frontier, I don't think Delta has nearly as much international audience to begin with. Maybe it's a benefit to finally come packed with the super packs, I guess, but I'd still rather see something different.
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