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Everything posted by Chronocidal

  1. Just grabbed one from an alternate seller listed on the Amazon page, who's out now. Maybe I got in on the tail end of the order, and supply ran out? Not a huge deal, if Amazon comes through, I'll just have a spare, they're not expensive enough to worry too much about, I'm just frustrated with their inability to deliver in a couple of cases now where similar things have happened. They specifically moved my delivery date up, and then clung to that delivery date, despite the fact that the item had not even been shipped yet. I got the delay notice at 8am on the day it was due to be delivered. I'd been watching Amazon for the sale listing, and it didn't come up as available to order until the 14th of July though, so maybe they were on the back end of the supply for it from the beginning.
  2. Boy I wish Bandai's separate design teams would compare notes.. I'm almost tempted to grab one of these just to try and swap the feet onto the HG YF-19 kit. Definitely cute, but not the style of thing I'd generally display. Glad they're turning out so well though, looks like they've been managing solid releases for this line.
  3. I don't know about the robot scale, but the F-14 is close to 1/80th, about 9.5 inches long.
  4. I don't remember if I actually was able to get a VF-1J kit. I think I picked up a couple 1Ss, and a single 1D when they were available. Looking for a particular part to replace?
  5. I've kind of lost hope of any really impressive molds from Hasegawa, unfortunately. It's been how long since the 1/48 YF-19 got produced, and we still have no matching YF-21.
  6. Depending on how hard the paint is to remove, I might just strip the tails entirely and repaint them with a solid red stripe more like the original Jetfire. Worst case, I start grabbing blank parts from my unassembled Yamato kits and start swapping them in. I'm hoping the red isn't hard to match, since that's what needs the most work, but since the tails are obscured by the packs anyhow, I'm not sure I'll really worry about them much.
  7. So the Maverick F-14 crossover just popped back up on my recommended list, grabbed a second one for making a custom. Nice to see it making the rounds for people who might have missed it the first time. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSG72H2J?psc=1&smid=A2P4Z3GOIVU92E&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp Looks like it's missing the extra hands and volleyball prop, but I'm definitely not going to be missing them.
  8. I completely missed the fact that they actually painted the TV missiles. I might have to do that for some of my originals, and maybe even the Bandai DX sets. Thanks for the quick review, I'm really looking forward to this now, and glad I ordered both versions. Will definitely be customizing one with some repainting (hopefully I can find a matching red) and Autobot logos. I always thought the nosecone was a goofy place for the logo, but I will absolutely slap one on the canopy cover, provided I can seal it enough to not scrape.
  9. Same to all of the above. I do hope they stick closer to Yamato's deep blue than the shade they used on the original HM release for the VF-19s though. The color on the show was probably somewhere in the middle, but that deep blue Yamato used was really eye-catching.
  10. Does anyone have any idea what's going on with that Spinmaster 89 Batwing? I placed a preorder on Amazon when it initially appeared.. and they recently bumped the expected delivery date of Aug 27 up to the 19th.. which is tomorrow.. but it's not even shipped yet. Are they just completely losing their ability to track these limited run items? Same thing happened with the Micro Galaxy Tie Bombers I ordered, they just up and cancelled them with no warning, saying they couldn't even get them. Edit: Yeah, I don't know what is going on with Amazon anymore, I'm not sure I'm going to trust them with preordering anything like this from now on. Just got an email asking if I still wanted the item, and claimed they're having supply issues. Screw it, bought one with a defined delivery date. I'll keep the other in case it comes through, but I'm expecting they'll just drop the ball at this point.
  11. Yeah, I'm fully intending to just repaint several parts of this one. Probably cover up the kites and skulls, and repaint the tails as a solid stripe of red. It's fun for what it is though. If I'm totally honest, I'm getting it mostly for the molded red fast packs. If the quality of the valk itself is lacking, I've got a few of the unbuilt VF-1 kits I could make into a full Jetfire.
  12. Probably a side effect of scaling down something meant for 1/60 scale. The plastic is going to be a lot thinner overall.
  13. Ooof. I've got two or three with this same issue to varying degrees. Root of the problem is that something isn't right with the inner tooth that is supposed to be catching on the ridges of the extension, and providing the ratcheting clicks. One of my VT-1s came like this out of the box (though not to that extent, mine is loose, but won't fall on its own), and one of my VF-1Js is in that state after taking a 5-foot dive off of a bookshelf from the earthquake a few years back. Unfortunately, due to Bandai's obsession with glue, we are pretty much SOL on a way to repair this sort of problem. I wish there was a way to get to it, but I tried with absolutely no luck to get into that joint on my VT-1. The lower leg is a giant glue sandwich, and you won't be able to access the upper joint without destroying it. The joint in question is sandwiched between the halves of the lower leg, which doesn't even have any visible screw covers to drill out if we wanted to. It really just sucks. I'm not actually sure what surface of the hip joint is being bitten into for the ratcheting action, but maybe adding a layer of plastic or glue or tape or something might build it up enough to engage the teeth? I really don't know. I wouldn't recommend trying anything that might damage the leg, but testing it with something like masking tape might be safe enough.
  14. Most likely just being practical at this point, because we don't have any "official" avenue to request Bandai's assistance with their own broken product, no matter whose fault it actually is. The very nature of having to rely on proxy services for these web exclusives means anything we get is already essentially second-hand, and they have absolutely no qualms about giving international purchasers the finger when we're not their "target market."
  15. So I understand why that version would be slightly more expensive. Comparing the P-Bandai price to Amazon adds $6 to the base price before shipping and tax. If the Gamlin version comes with the waterslides and extra parts, that's great. What I'm more interested in understanding is why an unpainted plastic kit of this size is reaching such an astounding price to begin with. These are not large kits by any means, and it feels like they're getting priced equivalent to your typical 1/100 Gundam kit, when the amount of material and parts in these feel more like they should be in the 1/144 category. I'm not terribly familiar with the current standards for 1/100 and 1/144 Gundam kits, so I might be just ranting about inflation in general, but are these getting artificially inflated just purely because Bandai sees 1/100, and goes "Oh, yeah, that's our $50 category?"
  16. Yeah, my issue is that ordering through their site vs somewhere like HLJ or even Amazon is a massive price hike. The YF-21 I ordered from HLJ was a little over $30. Amazon had them for around $50, last I checked. Pricing on the P-Bandai site for Gamlin's is over $70, due to the combination of shipping, taxes, and general Bandai markup.
  17. My personal rate was 50/50, one good and one decently bent, but fixable.
  18. Are we going to have to deal with their web exclusive nonsense again for this release, or are these going to be more widely available?
  19. The actual backpack disassembly isn't something I tried, I was just able to remove the whole thing from the backplate. Unfortunately, I think the entire thing is another glue sandwich.
  20. To be fair, the DX VF-1 probably is the easiest time I've had actually disassembling any of Bandai's valks thus far (ignoring the legs of course, which are just a mass of glued parts). The backplate comes apart with five screws, and everything's pretty easy to access, letting you pull off the wings, shoulder tabs, and the entire backpack assembly, and giving you pretty good access to the arm sliders and head. It's the one time the removable leg gimmick has actually been useful to me.
  21. I think if you're careful not to press on the antenna in any way, you should be fine. If you're worried about putting pressure on it by accident, you can twist the top hinge piece around until it slides off the peg, and you'll just be left with the peg sticking out (the one that has been getting broken). Without the panel mounted to it, there's less chance to accidentally press on it, and snap that peg. And even then, if you do happen to break it, that's one of the easier fixes to perform. Just takes a steady hand and a very small drill, so you can reinforce that mounting peg with a piece of a metal pin or wire. My personal go-to material for those fixes is to cut a small segment off of a paperclip.
  22. Yeah, I'm not going to argue for that dumb sensor bulb, it's just something that Bandai left out.
  23. Honestly? I would have no trouble believing that Bandai just forgot to tell the factory workers, "Hey, this one's tails don't fold over."
  24. Random maintenance tip, for those of you who might want to tweak things. I noticed the wing hinges on one of mine were feeling whimpy, and decided to try and tighten them up. Unfortunately.. Bandai can't make anything simple, and of course I had to disassemble the entire thing to get to the wing hinges. So, unlike most of the other VF-1s I've ever owned, while the DX does have a screw through the wing hinge-post, it does not in fact have any bearing on the tightness of the wing. No, it's a solid post that goes entirely through the wing, and the wing depends on a friction ring around that post to give it any tension. I hate Bandai's engineering methodology with more of a burning passion every time I try to adjust something they've designed. So instead of tightening the screw, I took apart the entire backplate, and slipped a piece of cellophane tape around the posts under those friction rings. Tightened the wings up nicely for the moment, but who knows if that'll have any staying power over time, since we all know how completely useless all of their joints tend to become sitting in the box.
  25. You also need a spot for the upper sensor module that the free-flying Ghosts had, and the original had a swappable part for, so it's really just a complete re-mold at that point. I'm really not expecting it, but I'd probably grab a VF-0S bundle if it drops though.
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