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Everything posted by radman

  1. hasnt anyone heard of an ejector seat?
  2. Call sign Diamond Squadron! diamond squandron(not cannon fodder) = Rogue Squadron(Star Wars). But we haven't meant the pilots of Diamond? Gamlin Kinzake fly VF-17 /VF-22. I miss the VF-22
  3. After watfching episode 11 with subs, Zentraedi = Cylons.
  4. In all "seriousness", the S.M.S. remind me of the following: 1. "Private military contractors" liked the ones used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The only difference the contractors are field testing their weapons. Like the private contractors, they are former members of the government formal military. In this case they alll served with UN Spacy with the apparent exception of Luca, Mikhail, & Alto. However they are still subject to the Macross government and some how arbitrarily fit into UN Spacy command. Anything else they would be pirates or bucanneers-hence all the "pirate movie theme music". 2. Historically speaking, they are all like the priates that served the Queen, Francis Drake, or the East india Company. 3. So my fues is that S.M.S. stands for "special military service" or "selective military service".
  5. Aw shucks! Let it rip baby! This ones for Harmony Gold & Tatsunioko! Like lets rip their profits from the robo garbage they push! Seriously are still any legit copies out there?
  6. I bought my dvd through gingertoys on ebay, it was pretty good because he had all tghe anbu subs. The only thing I have to comp[ain about are the size of the fonts used in various episodes
  7. At first i was inclined to agree with the atitude of others about the ending acording to the images. But after completing the series, I felt it was a well crafted story with pyhric ending. - 30 years it takes the UN SPACY to declassift these events about a probe that could have ended it all before Space War One. - I wonder what has happened to Shin, Sara, Edgar and Mao? Did Edgar and Mao survive Space War One? We all know what happened to Roy. -And this story is about "humasn coping withcomplex relationship of technology, nature, and life itself.. Kawamori seems to throw in the usual hints of Shinto philosphy. I just there is more macross stuff on the way.
  8. "Hey is that Shin & Lasalle in the back seat!"
  9. I thought the reactive weapons were basically fusion weapons-hydrogen bombs. Now that one thinks, the US military strategic weapons are primarily nukes but there are some hydrogen bombs or warheads-clean weapons!
  10. Hey anybody see it yet, its something to tie you over until the next release of Macross Zero 4 & Macross Zero 5.
  11. I think they were a bit too late they missed the party! Besides all that Mecha, missiles, and energy weapons could be sent to Afghanistan.
  12. I have bit torrent & downloaded the codecs. Infusion & Anbu links are stating no file found? HELLLP!!! Im sorry but Im clueless!
  13. Im getting an error on the Anbu download, saying the file isnt there? Whats going on?
  14. Man Mac Zero 3 (RAW) loaded through quicktime! I get no sound or video? Anybody know what the proper codecs I have to install for quicktime or wher I can get it? HELp!!!
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